Saturday, 3 December 2016

Cancer monthly horoscope for december 2016

For natives of Cancer Zodiac, December commences with a strong desire to gallop ahead towards success. So eager you might be to achieve your goals that you may contemplate changing your current strategy and experimenting with some innovative ideas. However, the lady luck has some other plans. In view of this, go with the flow to achieve desired results. In the first week, Venus enters Aquarius to connect with Mars. This union of Mars and Venus could further heighten your ambitions. You will need to work hard and be absolutely focused. In the second week, the stars continue to shower their blessings. Some good opportunity for monetary gains is likely to come up. Businessmen and professionals might negotiate few fruitful deals. For job holders, their commitment and willingness to take on additional responsibilities could bear rich dividend. By mid-month, the area that you will need to actively concentrate will be communications. With Mercury turning retrograde, there are chances of your floundering here. ack of effective communication could create misunderstandings and hurt relationships. With Mars shifting to Pisces, your success rate could increase. Financially, there will be an improvement. Young singles wishing for romance will be favoured by the planetary positions, in the 2nd fortnight. Unfortunately, married folks shall be glum due to the non-cooperative behaviour of their partner. Health too could get a bit bothersome, during this phase. Those with respiratory problems need to be on their guard. By the month end, those in business shall stand to gain substantially. There will be enough opportunities for growth. However, with Mercury still retrograde, refrain from launching new products or projects. As you are more relaxed on the financial front, you will gladly increase your family budget. The only issue that may leave a sour taste in your mouth here could be a disagreement with a close relative. But, overall, December looks like a good period for you.
Career and business -This is a very favourable month for businessmen and professionals. The union of Mars and Venus will take you to greater heights. Use these planetary positions to strike great deals. Jupiter will continue to support you in your negotiations with customers and clients. Financially you will benefit from your deals. Those employed will have to work harder to make their efforts visible. You may be called upon to do the work of your colleagues; hence there will multi-faceted work in store for you. As the month progresses, your hard work will pay off and you will do very well.
Finance-With Sun getting afflicted by wily Saturn, refrain from taking any major financial involvement for now. This is not a favourable time for any financial commitments. There might be some financial loss and problems. Be careful about your savings. After the first fortnight, the Sun shifts into Capricorn. This is a positive time for money matters which will improve. You will be better off financially. You will be in a position to spend money for your household. However, be judicious while splurging your income.
Health issues- Health wise it’s a trying time for you. Old health problems may come back and trouble you for some time. Avoid negligence and act promptly. Seek the medical advice of a specialist. Those suffering from respiratory problems must take care. Take precautionary measures to keep asthma at bay. Other than common ailments there is nothing major that will bother you. You are advised to try alternative medicine to combat the issues. As the month progresses, your planets will support your health and you will enjoy better health.

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