Sunday, 17 July 2016

Rahu and ketu its astrological spirituality

Western view of Rahu/Ketu : It is well known in Western Astrology that the North Node of the Moon (Rahu) represents a spiritual target, soul’s mission to accomplish in this life. It is the direction of evolution. It is therefore spiritual.
The South Node of the Moon (Ketu), on the other hand represents an accumulation of experiences from past lives, a charted territory that we are familiar with and find it attractive and there is the tendency of sticking to it and refusing the evolution through new experiences and challenges. It is therefore considered materialistic.
Vedic Astrology on Rahu & Ketu : The Vedic Astrology has very different view on things: it considers as materialistic the North Node (Rahu) which is mitologically associated with the dragon’s huge head, breathing fire through its nostrils, and using its wide, open mouth to eat voraciously, gobble and control. Disconnected from the rest of its body, the dragon’s head, or North Node, obviously has no mechanism for feeling (heart), digesting (stomach), or eliminating (colon), thus holding on to everything as tightly as it can. With a propensity for devouring everything in sight, Rahu is materialistic, greedy, potentially ruthless, controlling, and manipulative.
On the other hand, the South Node (Ketu) is highly inspiring and creative, but it can be equally destructive and obliterating. As the dragon’s tail without the head, the South Node desires total freedom, and yet there is no conscience, nor is there any logic or reasoning power. At its best, it is highly instinctual, sensual, creative and spiritual.
The necessary reconciliation for Rahu & Ketu : Can these two different views be conciliated ? In reaching this ideal, it is important to remind the two philosophic and religious backgrounds that generated these differences in understanding the same astrological elements: the Western civilization, under the influence of the Christianity consideres as spiritual the higher impulses of a person, and in its aspiration to the Divinity rejects the sexuality or the material prosperity. That’s why the chastity is so highly valued by the priests and monks, that’s why the angels are represented always as children without a defined sex. On the other hand, the Oriental world, valued as spiritual the family, the sexual instincts considering them as a path to the higher states of counsciousness and ultimately to the Divinity. Think of the refined and complicated sexual rituals and techniques in Tantra (India) or Tao (China), think of the numerous energetic and spiritual techniques develloped for instance in China or Japan (Tai Chi, the martial arts).
It is time to holistically understand this situation, and to harmoniously mix the two philosophies in astrology as well, as it was already done in other fields or sciences.
It is time accept ourselves as spiritual beings with both instincts Ketu and intentions Rahu, to accept that the Rahu Ketu can be equally spiritualising and helpful for an overall evolution of our being.
It is time to practice both a spiritual sexuality and to learn to trust our higher instincts and intuition, while still being focused on realising spiritual or material objectives, transforming the world and the self.
This is the true spirit. We should consider as spiritual both Rahu and Ketu each one with its own wonderful features.

Panch Sutras

Prasna Marga is an exhaustive treatise on various aspects of Horary Astrology. This Sastra was written in 1649 A.D. at a place called Edakad in Kerala. This sastra was written taking data from the ancient sources. This sastra not only covers the entire range of Astrology such as Jataka, Muhurta, parihara but also nimittas and Mantra Sastra. This sastra is very popular in Kerala by name Asta Mangala Prasna. Several methods were given in this sastra to forecast the result of the prasna. One such important method is based on Five Principles. Five Sutras Method : As usual rasi chakra known as prasnachakra is cast, based on the time of the question. Rising Lagna is also decided along with the positions of the various grahas. There is another lagna by name Arudha Lagna. The questioner will be asked to put his finger or some gold piece blind fold in any square of the rasichakra. That rasi is called as Arudha Lagna. From the below table, it can be learnt soon what future result of Prasna is required, Amsaka and Maha Sutras are to be considered. Samanya Sutra is decided by Arudha Rasi and Lagna Rasi in Prasna Chakra. Adhipati Sutra is decided by the Lords of Arudha Rasi and Lagna Rasi. Amsaka Sutra is decided by the Lagna Navamsa Rasi and Arudha Navamsa Rasi. Nakshatra sutra is decided by the Janma Nakshatra of the questioner and the rising lagna Nakshatra at the time of question. Maha Sutra is decided by the Arudha Rasi and the 10th rasi from it. Again these sutras are resolved into Jeeva, Mritya and Roga Sutras as detailed below . Method of Arriving Jeeva, Roga and Mrityu Sutras 1. For Samanya and Amsaka Sutras : For Samanya Sutra, Arudha Lagna and rising lagna rasis are considered. For Amsaka Sutra, Navamsa rasis of Arudha and rising lagnas are considered. The method of deciding the Jeeva/Mrityu/Roga Sutras is given in the following Table: 2. For Adhipati Sutras : The lords of Arudha and Lagna rasis are considered. a. If the Lords of rising lagna and Arudha lagna are the same or Mutual friends, then it is Jeeva Sutra. b. If they are neutral, then it is Roga Sutra. c. If they are enemies, then it is Mrityu Sutra. 3. For nakshatra Sutra : The Janma Nakshatra of the questioner and the prasna lagna nakshatra are considered. Count from rising lagna Nakshatra to Janma Nakshatra and divide it by 3. a.If the remainder is 1, then it is Jeeva Sutra. b.If the remainder is 2, then it is Roga Sutra. c.If the remainder is 0 then it is Mrityu Sutra. 4. For Maha Sutra : Arudha Rasi and 10th Rasi from it are considered. a.If both the rasis are lunar signs, then it is Jeeva Sutra. b.If one rasi is lunar and the other is solar, then it is Roga Sutra. c.If both are solar signs, then it is Mrityu Sutra. Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna, Karkataka, Dhanus, Makara and Meena are lunar basis. Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrischika and Kumbha are solar rasis. 5. Results of Sutras: 1. For all questions, Jeeva Sutra confers longevity, wealth, vitality and success in all undertakings. 2. Roga Sutra gives loss of money, mental worry and ill-health. 3. Mrityu Sutra denotes increase of illness, fear, Mental Agony and failure in all undertakings. Uses of this Methods : This method is quite useful in questions regarding a particular business, career, industry, shifting to a now place, selection of business partner or life partner and new undertakings.

Different houses in astrology........

