Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Astrological aspects for becoming a Good Journalists

There are many kinds of professions in the world. Some are involved in managing wealth, others in catering to guests for a fee, others with creating new products, and so on. In this article we will discuss another very important profession that deals with distributing information. That of a journalist.
In a journalist's profession the Astrologer must acknowledge the influence of goddess Saraswati instead of goddess Lakshmi. In this field the person should know the art of using attractive words and have good writing skills.
Journalist has a talent to change a drop into an ocean, he has the ability to cause a revolution. With the the grace of Goddess Saraswati journalists acquires the ability to mold their words into pearls or as burning coal. The person who is expert in this art will obtain fame, respect as well as popularity.
Mercury is considered the significator of pen and Mars of ink in Astrology. The combination of both the planets, bring the person into the profession of writing. Mercury plays a vital role in the birth-chart of Journalists. Mercury is fickle, unsteady and an influential planet which reacts quickly. When the influence of Mercury, combines with the influence of Jupiter in the birth-chart then it create an auspicious Yoga. The person who is in the profession of Journalist will also have the influence of the sixth house in his birth-chart.
1. Houses in horoscope: Third, Fifth and the Tenth House
The third house is the house of communication in the birth-chart. This house reflects the art of speaking. The third house gives information regarding all the instruments of communication such as television, newspaper and etc. Along with education, the fifth house also give the person an ability to speak artistically. The tenth house is the house of occupation. If three of them have positive influences, the person will achieve success in the field of journalism.
2. Planets: Mercury, Mars and Jupiter
Mercury is the main planet of expression and communication. Combination of Mars and Mercury is similar to the combination of pen and ink, a person who will get this combination in his birth-chart will publish his articles. The Influence of Jupiter makes the person knowledgeable. Jupiter is also responsible for money and fame. Therefore, if it is placed in the auspicious house and have an auspicious effect then the person will achieve both the qualities.
3. Planet: Venus, Rahu, Saturn or Jupiter
The direction of journalism is determined according to the nature of Amatyakaarak, such as:-
If Venus is the Amatyakaarak planet and Moon influences Venus then the person will get into the field of visual media in journalism because Venus is a planet associated with visual media. In that case if the person tries his luck behind the camera or in any channel on Television then he will get into scriptwriting in films or television channels.
The influence of Rahu, Saturn and Jupiter on Amatyakaarak helps a person become a journalist. If Saturn or Jupiter is a Amatyakaarak planet or has their influence on it, then the person will be associated with the field of print media. Mercury and Mars should form a relationship with Amatyakaarak in the birth-chart for good results.
4. Navmansh Kundali and Dashmansh Kundali:
Yogas formed in the birth-chart should be reviewed in the Navamsh Kundali because to determine the field of occupation only through the analysis of birth-chart, will be called carelessness. Therefore, to review his decisions and analysis Astrologers should also study Navamsh Kundali.
Dashmansh Kundali is considered to study deeply the matters related to occupation. If out of three charts, any two indicate that he will earn his income from the field of journalism, then it will be confirmed that he will reap definite benefits and fame from this field.
5. Directions and Transit:
The Yogas in the birth-chart give appropriate results when the Planets and house associated with their occupation form a relationship with the periods in the age of his livelihood. The influence of the double transit on the tenth house/lord is mandatory.
6. Other Yogas:
In the birth-chart of successful journalists, the third house should be in a strong position. It will be auspicious for the journalist if the planets associated with the field of journalism form a relationship with the third house in large number. The planet of Amatyakaarak is strong in the person's birth-chart the person will reach towards success in this profession accordingly.

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