Friday, 17 March 2017

Wearing Blue Sapphire gives "Rajyog"

Neelam is the precious stone of Saturn (Shani). There are lots of apprehensions in the minds of people about Saturn and about wearing Neelam stone to enhance their fortunes. It is a known fact that Saturn is the Kingmaker Planet and if it is suitably placed on the chart as your Yogakarak Planet, then it can bestow lots of bounty on the native.
Saturn is related to the field of technology and research. It helps the native to understand the behavior and attitude of others with ease. There is no doubt that Saturn is also the cause of great sorrows and delays in many good things in life, but when it is supportive in the natal chart then it promises magical results. Wearing Neelam stone helps one in unfolding one’s mind and assists the native to take up the work with the peaceful and structured mind. Wearing Neelam also helps in increasing the work efficiency.
Neelam provides the person with farsightedness and helps native to overcome the challenges in personal and professional fields. It also helps native to overcome enemies with ease. A fabulous placement of Saturn in the chart along with wearing of Neelam would bring joy, progress, and ascendance in life.It is always advised that Neelam should be worn only after consultation with a good astrologer. If Saturn is not rightly placed in your horoscope then wearing of Neelam may result into. Pain in body and particularly in limbs (Lower and upper both),Native will take wrong or confused decisions, Difficulties in life will increase,One may meet with some accident,One may face financial difficulties, It may create hindrance in job and personal life, One may have an irritating nature, Late sleeping and waking up, Your vehicles might need repairs quite often, Bad dreams and laziness So, it is advisable that one should get one’s horoscope thoroughly checked before one wears the Neelam stone.

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