Earth is moving on its axis from West to East. If we see towards horizon, we find that signs of Zodiac rise one by one. Any particular sign of the Zodiac will reappear at the east horizon after approximately 24 hours. Ascendant is the sign of zodiac which is rising in the eastern horizon at the time of occurrence of an event. The Ascendant is also known as first house of the horoscope.
Each house of the horoscope signifies certain aspects of life which are as under:-
First House :
Body, appearance, personality, face, health, character, temperament, intellect, longevity, fortune, honour, dignity, prosperity.
Second House :
Wealth, family, speech, right eye, nail, tongue, nose, teeth, ambition, food, imagination, power of observation, jewelry, precious stones, unnatural sex, loss by cheating and violence between life partners.
Third House :
Younger brothers and sisters, cousins, relatives, neighbors, courage, firmness, valour, chest, right ear, hands, short journeys, nervous system, communication, writing – editing books, reporting to newspapers, education, intellect.
Fourth House :
Mother, conveyance, relatives, domestic environment, treasure, land, house, education, landed property, hereditary tendencies, later portion of life, hidden treasure, private love affairs, chest, interference in married life by parents-in laws and family, ornaments, clothes.
Fifth House :
Progeny, intelligence, fame, position, stomach, love affairs, pleasures, and amusements, speculation, past birth, soul, position in life, artistic talent, heart and back, proficiency in games, success in competition.
Sixth House :
Disease, debt, disputes, miseries, injuries, maternal aunt or uncle, enemies, service, food, clothes, theft, ill fame, pet animals, subordinates, tenants, waist.
Seventh House :
Spouse, personality of spouse, relations between life partners, desires, partnership, open enemies, recovery, journey, litigation, danger to life, influence in foreign countries and fame, relations between self and public, sexual or urinary disease.
Eighth House :
Longevity, kind of death, sexual organs, obstacles, accident, unearned wealth, inheritance, legacy, will, insurance, pension and gratuity, theft, robbery, worries, delay, battles, enemies, inheritance of money, mental affliction, extramarital life.
Ninth House :
Fortune, religion, character, grand parents, long journeys, grandson, devotion towards elders and god, spiritual initiation, dreams, higher education, wife’s younger brother, brother’s wife, visit to holy places, philosophy, communication with spirits.
Tenth House :
Profession, fame, power, position, authority, honour, success, status, knees, character, karmas, ambition in life, father, employers and superiors, relationship between self and superiors, success in business, promotion, recognition from government.
Eleventh House :
Gains, prosperity, fulfillment of desires, friends, elder brother, ankles, left ear, advisers, favorites, recovery of illness, expectation, son’s wife, wishes, success in undertakings.
Twelfth House :
Harm, punishment, confinement, expenditure, donations (given), marriage, work related to water resorts, vedic sacrifice, fines paid, sexual enjoyment outside wedlock, contacting sexually transmitted disease, weakness in sexual act, sleeping comforts, enjoying luxuries, loss of spouse, losses in marriage, termination of employment, separation from own people, long journeys, settlement in foreign land.


The word ‘Karkamsha’ has two components, ‘Karaka’ and ‘Amsha’. ‘Karaka’ stands for the Atma-Karaka while ‘Amsha’ indicates the Navamsha. The navamsha sign of the Atma-Karaka is the Karkamsha lagna.Of all planets, say Jaimini and Parashara, the Atma-Karaka (AK) is the ultimate controller, creater or destroyer of destiny. A Karkamsha chart is of vital importance in order to prognosticate events from the study of a horoscope. Without this chart, it may not be possible to understand a nativity clearly. Karkamsha, Ghati, Hora, Vighati charts, etc., are not mere decorative components of a horoscope. They are in fact as important as the lagna chart and must be rendered the same respect and treatment as the lagna chart. Karkamsha: Some Clarifications There has been a lot of confusion about what exactly is Karkamsha and how it must be used. This enjoins us to record the following points in order to dispel any misunderstanding about the concept of a Karkamsha chart. •A planet which is the most advanced in degrees, compared with any other planet, irrespective of the sign inhabited by it, is called the Atma-Karaka (AK). • The navamsha sign of the AK is called the Karkamsha lagna rashi. • The Karkamsha chart is the navamsha chart. The only difference is that the navamsha lagna is not considered the first house, the sign occupied by the AK is the first house in the chart. • Some astrologers have created confusion by stating that the Karkamsha sign is to be taken from the navamsha while the rest of the planets are considered as located in different signs in the birth chart. •Confusion has been created between ‘Karkamsha’ and ‘Swamsha’. It may be emphasised that both have the same meaning according to both Parashara and Jaimini. The Sanskrit words ‘Swa’ and ‘Atma’ are synonymous. •Both the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and the Jaimini Sutram have described results of different planets according to their navamasha signs only. Raja Yogas in Karkamsha Chart Raja-yogas forming in the Karkamsha chart fructify according to the strength of the AK. The AK is the basis of the Karkamsha lagna and must always be treated as a benefic. The placement of the AK in the natal chart does not seem to bear much importance but it makes a great difference in the navamsha chart where its position always coincides with the first house of the Karkamsha chart. The Raja yogas may form as follows : Karkamsha chart: Parashara states: 1. When the Sun and the Moon are placed in or aspect the tenth house, a Raja-yoga is confirmed if Jupiter (too) aspects the tenth. This is according to the dictum of the 2. Benefics in houses 2, 4 and 5 bring comforts of Raja-yoga. 3.Venus, Mars and Ketu placed in houses 1, 2, 4 and 5. 4.An equal number of planets in houses 1 and 7 exhibit Raja-yoga at an advanced age. 5. AK or his dispositor related (through association or aspect) to the Moon or Venus. 6. Benefics in houses 1 and 7. 7. AK and the Putra-Karaka (PK) conjoined or in mutual aspect. 8. Conjunction or aspect between the lagna (Karkamsha) lord and the fifth lord, with either or both of them in their debilitation, exaltation or own sign

साप्ताहिक राशिफल -17 जुलाई से 23 जुलाई, 2016

future for you astrological news sitare hamare world famous astroguru pt...

future for you astrological news sitare hamare world famous astroguru pt...

future for you astrological news sitare hamare world famous astroguru pt...

Saturday, 16 July 2016

General characterstics of each zodiac sign......

Physical Features

Middle stature, lean and muscular body, neither stout nor thick, long face and neck, broad head, mark or scar on head or temples, teeth well set, round eyes, curly hairs.


Auspicious years - 16,20, 28, 34, 41, 48, 51
Inauspicious years - 1, 3, 6, 8, 15, 21, 36, 40, 45, 56, 63
Ambitious, pushful and aggressive nature. Stubborn but frank, have practical ideas. Loves beauty, art and elegance. Adventurous, fond of argument and debate, never hesitates to pick up a quarrel. Fanaticism in religious matters, impatience. Afraid of water, fond of travelling, life full of struggle in the beginning. Ability to plan, quick actions, executive ability. Gets bored in long-term plan, Marvellous ability to rise to the occasion in terms of emergency but no endurance to cope with prolonged hardships. Visionary, idealistic, sets up own standards of right and wrong. Dislikes small undertakings and prefers to scheme and takes up large and extensive plans. Good nature and charm attracts opposite sex. Self-made, sexual, often unsuccessful in love affairs. Love for home and family. They always try to be in the midst of family members. Keep their house neat and clean. Enjoys high position in government. Liable to suffer from headache, burns, high fever, paralysis, pimples, migraine, small pox, and neurological problems. Require plenty of rest and sleep and also good food with plenty of vegetables.

