Showing posts with label supersticious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supersticious. Show all posts

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Supersticious Belief of Kuldhara village

Image result for village cartoon

Some superstitious beliefs.The traditional,rituals,beliefs are very amazing. Many faiths and values seems to be mysterious. In many provinces with the diversity of languages and traditions have many strangeness. Like this full of strangeness there is one village in Rajasthan in Jaisalmer district called "Kuldhara". This village was deserted since last 170 years. Thousands of villager of kuldhara evacuated in one night during their going they had given a curse on that village that from now no one will live here.From that time this village has been deserted.
It is said that village was occupied by some unknown forces, many years back in this village many people are residing here but now this village has been transformed into shambles today. Those visitors who visit that village they hear the sound of paliwal brahmins.This make feel them that someone was there. There was a sound of market, sound of talking ladies,bangles sound, this all make the environment of the village fear.Now the government had make a gate in the outskirts of the village where soilder were roaming there in day but no one have a guts to cross the gates at night.
Construction of the village was done Scientifically
Kuldhara village was situated near about 18km from the Jaisalmer. This is community of paliwal in which 84 villages were there among them kuldhara is one of them. In the year 1291 the rich and hardworking paliwal bramins 600 familes settled here. This village was made so scientifically that the texture of stone does not feel them the hot whether of outside.If the outside temprature is 45 degrees in summer but if you enter their house you will feel cold. In the village all homes were connected through vents so that they can send their things so easily. Water pool,stare case were so amazing in their homes.
Palatal's are brahmin but even though they were very entrepreneurial community.Their skills,guts,diligence remain unbroken as they had grown gold on that sandy soil. Surprisingly they had thought of farming in land of soil. The secret behind the paliwal's prosperity is farming only. Analyzing the gypsum land and they settled there due to their scientific thinking and the use of modern technology they get success at that time.
Paliwal community was dependent on farming and raising cattle and live very proudly. Layer of gypsm stop water to absorbed into the ground by this water they do farming.Paliwal's this technique of water management made Thar desert as an extensive desert with the human and cattle population. Paliwal had developed a special technique of water management where water was not in sand but it was collected some where which is the factor of prosperity of them.
The Story behind this ruined village:
This developed village get ruined, the reason behind is, there is one diwan called "Salam singh" who have a keen watch on a beautiful girl of a village.He was so much crazy for the girl that he only wants her. He started pressuring brahmins. And he sent a message to the girl's house that till the next full moon if they didn't give the girl to him he will attack village and he will took her away. This was a very difficult time for the village.If they save their village or that girl.To discuss on this whole 84 village panchayats get collected in the temple and decided that they will not give girl to diwan if anything can be happened also.
What was then, the villagers decided to evacuate the village and disappeared overnight from the village. During they were going they cursed on the village that no one could reside in these homes.Today also the condition of village was same as like many years back they left.
The effect of curse of paliwal brahmins is seen today also. According to the local residents of Jaisalmer some families were trying to settle there but they could not succeed.Local people also tells that some people goes there but they didn't come back till now. What happened to them no one knows,no one knows where they went.
Tourists came here in trying that to find gold which was buried into the ground.According to historians the whole property of paliwal brahmins gold,silver,diamond were suppressed into the ground. That was the reason that people who came there they started digging the ground with the hope that the gold diamond will get them.The village is still inscribed in some places.
Remains of ancient temple in Kuldhara:
Some people from Delhi Paranormal society came there to research their team spent one complete night there.That team also believes that there is something abnormal there. A member of the team also several times realized that in night someone hand on his shoulders ut when he looked back nobody was there. They have a device called "Ghost box" by using this they ask questions from the ghost. In kuldhara some ghost had tell their names.When they return after travelling kuldhara then they had seen the finger prints of some children on the window mirror but nearby no one was there.Thus a well settled village get ruined due an unknown reason, the reality is mystery till now.

Pt.P.S Tripathi
Mobile no-9893363928,9424225005
Landline no-0771-4035992,4050500
Feel Free to ask any questions in

Saturday, 23 May 2015

तमिलनाडु का भूतिया सुसाईड प्वाईंट

मित्रो आज हम भारत कीं एक ऐसी जगह के बारे में बता रहे हैं जहां मौतों का सिलसिला चलता है। तमिलनाडु के डिंडीगुल जिले मेंत  कोदैक्नल नाम का एक शहर है जो कि सुसाइड प्वाईंट के नाम से कुख्यात है। इस जगह को एशिया के 10 सुसाइड प्वाईंट में से एक माना जाता है। इस जगह पर हमेशा लोग एक नेगेटिव एनर्जी महसूस करते हैं। यहां पर कई लोग अपनी इच्छा से या दुर्घटना वश मारे गये हैं। स्थानीय लोगों का मानना है कि कोई अदृश्य ताकइन लोगों को पहाड़ी के नीचे धक्का देती है।
इस 6000 फीट नीचे पहाडी की घाटी में केवल दो जनो के अलावा कोई नहीं जाता। वो दोनों स्थानीय लोग हैं जिनको मरे हुए लोगों की लाशों को पहाड़ी से ऊपर चढाना होता है। जब इन दोनों ने एक टीवी चैनल के इंटरव्यू में बताया कि जब वो लाशें लेनेे के लिए पहाड़ी की गहराई में उतरते हैं तो शराब पीकर जाते हैं क्योंकि वहां लाशों की हालत देखकर आपको उल्टी हो जायेगी। किसी का पेट पिचक गया और किसी के आँख और कान बिखरे गए हैंं। वो दोनों इस पहाड़ी के तल में जाने से पहले पूजा करते हैं और जाते वक्त अपने साथ नीबू ले जाते हैं जिससे वो आत्माओं से बचे रहें। उनका कहना है कि जब वो लाशों को बोरी में भरकर कंघे पर उठाकर लाते हैं तो उनको उठाना बड़ा मुश्किल होता है। वो दोनों कभी रात को घाटी में नहीं रुकते हैं क्योंकि रात को वहां अजीबोगरीब चीखने चिल्ताने की आवाज सुनाई देती है। अब चाहे यह सच हो या अंधविश्वास, मौतों का सिलसिला तो यहां आज भी बदस्तूर जारी है।

Mobile No.-9424225005,9893363928
Landline No.-0771-4035992,4050500
Fell free to ask questions