Friday, 10 March 2017

Libra March 2017 Monthly Horoscope Prediction

Change may be on your mind, as the month begins. But, don’t let this take away your focus from the tasks at hand. An old contact may get in touch with you, on the 5th. Health remains fragile, so be careful. From 6th, planetary positions portend busier times ahead. The influence of Mars will keep you energized, pushing you to work tirelessly. Under this cosmic vibe, you may be strong in your views. Take care not to hurt the sentiments of people around you. Despite the force and vigour, you may still not feel happy with your job. On the personal front, it would be better to go slow in matters of new relationships, as Jupiter is retrograde at the moment. 13th and 14th will be busy days, with not much happening, in the real sense. There is, possibly, a looming deadline that’s taking away your sunshine. Wind it up soon! In your hurry to do everything, though, don’t neglect your health or your loved ones. Some cheerful moments with kids or loved ones will rejuvenate you. Going to the gym, attending a Zumba class or taking a dip in the pool are other great ideas for rejuvenation. On 17th, you may be packing you bags for a work/ business related travel trip. Afflicted Sun in the 6th House from your Sign is indicative of some health issue at this time. Stay guarded. 20th through 23rd will be days dedicated to work/ business and worldly pursuits. You may be keen to explore new territories. Do verify and check credentials of new customers, prior to extending goods on credit. 25th and 26th are good date night options. There may not be much intimacy in married love, though. 27th brings a fresh dose of energy and enthusiasm. Use this to restore happiness in marital domain. Student desiring to go abroad for higher studies shall receive support from current planetary positions. Some of the professionals may decide to take a study break in their career.
Career Aspects-Planetary positions here portend heavy schedule for both business persons and professionals. Too much of work will keep you on your toes. Fortunately, you will have the energy to meet the demands of the work, as your planets will take on that responsibility. You will work tirelessly. A lot of travel is in store for both businessmen and professionals. Those employed will have newer challenges and you will be able to prove your ability by completing the tasks assigned to you. Those not happy with their current position in the office must look out for greener pastures.
Finance issues-You may have to spend money and have no options in this. As you will have enough monetary gains, you will not have any financial crises. Make a list of the things, you really need to spend on. Keep the budget for shopping fixed. Your financial condition will be strong enough to keep you happy. This is because of the good investments you had made earlier. All your returns are now proving to be beneficial. Later you will also make more monetary gains by selling some old movable assets. Keep some of the money gained in this for the future by investing it.
Health issues-Sun being afflicted by malefic and posited in the sixth house, increases the possibility of falling ill. Those prone to catching infection will now have to remain careful and take preventive measures. Take the advice of a good physician who will be able to cure you fast. Those prone to respiratory disorders will also have to take care that you don’t fall ill. Looking at planetary positions, diabetic needs to follow the diet advised by a physician. Follow your diet and medication religiously. There is a possibility of already cured old health issue staging a comeback.

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