Physical features

Middle stature, generally plump body, broad forehead, thick and stout neck, beautiful and attractive face, eyes and ears large, broad shoulders and well developed muscles, wheatish complexion, white teeth, heavy thighs, curly hairs, mole on back or armpit.


Loving nature, fond of beauty, music, colour and artistic ways. Fond of ease, love and luxury, good food. If not listened to attentively, they act like bull. Physical powers and mental endurance is noteworthy. Having good friends. Straight-forward and natural. Considers pros and cons before arriving at any conclusion. Amass wealth, applies caution in spending. Self reliant, have their own principles and ways. Being highly diplomatic, too difficult to be understood. Precise worker, usually good in memory which helps to remember even the slightest details. Can carryout any plan cheerfully and successfully. Employed in best paid professions, like to trade in luxury goods like electronics, cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry etc. They become excellent actors, musicians, film producer’s etc. May be employed in girls school or ladies club. Lucky, spends money in ornaments, gardening, horticulture etc. Practical in material affairs. Always beloved of fair sex and generally be gets large member of female children. Divorce is rare in married life. Liable to suffer from tonsillitis, diphtheria, pyorrhea, cold, constipation. Suffer mental imbalance at least once in life. Suffer mental agony due to family problems during the age 8 to 16 and 36 to 47, should be cautious during the age of 46 to 51. Should not loose heart during difficult periods. 1,2,8,33,44 and 61 are inauspicious years during the life.

Physical features

Tall and well formed body, height above average, long slender hands, moderate complexion, depression near chin, active and clear speech, sharp and active eyes, black eyes, long nose, mole on face.


Bold with keen understanding of human nature, humane and sympathetic. Remarkable for ingenuity, originality and intellectual ability, capable of grasping situations on spur of moment. Liable to lose from fraud and deception. Get providential help. Unusual power of adaptability. Variable temperament, restlessness, impatience. Gain competence in all mental pursuits. Lack in determination, quick decision and concentration. Tend to become experts in mechanical sciences. Business like attitude and have wealth of information in every matter. Many brilliant conversationists, poets, orators, writers, musicians, are born in this sign. Follow two occupations. Can take up new assignments and be successful in them. Suffer continuous misfortune in service. Gets honour in society. Obstacles and losses through females. They must be cautious in moving with opposite sex. Interested in philosophy and religion. Weakness for women and adept in winning their affection. Always welcome to any social gathering. Marriage is full of interest and excitement for them. Liable to suffer from colds, bronchitis, T.B. eosinophilia, influenza. 33 years to 46 years is the golden period of their life. Suffer during 47 to 56 of age, unlucky during birth to 6th year of age and from 21 to 32.

Physical Features

Short stature, dwarfs, large upper body, frail constitution in childhood, strong in manhood, round face with timid look, pale and dull complexion, brown hair, walks with rolling gait, teeth thick and broad, broad shoulders, do not walk straight.


Famous for fertile imagination and ability to imitate others with ease. Many famous mimics and actors are born under this sign. Receptive to new ideas and adept themselves to new environment. Accumulate wealth through hard work. Can take up occupation of fluctuating nature. Best suited to commercial career, especially to the trade of catering. Good writers, orators, leaders in society, advisors. Short tempered and impatient. Changeable and fluctuating making the person moody. Not to be relied upon. Very talkative, self reliant, honest and unbending. Have reputation for love of justice and fair play. Excellent memory. Famous for their true hospitality. Gain favour of intelligent people, independent temperament. Deeply attached to family and children. Ideal life partners. Often prey to women. Lead wandering and restless life. Liable to suffer from infection of lungs, bronchitis, T.B., dyspepsia, flatulence, nervous debility, jaundice etc. Luck favours in profession during the age 21 to 36, financial problemsincrease in number of enemies during the age of 37 to 52 and excellent period during the age of 56-69. 5, 25, 40, 48 and 62 are the inauspicious years in life.

Physical features

Full stature with well developed bones and broad shoulders, commanding and majestic appearance, oval faced, upper part of the body generally well formed, thin waist, blue or yellow eyes.


Expressive, forceful, dominant and born to rule. Frank, generous, magnanimous and ambitious. Firm will and forgiving spirit. Voracious readers. Fond of pleasure and luxury even with limited resources. Capable of inspiring confidence. Jealous of own fame and unlikely to fall a victim of flattery. The main characteristics is the habit of silence. Journey of eastern direction or working while sitting towards east direction is very helpful. Self-confidence and self-possession are secrets of their success. Endurance and confidence to make through any difficult task. Makes use of every opportunity that arises. Interested in drama, poetry and fine arts. Loyalty for either king or own family is supreme. Potential speculator or punter. Successful in government job, army or police. Gets specialization in one field. Charm, attracts opposite sex, ideal lover. Very sexy, fond of non-vegetarian food, fond of wandering in distant places, mountain, hills etc, afraid of cold. Likely to suffer from inflammation, sunstroke, epilepsy, rheumatic fever, spinal meningitis, heart problem etc. Good period during the age of 19 to 36, suffers during the age of 37 to 42, health problems – difficulties- litigation during the age of 46 to 62. Very fortunate at the age of 21,28 and 35. Accident through vehicle or the age of 66. 5, 13, 28 and 48 are the inauspicious years in life.

Physical features

Medium height, dark hair and eyes, quick active walk, often appears younger than age, chest prominent, straight nose, thin and shrill voice, curved eyebrows with much of hair growth, mark either on throat or thighs.


Highly intelligent, ingenious and analytical. Too critical of other people’s faults and feelings. Good linguist and have scientific turn of mind for learning anything and everything. Discriminating and emotional to get easily carried away by impulse. Nervous, lacking self-confidence, methodical, ability to present an idea in great detail. Cautious regarding their own interests, prudent, economical, diplomatic and shrewd. Remarkable for house keeping. Mathematician, physician or interest in occult subjects. Should guard against digestive troubles. Liable to suffer from dysentery, typhoid, gall stone etc. Delay in marriage. Peaceful and pleasant domestic life, have limited number of children. Good income, success in profession, owner of property. Fond of being administered medicine even for insignificant complaint. Being earthy sign, taken pleasure in gardening and agriculture. Fond of accumulating wealth. Adventurous, successful in life during age of 20 to 25, Owns house during the age of 25 to 35, suffers during the age of 36 to 48 and sudden gains/ fortunate during the age of 49 to 62. Very fortunate during the age 23 to 24. 4, 16, 22, 36, and 55 are the inauspicious years in life. May suffer from T.B. during the last stage of life.

Physical features

Tall slender, well proportioned strong body, handsome appearance, fine skin, baldness in middle age, eyebrows add to the beauty, nose little bent like parrot, gap in teeth, raised forehead.


