Mental or mood disorders are brain disease. Vinas Ashrcyjnk growth factor in the brain of a person's world. Indian scholars believe that the brain's stability, happiness and even the same person in the state is a positive development. Pleasure of the mind or the mind is the rise in developed acute mental confusion, anxiety, depression is so adverse impact on growth. But astrology can be known by calculating psychiatry. Gotk ascendant according to astrological calculations and third place in the brain is the factor of mind. A native of the coil if the Ascendant, or third place Lgnesh Tritiyes sixth, eighth or Barhwa psychiatric or cruel planets are likely to be exposed to the native. Viseshkr brutal sun or moon and planets beset Cuaki anywhere maybe even psychiatric factors in mind, the Sun Moon Spirit. Tue Tue anger factor planet beset by so if these native trend in psychiatry is grumpy. Similarly, when beset by Rahu Kalpanasil, according to various planets in the person's behavior may differ madness. Many times because of psychiatric insomnia, nightmares come care, vision or negative attitudes towards people, hysteria, etc. of Nse appears. Dwads Pancmesh in the eighth or even symptoms of mental illness. Psychiatric measures to mitigate the planet peace should be to strengthen the mind
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