Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Pisces monthly horoscope for september 2016

General-Handling finances and friendships shall remain a running theme, through the month. Union of Mars and Saturn assures success at the beginning, provided there is effort in due measure. Saturn has an aversion to the ones not willing to take their task seriously. Mars having aspect over your Sign, however, may make you impatient and assertive. Well, trouble brews – no wonder. Relationships may not take kindly to your aggressiveness, remember! Do listen to your well-wishers’ advice, especially at your work place. Yes, knowing the difference between a friend and a foe will help here. Plus, Mars in company of Saturn may make your financial position shaky. Handle money matters wisely and not be driven by emotions. Financial troubles may get better soon, specifically when Jupiter moves to Libra. But, refrain from taking a loan, as yet. Jupiter in the 8th House from your Sign will not be a very favourable position. It indicates losses too. Since this is a long-term position, you will need to take care. Coming together of Mercury, Sun and Rahu may bring discord in your marital or committed love life. Ones in business too may be stressed about a conflict of interest with their partner. In the 2nd week, when Sun transits in company of Rahu, and also gets influenced by Saturn, you may face health troubles. Be careful. Things, happily, look set to get better in the month’s latter half. The exalted Mars will keep you joyful and amiable. Partying and socialising are also likely. Love looks set to blossom too. But, stars don’t portend well for the married folks. Issues brewing since long may not let you relax. However, once Mercury turns direct, things may get better in the home domain. Towards month-end, when Venus moves through the 9th House from your Sign, you can expect the progressive forces to work effectively in your favour. In all probability, your circumstances will get favourable, opportunities will strengthen and financial status will improve. But, health may remain bothersome. Consult a doctor, and take rest, when/ if advised.
Solutions-Work hard to achieve what you have set out to. Results will take time, but carry on patiently. Disturbances in day-to day affairs may assail you – well, when much can’t be done about the external situations, it’s best to go with the flow and remain centred. Do that! Be careful, while making any financial transactions/ commitments. Do not get lured by anything – carry out proper checks, be it about a job, investment, person or a travel opportunity. Health needs care.
Business and career-If doing business in partnership, differences with partner over deciding priorities are to keep you stressed. Handle this tactfully to persuade your partner. You need to raise your targets, and make serious efforts to increase turnover and profits. Ones doing job are to be constantly under pressure to perform more efficiently. Ensure that you get enough rest, or else fatigue may catch up with you and you may fall sick.
Economic condition- Rise in personal expenses are unlikely to leave much for savings. You may tend to take decisions about financial matters impulsively. You need to mark out your priorities after due deliberations and spend money accordingly. Set aside some funds for unexpected expenses. You are cautioned against incurring debt for now, as Jupiter is stationed in the 8th House. If children demand some high-end gadget, try to persuade them to settle for a mid-range one.
Health- Problems related to digestive system are to keep you worried. Consult a specialist to prescribe measures to keep digestive system in order. Ones having pulmonary kind of problems need to be much careful, and should avoid visiting polluted areas. Ones suffering from persistent ailments should not neglect medications. If you are addicted to some harmful substances, it is advisable you to give up the habit immediately.

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