Gentle, compassionate, courteous and honest. Famous for judgement, weighs pros and cons thoroughly before coming to a conclusion. Covets the prosperity of others but never fails to help dependents. Upright and sympathetic but flexible and sensitive. Anger is soon pacified. Thinks of others more than self. Can argue with clarity and foresight. Always for justice, harmony, love and peace at any cost. Being airy sign, ardent lover of nature and its beauties. Changes abode to undertake frequent travels. Loves high standard of living. Takes interest in their dress, furniture, conveyance, and other comforts. Have another name in the name of god/goddess. Expert trader. Usually popular, makes a good business partner. Wins goodwill and popularity in public. Make good salesman, liaison officers, and receptionists. Lover of art and female society. Loved by fortunate females. Liable to suffer from problems in kidneys, pain in spines and infectious diseases. Females may have problem in uterus. Make good progress during the age of 18 to 27, earn wealth during the age of 28 to 42. 8, 15, 35, 62 and 64 are inauspicious years in life.

Physical features

Middle stature, well proportioned body and limbs, broad face, curly hair, dark complexion, prominent chin


Frank, fearless and brusque. Fertile mind, intelligent, will power. Words are well chosen. Do not interfere in others’ matters. Notorious for many outstanding characteristics. It is a sign of dictators, energy inexhaustible. Can never display a superficial knowledge till he thinks he is thorough. Enormous confidence in executive ability. Good conversationists as well as writers and rely too much on their own intelligence. Reputation for secret crimes. Earn wealth through hard work and courage, self-made. Take part in public movements, advisor/leader in society, successful in defence or police service, have number of enemies. Makes excellent research worker on original and novel lines. Can do better if left alone to work. Fond of outdoor sports. Can become proficient in music, art, dance, etc. Immense ability for occultism. Immense appetite for sex and treat partner like a beast. Liable to suffer from diseases of generative organs, prostate glands, bladder etc. Fortunate during the age of 29 to 45, suffer from chronic diseases or undergoes operation during the age of 62 to 71. 11,28,38,52,62 are the inauspicious years of life.
Physical features
Well developed and handsome figure, almond eyes, brown hair, high and bushy eyebrows, long face, long nose, graceful look, not a straight walk, thick nose/ ears/ teeth/ lips.
Free, generous, honest, reliable, god-fearing. Alert, intuitive and burrows to the point easily. Short sighted or hunchbacked. Straight forward in dealings and has high sense of justice. Too conventional and business like. Sometimes restless and overanxious. Dual temperament. Versatile, desirous to know something of everything. Disposition is happy and cheerful. Adaptable, content with simple life. Lover of art and poetry, has creative ability. Respecter of law, rarely gets involved in legal affairs. Desire for learning philosophy and occult subjects. Exercises strict control over food, drinks and relation with opposite sex. Neatness, orderliness, being methodical, and diligence contribute towards success. Has self-confidence. Never leaves off the work on hand unfinished. Gets favour from govt, inherits property. Liable to suffer from sciatica, rheumatic pain, hipbone fracture, gout, lung problems etc. Successful as a teacher, public speaker, heads of religious institution, judge, advocate etc. Satisfactory financial position during the age of 18 to 37, domestic problems during the age of 38 to 47, all round prosperity during the age of 61 to 69. 2, 10, 18, 31, 38, and 42 are the inauspicious years of life.
Physical features
Weak slender body and constitution improving with age, large teeth, big mouth, prominent nose, dark coarse hair, thin and oval face, hunch – backed, scar or mole on the knee cap, jaws similar to that of crocodile, short forehead, long teeth, beard with less hair.
Prudence, thoughtfulness, reasoning, love of power. Self-reliant and highly intellectual. Not optimistic in any matter till succeeds. Works on facts and statistics and makes use of them in worldly affairs. Honest, sincere and economic. While cannot be intimidated by force, he melts like wax in warmth of friendship and goodness. Special organizing ability. Even in adverse circumstances rarely asks for help. Impediment in speech. Fit for public work and position of prominence. Best suited for jobs in finance department or in technical field. Cannot cultivate friendship easily with strangers but is social with earlier friends. Not fit for romance but provides all comforts to family and loved ones. Protects family like a hen. Very slow and cautious in dealing with opposite sex, has sexual relations with females older than himself. Likely to suffer from injury near the knee cap, skin disease, bruises, dislocation of bones, urticaria, rheumatism etc. Fear of injury from fire, arms or iron during childhood. Enjoys life during age of 33 to 49, suffers bodily at the age of 50-51. 5, 13, 27, 36, 57, 62 and 67 are the inauspicious years of life.
Physical features : Middle stature, well built and strong, round and handsome face, cheeks broad, prominent temples and buttocks, fair complexion, brown shade hair, defective teeth, mole or scar in the calf muscle, body full of hair, hands and feet thick, prominent veins.
Humanitarian, healthy outlook on life and its problems. Interested in all progressive things. Reserved, weighs everything before executes or watches and waits till others execute. Caution, patience, concentration, studiousness never leave him. Their conversation is always interesting. Straightforward temperament, admired by all. Kind, fond of learning and inspires noble thoughts. Love of nature, kind disposition. Consistent in friendship, strong in likes and dislikes. Love for solitude. They develop intuition and inspiration. Interested in deep meditation and concentration. Retentive memory, research on scientific lines. Works for common and downtrodden. Earn money through modern machineries, investments and discoveries, interested in technical education. Fondness for home. Preferences for equally intelligent and educated partner irrespective of age. Home well furnished having collection of antiques managed in modern fashion. Do not give expression to their love. If lovers are passionate, they will not be satisfied as aquarian may appear to be cold. Liable to suffer from infectious disease, tooth problems, tonsils etc. Prosperity during the age of 22 to 40, chances of injury by arms, iron or wood during the age of 41 to 43, fortunate during the age of 44 to 67, suffers after the age of 68, 28, 33, 48, and 64 are the inauspicious years of life.
Physical features
Short, full and plumpy figure with considerably small hand and feet, soft and silky hair, fair complexion, sparkling face, attractive and handsome, eyes big and protruding, shoulders muscular and spherical , dimple chin.
Not an impressive figure. Restless, imaginative and romantic Upright, honest and humane. Changeable temper, swayed by opinion of others. Lacks self-confidence. Extremely sympathetic, forgiving, generous, honest and reliable. Understands own abilities and this quality stands as an impediment in progress. Orthodox, extremely superstitious, reserved, god fearing, rigid in observation of religious customs and practices. Cannot see sufferings even in animals and renders assistance. Lacks ambition and finds difficult to make speedy progress in material zone. Two occupations, adept in any new branch he pursues. Make good employee. Proves successful in transactions dealing with liquids and spirits. They gain in export- import business. Liable to suffer from gastric troubles and injury in ankles and feet. Happy married and domestic life. Prefers beauty of partner, intellectual pursuits and fine arts. Often two marriages, influenced by partner. Prosperity during the age of 27 to 43, suffers during the age of 44 to 60, fortunate during the age of 61 to 69. 8, 13, 36, and 48 are the inauspicious years of life.

