Friday, 17 February 2017

Taurus monthly horoscope for February 2017

The month of February starts with some serious love and romance. However, finances and family matters take the centre stage soon. Jupiter turns retrograde. You will need to make a successful financial plan to reach your goals. Your budget for the family should be based on priorities, you identify for them. You should be able to balance your income and expenses, and be ready for future possibilities and eventualities. If you manage your finances properly, you’ll have peace of mind. Time till 12th will be encouraging for students inclined to go abroad for higher education. They will be able to organize their thoughts, paperwork and shortlist universities with ease at this moment. Around the second week, planetary positions look favourable for businessmen. They have to keep everything running smoothly as business scales up. Get ready to strike a profitable deal. However, read all the clauses minutely before signing on the dotted line. Thankfully, progressive forces will work effectively here. So you can heave a sigh of relief as nothing untoward is expected to occur in this phase. Even under the most adverse conditions, a mentally prepared worker can achieve amazing results. In the third week, your focus may shift from investments and budgets, to spiritual pursuits and metaphysical thoughts. You may wish to link the disciplines of faith to your most compelling desires. But, no matter how determined you get to sustain your effort and will here, compulsions to attend other relevant matters may push you to act decisively. The end of February will ring in auspicious times. Businessmen and professionals will see their prospects improving. According to the planets, this also seems like a good phase to give vent to all you pent up anxiety and stress. Do relax and party. Or, revive old contacts and socialize to your heart’s content.
Business horoscope-It will be a very favorable period for both businessmen and professionals. You will make encouraging gains by your deals with customers. Your increase in production will see a noticeable increase in your turnover. Refrain from unethical means of making quick money as it can mar your reputation in no time. You will meet a worthy customer after which your production will increase by leaps and bounds. Those in employment must remain focused on tasks assigned. Refrain from making any mistakes. Rather bring about a change in your way of working. You will be motivated to do your best.
Finance related-With the influence of Jupiter, you will be comfortable in monetary matters. Initially, the stray income that you have been getting will increase in its value. You will not be in a strong financial condition. Handle money matters intelligently. You do not want to lose the little gain that you have had. Invest keeping the long term in view. Avoid investments in short term higher returns as it can be risky. Though you will be tempted to design some shortcuts to earn money in a short period, you must not fall prey to your own ideas. It will backfire.
Health- You will be sailing in the best of your health as no major threat is seen this month. Only those having diabetes will have to follow a strict diet as you will be tempted to overboard your diet. You are advised to consume fewer calories. Along with your insulin also take alternative thereby for greater relief. If prone to digestive disorders, you will have to be watchful about your faulty eating habits. Doing yoga or meditation can give you some health benefits. Make sure you monitor your health closely and keep things in control.

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