Monday, 17 April 2017

Cancer Monthly Horoscope 2017

At the beginning of the month, the exalted Sun in the 10th House from your Sign and Moon in its own Sign are good indicators of good times ahead. Progress and financial gains are likely. Nonetheless, Cancerians, brace yourself for April. You may encounter challenges and demanding situations with some inauspicious planetary changes taking place off and on through the month. While the beginning may be good, disappointments start piling up as the weeks roll by. The coming together of exalted Sun in the Tenth House and Moon in own Sign portends good times for you in terms of growth and financial gains. The 3rd, 4th and 6th of April may be lucky. As the month moves forward, with two new benefices, Venus and Saturn, in retrograde your stumbling blocks are going to be many. Your day to day activities may not unfold as desired. Your plans may go awry. Your schedules may collapse unexpectedly. With Mars in the Eleventh House, even some of your relationships may not be happy with no commitment and no promises. Keep a safe distance from acquaintances not doing anything constructive. But don’t stress. The Full Moon blazing at the end of the first fortnight around 12th, 13th and 15th will shower its blessings on you, and guide you through with its brightness. A long time crucial relationship could take a turn for the good. Keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best. Those retrograde Saturn could make the task a bit difficult. Try to resolve differences and extend the arm of amity. Around the second fortnight of April, mighty Sun leaves its Sign of exaltation and shifts into fixed earth Sign Taurus. This may be a conducive phase, particularly for students. Their focus and concentration will improve considerably now. Businessmen, too, can expect surge in sales. Retailers can also look forward to gainful times. Nevertheless, refrain from taking any major financial decisions. Plan finances with a long term view. 
Career and Business- Planetary positions portend encouraging time for businesspersons to march ahead in their growth. You will be presented with excellent opportunities to increase your sales and thereby make huge profits. Be patient if the results are not visible soon. Those dealing with branded and luxury goods will strike a big deal with a high worthy customer. Those who are employed will have challenging times ahead at the workplace. This is due to last minute assignments and extended hours of work. You will find yourself extremely busy.
Money and Finance- Exalted Sun in the tenth house and Moon in own sign; will welcome a fortunate month as far as money is concerned. Exalted Sun in the tenth house is indicative of a strong financial position. Although you will not benefit from huge monetary gains, it will be a comfortable month for you. You must reschedule any decision related to major financial involvement. Steer clear of taking risky venture. Handle all matters associated with money very cautiously. Towards the end of the month, you may face a shortage of money.
Health Issues- This month your planetary positions are not very supportive as far as your health is concerned. All possibilities of an age-old malady to strike back are strong. You must remain attentive for any symptoms and at once consult your doctor. Further taking precautionary measures will help to root out the issues at the preliminary stage. Try alternative medication for instant relief. Consult a doctor to get rid of the issue for good. Follow a healthy diet and exercise. Yoga and meditation will also bring mental peace.

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