Importance of Navamsha Chart in astrology

Both, the Rasi-chart and the Navamsa chart are deemed equally important and therefore, consulted together. Whereas the Rasi-chart provides overall information regarding the location of planets and sensitive-points such as the Lagna, the latter provides vital information regarding their active quality and strength. A planet may be well-placed in the natal-chart Rasi-wise but its full effects may not materialise if its situation in the navamsa-chart is not supportive.
Navamsa means one-ninth part of a Zodiac Sign. Navamsa literally means the “Ninth Division”. Thus, each navamsa measures 3 degrees and 20 minutes in longitude or one quarter of a Nakshatra (Constellation), and the Zodiac of Signs comprises 108 navamsas divided into four groups, 1) Mesha Aries), Simha (Leo) and Dhanus (Sagittarius)– for which signs the navamsas are from Aries to Dhanus, 2)Vrishibha (Taurus), Kanya (Virgo) and Makara (Capricorn) – they are from Makara to Kanya, 3) Mithuna (Gemini), Tula (Libra) and Kumbha (Aquarius)– they are from Tula to Mithuna, 4) Kataka (Cancer), Vrishchika (Scorpio) and Meena (Pisces) – they are from Kataka to Meena; the Lagna (Ascendant)rising or the planet situated in the first navamsa of Chara rasis(“movable signs”), in the 5th navamsa of Sthira rasis (“fixed signs”) and in the 9th navamsa of Dwisvabhava rasis (“common signs”) will be in Vargottama and hence strong.
The lords of 1st, 4th and 7th navamsa of a sign represent the Deva (“Divine beings” and constructive forces); persons born with any of these navamsas rising in the Lagna are generous, religious, wealthy, powerful and influential. Persons born in the 2nd, 5th or the 8th navamsa whose lords represent the Naras (“Human beings and their efforts) are generally kind, good natured, engaged in the pursuits of human welfare and reputed; and in the 3rd, the 6th or the 9th navamsa whose lords represent the Rakshasas (“Demonic beings” and evil forces) are selfish,cruel, violent, destructive and possess many negative qualities. Moreover, the Lagna-rasi and the Lagna-lord should not form or occupy the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhava in the Navamsa Chart nor the lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th of the Rasi Chart associate with the Navamsa Lagna or its lord.
A Navamsa is equal to one-ninth part of a sign or one nakshatra-pada (onefourth part of a constellation) and is one of the Shodasvargas i.e. one of the sixteen sub-divisions of a sign that give more and more precise good or bad position of a planet or lagna-point in the natal-chart vis-à-vis other signs and sign-lords. Birth in Vargottama Lagna is considered very fortunate and planets in Vargottama are very strong and confer benefic results if they do not occupy inimical signs. The occupation of own navamsa by a planet is superior to the occupation of its exaltationnavamsa. The planet which is in its exaltation sign in the Rasi-chart but situated in its neecha-navamsa (debilitated in Navamsa-chart) produces its bad results very soon, however, a planet situated in its debilitation sign in the Rasi-chart but in its ucchanavamsa(exalted in Navamsa-chart) invariably confers auspicious results. If at the time of birth planets are placed in inimical signs even if they be in Vargottama they render all Raja yogas useless, the same is true if many planets are in debilitation. The Rajayogakarakas cease to be Rajayogakarakas if they happen to occupy their neecha-navamsas. Saturn occupying its own or exaltation sign does not afflict natural benefics or their yoga-formations provided it does not simultaneously occupy its neechanavamsa but all planets occupying navamsas ruled by Jupiter usually act as benefics and if situated in a kendra, in the 9th or in the 2nd house from the lagna make one very learned, famous and even establish a new school of thought or system. Rahu and Ketu (mythology) do not rule any navamsadivision but a navamsa of Mars is to be found in all signs.
Results of planetary periods (dashas) and sub-periods (antra-dashas) vary in accordance with the particular location of those bhava-lords in the Navamsachart. A planet otherwise strongly placed in the Rasi-chart with reference to a specific bhava or its lord does not produce in its own dasha/antra-dasha the anticipated good results relating to that bhava in full if it happens to be situated in the navamsa-chart in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the sign occupied by that particular bhava-lord e.g. the lord of the Lagna situated in the 3rd house in conjunction with the lord of the 3rd gives prosperous, happy and helpful brothers but if in the navamsa-chart the lord of the lagna is in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the lord of the 3rd then there may be enmity with brothers or sorrow to them. If the lord of the 2nd house is in conjunction with the lord of the 10th situated in the 10th house and the lord of the lagna is involved in Rajayoga one secures a high political or administrative position during the dasha/antar-dasha of the lord of the 2nd house but in case in the navamsa-chart the lord of the 2nd is in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the lord of the 10th then contrary results will be experienced.

Development of Knowledge and Early Spiritual Education

The purpose of Education is the upliftment of Human Beings. Education stems from two basic roots namely (a) attainment of knowledge and (b) proper utilization of that knowledge. The former again depends on (i) the ability of the individual— which in turn rests upon the mental faculty he/she possess at birth and (ii) the interest one develops during the course of his journey in Life. Acquirement of knowledge falls into two categories, namely Sruthi and Smrithi. While Sruthi literally means, “what is heard”, Smrithi denotes “what is remembered”. The laws and bye –laws for social upliftment are Smrithis. The principles enumerated by Parashara , Manu, Bhaskara and Jaimini are some Smrithis, which form the basis to formulate fruitful and constructive modes to better living. It may be mentioned that every thing that is heard, need not necessarily be remembered. In fact only those items, which have an instructive effect upon the individual, are carried to the Human memory plane. All students hear from the same teacher; but some remember more than the others. Obviously, the inert field of talent one possesses has a large part to play in this vital function. On the other hand the sound vibrations that one hears affect the system directly and cause divertive motions within the human body. These may be negative, passing or positive. Their reactions on the human breathing system are extensive and are many times a cause for improper and unstable functioning of an individual. The harmonization of Sruthi and Smrithi leads to inner satisfaction and contentment and optimal utilization of Human energy. It may be mentioned that the multiple harmonics ( though invisible) that travel through the extensive communication network in the globe, such as television etc. cause high distortion and consequent stress on the mental working system of an individual. The purpose of Education is the upliftment of Human Beings. Education stems from two basic roots namely (a) attainment of knowledge and (b) proper utilization of that knowledge. The former again depends on (i) the ability of the individual— which in turn rests upon the mental faculty he/she possess at birth and (ii) the interest one develops during the course of his journey in Life. The latter could again be transient or progressive and long-lasting. Somewhere hidden in ones interest being constructive and long lasting is an inert force known as Talent. It would immediately be apparent that this force is so strong and benign that when it is exhibited and harmonized in a practical mode, optimal contentment and satisfaction is reached. This is known as ‘Manushya Nama Anandam’— Joy of Attainment of Faith and contentment and forms the first of the Eleven Anandams (Bliss) that lead to ‘Brahmanandam’ or Ultimate Bliss. Knowledge by itself covers both the good and the bad. This very function of relativity in its applicability to Living and non- Living Beings makes it so vast, that one rightly feels, its total attainment is a stupendous task. This inherent quality in acquiring knowledge makes its proper utilization, a difficult task indeed. Surely, the Human brain is roaming in an ocean of knowledge without knowing where the destination is! This process eats up a high percentage of the human resources that one possesses, and leaves him/her null and void at the end of the day. Indeed, its attainment calls for high will power and deep concentration (shradha ). Should then we not acquire any knowledge? This unfortunately is out of ones scope, as the human mind even in its most deformed state at birth, as per medical terms, thirsts for the attainment of that complete knowledge, which is so difficult to attain. The MIND is known as MANN in Sanskrit, which means Ego. The reverse of Mann is ‘Nammah’, which term is a yoga used in Hindu rituals, to unconsciously remove that stressful ego (bottlenecks within the human system) and enable us to tread a more constructive journey in life. The realization of the difficulty if not inability to attainment of total knowledge has dawned on the Human race, though belatedly and given rise to what is today so explosively termed as Expertise. This term is just like the Wolf that termed the Grapes as Sour, as it was not able to attain them— in this case the attainment of Total Knowledge. When viewed from Man made functionaries, Expertise may seem to occupy such a status; but not so if applied to Human Beings, which works holistically and must be so analysed. No wonder, Expertise in a particular medical field has left the Medical doctors roaming wild and leaving the Poor patient stranded not knowing where he has to go to find the real cause of his distress within his system

