Monday, 17 April 2017

Leo Monthly Horoscope April 2017

Be on your guard in April, Leo. It may not be a smooth cruise for you all through the month. There may be win-win situations, alongside hard knocks. So be forewarned, especially as far as relationships are concerned. Thankfully, the start is good. From 4th April, the lovely Venus enters that psychic, spiritual, intuitive watery Sign Pisces. Venus gets exalted in Pisces. This represents great growth and many exciting opportunities for you. Around midweek, wily Saturn turns retrograde. Saturn turning retrograde can slow down pace of work. You may need to work for extended hours to complete your assignments and meet deadlines. Finally, when you feel you have worked hard and want to move ahead, another hold-up happens with crafty Mercury turning retrograde. Emotions may run high now. You may get dismayed for not being able to strike the right cord in with an important person. It is better to be calm and composed when dealing with a challenging situation. With the ruler of your Sign Sun being exalted, people will rally behind you and help your cause. Planet favoring big ticket deals, Venus, becomes direct in motion by the end of the second week, will empower you with clarity of thought. Lucky days are 10, 11 and 14. Exalted Venus together with exalted Sun will usher in bountiful times. Businessmen and professionals are likely to come close to striking lucrative transactions. But the expression; ‘There is many a slip between the cup and the lip’, may just apply here, unfortunately. Many things may go wrong before a task is completed. In your case, there may be disruptions and you may not be able to perform effectively. Alas! With Mercury still in retrograde mode, no fresh investments should be made, for now. In the new fortnight, many planets are abuzz with activity and cast their influence. There is mighty Sun, retrograde Mercury, earthly Taurus, dual-natured Gemini. At the end of April, Venus reenters fiery cardinal Sign Aries and gets stationed in the 9th House, concerned with fortune and luck in general. Happy days seem round the corner. 
Career and Business- Exaltation of Venus heralds good ties for those having a business. A major undertaking will benefit you in the long run. Your graph will show pitch in your sales. There will, however, be some delay in negotiating deals with new customers. You will no doubt have to work harder for achieving the targets. Those employed will have challenging times ahead at work. You will get bogged down with high demands and deadlines for submission of work. Be careful while working on the computer. Avoid mistakes and omissions that can cause embarrassment.
Money and Finances-  Venus becomes exalted this month and this heralds good news for you. Financially you will prosper as monetary gains come your way. However, with two malefic influencing the second house, handle matters related to finance carefully. During mid-month, your finances can dry up. This is due to the position of planets. There will be postponement in the flow of money which can cause a setback to your work. To be on the safer side, identify your priorities about monetary requirements and then spend money accordingly.

Health Issues- Ruler of your sign Venus, being exalted you will have no major worries this month. Most of you will have an energetic and robust month. Those prone to acidity will have to be careful of their diet. Taking antacids can bring relief. Avoid late night dinner and frequently eating out. Stretching exercise can bring some relief. If working with machines be careful as there are chances of getting physically injured. Also be watchful if you drive to work. Respiratory illness can also be a cause of concern to those who are asthmatic.

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