General- In the month of September, financial welfare could be a key concern for natives of Taurus. At the beginning, times are not so good. Debilitated Moon transiting through the 7th House looks inauspicious for married couples. There may not be the mutual feeling of togetherness in your marriage now. The ruler of the 7th House (from your Sign), Mars, is uncomfortable in the company of Saturn, in the 8th House from your Sign. Saturn, anyway, in this position brews discontent. This despair has the potential to wreak havoc, if the negativity it generated now is not channelized properly. You may even get depressed and irrational. In view of this, make it a habit to turn negative thoughts to more constructive ones. Around 10th, Jupiter becomes direct in motion. Now progressive forces will become strong. In the second week, businessmen and professionals may get encouraging opportunities. Job holders who are keen to excel will also be supported by Jupiter. You may incur expenses on a religious ceremony arranged by your family. You will also be able to make organized efforts to achieve desired results, in this phase. Good health is foreseen in the coming days. In the new fortnight, several planetary changes happen. Moon becomes exalted in your Sign, around 15th. This helps you be your usual self, joyful and compassionate. Mercury plays an important role in your financial welfare. Mercury becomes direct in motion around 17th. Positive vibes will follow, as a result. Chances of business growing vertically and earnings increasing are high. Over the weekend of the 3rd week, the ruler of your Sign, Venus, leaves its own Sign, Libra, to enter Scorpio, forming an Opposition aspect to your Sun Sign. This may make you more passionate. You may wish to enjoy sensual pleasures. Don’t go the illicit way, though. As the month end approaches, avoid starting anything new. There is also a possibility of increase in expenses on personal indulgences and habits. This could be due to Mars exerting influence over the 12th House (indicative of expenses) from your Sign. Married folks will be harried around this time, owing to a sudden display of assertiveness by their partner. Breathe!
Solution- You may be unsatisfied with the way things have been going on. Well, channelize this negativity to something creative, positive and constructive. Remain persistent in your efforts – for whatever you wish to achieve. Mid-month, refrain from lending money, especially if that person is a close relation/ friend. Married life/ committed love life remains tense – you will have to keep all the patience and tact to steer the situation out of this mess. Financial transactions should be carried out with utmost care.
Career and Prosperity-If doing business, you may now put in action your plans for achieving higher growth. If doing business in partnership, ensure that you maintain cordial relations with your partner. Ones doing job are now going to be able to perform with improved efficiency. The workload on you is likely to increase, but you are capable enough to deal with it. You will also have cordial relations with colleagues, who will lend you the support you need in finishing your tasks.
Financial and money- This month is the time when you are likely to have encouraging monetary gains. Here, Sun enters airy Sign Libra, sixth from your Sign. Sun gets debilitated in Libra. You may need to lend money to a friend or close relative. However, you will have to ensure that the money is returned as agreed. If possible avoid doing so, otherwise you may not get it back in time. Instead, try to save up for the rainy day.
Health- You need to remain careful about health here. Diabetics need to have regular check-up to remain aware about fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Severe tooth-ache is to keep you worried. Meet your dentist to fix the problem. Elderly people need to be very careful while indulging in physical activities. You would do well to take long walks in the mornings and evenings to stay fit.
Solution- You may be unsatisfied with the way things have been going on. Well, channelize this negativity to something creative, positive and constructive. Remain persistent in your efforts – for whatever you wish to achieve. Mid-month, refrain from lending money, especially if that person is a close relation/ friend. Married life/ committed love life remains tense – you will have to keep all the patience and tact to steer the situation out of this mess. Financial transactions should be carried out with utmost care.
Career and Prosperity-If doing business, you may now put in action your plans for achieving higher growth. If doing business in partnership, ensure that you maintain cordial relations with your partner. Ones doing job are now going to be able to perform with improved efficiency. The workload on you is likely to increase, but you are capable enough to deal with it. You will also have cordial relations with colleagues, who will lend you the support you need in finishing your tasks.
Financial and money- This month is the time when you are likely to have encouraging monetary gains. Here, Sun enters airy Sign Libra, sixth from your Sign. Sun gets debilitated in Libra. You may need to lend money to a friend or close relative. However, you will have to ensure that the money is returned as agreed. If possible avoid doing so, otherwise you may not get it back in time. Instead, try to save up for the rainy day.
Health- You need to remain careful about health here. Diabetics need to have regular check-up to remain aware about fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Severe tooth-ache is to keep you worried. Meet your dentist to fix the problem. Elderly people need to be very careful while indulging in physical activities. You would do well to take long walks in the mornings and evenings to stay fit.
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