How different astrological remedies work......

Astrological knowledge equips us with the knowledge about various remedial measures, which is necessary to protect us from the miseries of life. These remedial measures are meant to propitiate the planets and for getting better results with peaceful life. An eminent astrologer should be able to give the solution to all sorts of problems and complications in one’s life.
Rightly has some body affirmed, “To be forewarned is to be forearmed.” When we know it in advance that something negative is likely to happen to us we prepare ourselves to face that or avert that by equipping ourselves with necessary tools and weapons for our protection.
It is only in Hindu Astrology that we have been provided with many methods and procedures that can alleviate our grief, pain and miseries by the grace of God. In no other stream of fortune telling, this unique system of adopting remedial measures to mitigate our sorrow is dealt with in such a detail.
In the Hindu God- Trinity, Lord Shiva has been assigned a special place as he has been termed as ‘Ashutosh’ (one who is pleased very easily). In the famous Hindu sacred epic- Ramcharita Manas, it has been mentioned about lord Shiva that- Hkkoh esfV ldfga f=kiqjkjh (Only Lord Shiva is capable of changing the course of Destiny). There are many ways to appease lord Shiva like doing Maharudrabhisheka, offering poojas and archanas. Lord Shiva bestows his boon and blessings very easily to those who wear ‘ Rudraksha’.
Similarly it is said that "कलौ चण्डी विनायकौ" which means that in Kaliyuga Lord Ganapati and Goddess Chandi give instant and very effective results. Therefore lots of people recite Durgasaptashatichandi when they are under the influence of malefic planets. Goddess Chandi (Durga) frees one from poverty, sorrow, distress, disease and fear. Goddess Chandi is worshipped in every Hindu family specially during Navratras. Lord Ganpati is very popular among devotees because he overcomes obstacles and bestows Riddhi, Siddhi and Buddhi. When a person faces trouble equivalent to death or the fear of death, accident or disease Mahamrityunjaya Yagya is recommended.
Hindu Astrology is matchless because it contains a vast treatise of remedies for controlling and propitiating the ill effects of planets in a very effective and scientific manner, which is not found in any other stream of knowledge.
Remedies are available as per the requirements and need of all types of human beings as well as for the community, nation and the globe. Full-blown options are available to suit everybody’s need and interest.
As in the medical science a disease is first of all diagnosed and then cured by proper medications. So, is also done in case of astrological remedial measures. However, remedy adopted, as per the astrology and occult sciences, is primarily based on faith healing. Faith healing has got a special mention in the Christianity also.
A human- being suffers from many types of ailments, sorrow, grief, hazards and so on. They go for getting out of this undesired situation by adopting various methods as suggested by astrologers and fortune-tellers. Their concerns are mainly in the fields of - health, wealth, education, career, well-being and welfare, marriage and romance, children, and averting ailments, etc.
Hindu Astrology is mainly based on nine planets including two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu. (Moon’s Nodes) and twelve Zodiacs. It has been established that all these planets transiting various signs (Zodiacs) affect all the activities of the world at micro and macro levels. Some planets have been termed as ‘Shubha’ (auspicious) and some others as ‘Ashubha’ (inauspicious). These inauspicious or malefic planets in various permutation and combinations create problems for human- beings as per the respective dasha and transits. However, planets, which cause problems, can be propitiated by adopting certain remedial measures for the concerned planets.
There are many examples and references in Ancient Indian Texts and Scriptures showing the efficacy of various remedial measures like doing Homa, Japa, chanting Stotra and recitation of Mantra, observing special fast etc. to get the desired boon or results. The great Indian King Dasharatha had attained the boon of progeny by only performing requisite Putreyasthi Yagya, in the able direction of the greatest of sage’s Vasistha.
Sage Markandeya averted great fury of death by chanting Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. King of Nepal remained in the royalty because of the possession of real Ekmukhi Rudraksha, inspite of bad yoga in the natal chart.
The infallibility of these remedies has been matchless and recorded at many places. So, with the advent of information technology and scientific gadgets like computer and Microchips, a better research and advancement have been quite conspicuous in this lesser explored area of providing relief to the suffering humanity in general.
In our universe everything whether it is land, air, water, fire, insects, worms, moths, animal or stone, crystal and metal or else colors, fragrance, shape, size, movement or our earth and planets or stars all of them have some POWER or ENERGY which can do miracle.
Miracle is not supernatural or unnatural it is something extra, additional and different but very natural but also beyond nature and different from that. Miracle is as natural as a stone and is as real as us, our breath and as powerful as is Sun.
Miracle of stones is the use of powers for bringing the change of choice and this is the best example of naturality of miracle because nothing can be more suitable than a rock in a serial wise beginning. This whole discussion was focused to convince that every object in this universe is having some positive or negative energy.
Now we can realize that stones have some hidden power, radiations and energies in them. Different stones are having different types of energies in them, which can bring changes in us. So our treasure of stones or Gems can help us a lot. Similarly Rudrakshas also have electromagnetic properties, which influence human physiology.
Rudraksha Kavach is considered as a more powerful remedial tool because it is made to enhance the positive qualities and to eradicate the negativities that are there in the life of a person.
Yantras have mystical powers in them and therefore they protect us like a shield.
Mantras create vibrations inside us and thus enhance our personality and intellect. After that different Rosaries are there which are used for reciting different mantras for achieving a specific objective. Seers also say that a rosary of 108 beads gives accomplishment of all Siddhis. For a specific purpose or problem a specific Gem, Rudraksha, Mantra, Yantra or Talisman etc. in the form of Ring, Locket, crystal or Coin is there. So benefits are multiple.
By worshipping Parad Shivlinga one gets blessings of Lord Shiva quickly because impact of worship of Parad Shivlinga is one thousand crore times more than the worship of any other Shivlinga.
Lal Kitab has announced unique remedial measures to solve chronic and critical human problems in day to day life. These remedies are cheap and within the reach of common man.

Divisional Charts

There are 16 Vargas (sub divisions) of ascendant and planets in Vedic astrology, to pin point any prediction and making difference between nativities. Planets stay at a sign for a long time and even ascendant rises about two hours. Several births took place in this duration. We can differentiate every birth by the use of Varga charts.Most of them calculated on the basis of successive counting making equal division equal to as desired division, starting from the sign Aries or sign itself. But there is often more than one method in vogue to calculate such divisions, resulting in different conclusions.Often astrologers favour its scientific nature. The entire astrological theme and its mechanism, even our whole cosmos work in a regular and systematic order. So the methods of calculating certain astrological figure must be logical and in proper order. According to the preferential methodology, simply multiply the Rasi figure by the numerical digit equal to desired division and make the resultant figure within the range of zodiac.A divisional chart mostly describes the result of house mainly, for which it is known by the name. Such as Drekkana chart carries the significance of 3rd house since it is a result of 3rd division of a sign. The 2nd division Hora which is meant for wealth (2nd house stands for wealth), Saptamsa the 7th division is for conception (7th house stands for cohabitation), Dasamsa is for occupation (10th house stands for occupation), Trisamsa is meant for ill health or misfortune, when we allotted one degree (30th division of a sign) to each house from ascendant, it falls at 6th house that is known for ill health. Similarly Shodashamsa is for vehicle and other divisions also work following this basic natural method.Hora, Drekkana and Trisamsa divisions are very important divisions. But these are victims of uncertainty obtained from the mixture of calculation methods.

ज्योतिष्य उपायों का फल

ज्योतिष में विभिन्न उपायों का फल ज्योतिष ग्रहों की दशा व गोचर के माध्यम से जीवन पर शुभाशुभ फल कथन करने में सक्षम है। लेकिन ऐसे ज्ञान का लाभ ही क्या यदि संभावित अनिष्ट का उपचार ही न हो। अनिष्ट से छुटकारा व सौभाग्य में वृद्धि के लिए ज्योतिष ग्रंथों में अनेक उपाय बताए गए हैं जो जातक की स्थिति व ग्रह दशा अनुसार चयन करने से अनिष्ट से छुटकारा दिला सकते हैं। विभिन्न प्रकार के उपायों के फल निम्न प्रकार से हैं:- – रत्न वायुमंडल से ग्रहों की ऊर्जा क¨ अवषोषित करके शरीर में प्रवेश कराने की अद्भुत शक्ति रखते हैं। रित्नों में ग्रहों की ऊर्जा सोखने की शक्ति होती है जो हमारे जीवन में परिवर्तन उत्पन्न करती है। – रुद्राक्ष सबसे शक्तिशाली प्रतिकारक यंत्र होता है जो व्यक्ति के सकारात्मक गुणों में वृद्धि करता है और हर नकारात्मक पक्ष को मिटाता है। -यंत्रों में चित्रों से सौगुनी शक्तियां होती हैं और ये हमारी रक्षा एक कवच की तरह करते हैं। – मंत्रोच्चारण हमारे अंदर स्पंदन पैदा करता है और व्यक्तित्व व बुद्धि का विकास करता है। मालाओं के प्रयोग विभिन्न मंत्रोच्चारण करने के विशेष उद्देश्य को प्राप्त करते हैं। ऋषि या द्रष्टा यह भी कहते हैं कि माला के 108 मनके हमें हर तरह की सिद्धि प्राप्त कराते हैं। – हमारी प्रतिकूल स्पंदन से रक्षा करते हैं। यह परिवर्तक व विस्तारक/वर्द्धक के रूप में विभिन्न ऊर्जाओं को जैव ऊर्जाओं में परिवर्तित करके हमारे शरीर तंत्र/शारीरिक संरचना को संतुलित व कोशिकीय, भावनात्मक, मस्तिष्कीय व आध्यात्मिक स्तर पर पुनः ऊर्जावान् बनाते हैं। रत्न रुद्राक्ष यंत्र मंत्र शंख अंगूठियों पिरामिड सिक्कों यंत्रों, रुद्राक्ष व रत्नों के लाॅकेट फेंगशुई रंग चिकित्सा यज्ञ का हमारे ऊपर रहस्यमयी प्रभाव होता है। जब रत्न हमारी अंगुली को छूता है तो हमारे अंदर अनुकूल ऊर्जा का प्रवाह करता है जिसका सीधा प्रभाव मस्तिष्क पर होता है कय¨ंकि अंगुलियों की स्नायु का सीधा संबंध मानव मस्तिष्क से होता है। उपयुक्त स्थान पर स्थापित करने से, भूमि व भवन के ऊर्जा क्षेत्र को बलशाली सकारात्मक जैव-ऊर्जा में परिवर्तित करता है और व्यक्ति की जैव-ऊर्जा को संपूर्ण करता है। अतः वह व्यक्ति थकान व तनाव न महसूस करते हुए अतिरिक्त ऊर्जावान होकर रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी के दबावों का डटकर सामना कर पाता है। को बतौर यंत्र जेब या तिजोरी में रखने से सौभाग्य की प्राप्ति होती है। गले में पहनने के लिए होते हैं। लाॅकेट का सकारात्मक स्पंदन हृदय चक्र को सक्रिय करता है। जब हम गले में लाॅकेट पहनते हैं तो ढाल बनकर हमारी काला जादू, बुरी आत्माओं व भूत प्रेत और ग्रहों के प्रतिकूल प्रभाव से रक्षा करता है। का अर्थ है वायु व जल। प्राचीनकाल से जल व वायु दो बड़ी शक्तियां मानी जाती रही हंै। यही ऊर्जा व्यक्ति के स्वास्थ्य, प्रगति व सौभाग्य के लिए ज़िम्मेदार होती हैं। फेंगशुई सामग्री हमारे वातारण में सकारात्मक ऊर्जा के प्रवाह को बेहतर बनाती है। हमारे शरीर के ऊर्जा चक्रों को संतुलित करती है और उसमें वृद्धि करती है। यह हमारे शरीर के स्वतः स्वस्थ होने की क्षमता को प्रेरित करती है। ः इससे मनोकामना पूर्ण होती है व वातावरण शुद्ध होकर स्वास्थ्यवर्धक होता है। प्राणायाम अघ्र्य दान देव दर्शन व्रत औषधि स्नान जल विसर्जन ः प्राणायाम को सर्वश्रेष्ठ तप की संज्ञा भी दी गई है। इसकी साधना से पापों का नाश होता है और ईश्वर की प्राप्ति होती है। प्राणायाम से कुंडलनी शक्ति को भी जागृत किया जा सकता है। ः मनोवांछा पूरा करने के लिए देवताओं को अघ्र्य अर्पित किया जाता है। यह प्रक्रिया सभी पूजा पद्धतियों का अभिन्न अंग है। जल ईश्वर को अत्यंत प्रिय है। इसलिए इसकी महिमा का वर्णन श्रीमद्भगवद् गीता में भी मिलता है। ः दान पूजा का एक महत्वपूर्ण अंग है। दान से सुख समृद्धि बढ़ती है। ः देव दर्शन अर्थात् तीर्थ स्थल की यात्रा को सभी धर्मों में शुभ माना गया है। अलग-अलग लोगों की अलग-अलग मंदिरों में आस्था होती है। इसलिए वह लोग अपनी इच्छाओं की पूर्ति के लिए मंदिरों की यात्रा करने में विश्वास रखते हैं। ः व्रत एक अटल निश्चय है जब तक मनुष्य कोई व्रत नहीं करता तब तक उसका मन इधर-उधर भटकता है। योग साधना के अनुसार भी यम और नियम पर बल दिया जाता है और ये दोनों ही व्रत हैं। व्रत धारी के मन में यह पूर्ण निश्चय होना ही चाहिए कि यदि इससे मेरी कोई तात्कालिक हानि हो रही हो तब भी मैं अपना व्रत भंग नहीं करुंगा। ः आयुर्वेद में आयुर्वैदिक जड़ी बूटियों से किए जाने वाले औषधि स्नान से स्वास्थ्य में सुधार होता है। ः फूल, दीपक या देवी देवता की मूर्तियों को ईश्वर का विशेष आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करने के लिए विसर्जित किया जाता है। उपाय चयन कुंडली में ग्रहों की अवस्था अनुसार किया जाता है। किसी ग्रह को प्रबल करने हेतु रत्न धारण सबसे सटीक उपाय है जबकि ग्रह की अनिष्टता को समाप्त करने के लिए मंत्र जप व रुद्राक्ष धारण करना उत्तम है। जातक एक या अनेक उपाय एक साथ कर सकता है। रत्न शुभ निर्बल ग्रहों के लिए रुद्राक्ष ग्रहों की शुभता बढ़ाने के लिए यंत्र ग्रहों का बल बढ़ाने के लिए मंत्र ग्रहों की शुभता बढ़ाने के लिए अंगूठी ग्रह बल वृद्धि के लिए पिरामिड स्थान की ऊर्जा बढ़ाने के लिए सिक्के सौभाग्य बढ़ाने के लिए लाॅकेट प्रतिकूल प्रभाव को काटने के लिए फेंगशुई वातावरण की सकारात्मक ऊर्जा बढ़ाने के लिए रंग चिकित्सा स्वास्थ्य वर्द्धन के लिए यज्ञ मनोकामना पूरक प्राणायाम उर्जावान बनने के लिए अघ्र्य ग्रह की शुभता बढ़ाने के लिए दान सुख समृद्धि प्राप्त करने के लिए देव दर्शन पापों को दूर कर ग्रहों की शुभता बढ़ाने हेतु व्रत ग्रह शुभता बढ़ाने हेतु औषधि स्नान ग्रहों की ऊर्जा शरीर में पहुंचाने के लिए जल विसर्जन अशुभ ग्रहों की अशुभता कम करने के लिए उपरोक्त उपायों में से एक या अनेक उपाय करने से अनिष्टों का क्षय व सौभाग्य में वृद्धि प्राप्त कर आने वाले समय को शुभ बनाया जा सकता है। प्रत्येक प्रकार के उपाय 40 से 43 दिन में शुभ परिणाम देना शुरु कर देते हैं। इसलिए धार्मिक कृत्यों को लगातार 43 दिनों तक किए जाने की परम्परा है। यदि समस्या अधिक गंभीर हो तो इन कर्मकांडों का एक सुविधाजनक अंतराल के बाद पुनरावर्तन किया जाना चाहिए। ऐसा माना जाता है कि रत्न, रुद्राक्ष व अन्य अमूल्य ताबीज़ 43 दिन के बाद अपना शुभ परिणाम देते हैं। इन 43 दिनों के दौरान इस विशेष ताबीज, यंत्र, रुद्राक्ष या रत्न से जुड़ी पूजा व मंत्र जप नियमित रूप से होना चाहिए।

Sitare hamare on 16 July 2016

Friday, 15 July 2016

Astrological aspects of moon in horoscope

Moon is the only natural satellite of the planet earth, where a human has set foot upon. The Moon is the second luminary in astrology, the other being the Sun. If Sun is masculine & cruel, karaka of father and the king of planetary cabinet, Moon is feminine, cool & benefic, karaka of mother and the queen of planetary cabinet. Besides the Sun, the Moon is the brightest object in the sky though it radiates because of the light of the Sun & can be very easily seen with the naked eyes.
If Sun is the soulful planet, Moon is the mindful planet in Indian astrology. If Sun’s energy works as a life force, Moon’s cool & benefic temperament maintains the balance & controls the rate of flow of vital energy. Moon is called ‘chandra’ or ‘Soma’ & represents Monday. The famous Vedic verse Purush Sukta describing the Cosmic man, states- ‘Chandrama Manso Jatak’. Moon was born from the mind of the Cosmic man i.e. Kal Purush. Moon is the presiding deity of the element water. The Sun has governance over all those places like temples, mosques, & churches etc. The Moon has her domain in bathrooms, inside & outside the house, over tanks, wells, seas, rivers & any other water bodies
Moon plays a central role; or rather you can say the pivotal role in Indian astrology. As from starting making the horoscope to the prediction, muhurats for all occasions, festivals as well as in Mundane astrology, we follow Moon & take into consideration Moon’s position at that particular time. Moon sign or the sign in which moon is placed at the time of the birth is of utmost importance. Moon sign is neither the Zodiac sign nor the ascendant, which it has been mistaken for. The prediction is done on the basis of the Janam Rasi or the sign in which Moon is placed in the birth chart. The star constellation in which Moon is placed is called Janma Nakshatra.
Moon governs the 4th house of Kalpurush kundali & owns the sign Cancer. Moon exalts at 3 degree Taurus and is in deep debilitation at 3 degree Scorpio. Its mooltrikona sign is Taurus. When the Sun & Moon are in the same rashi, it is called Amavasya. When the Sun & Moon are in the exact opposite signs or 180 degrees apart it is called Purnima or full Moon day. Moon is the fastest moving planet which stays in one sign in two to two & half days, & completes the Zodiac in 28 days.

Adhik Mass: When and Why...astrological impacts

his year there shall be two Jyeshthas. We call them first and second Jyeshtha. There are four Pakshas in two months. First Jyeshtha commences from Krishna Paksha. It is followed by Shukla Paksha of 1st Jyeshtha, then Krishna Paksha of 2nd Jyeshtha and finally Shukla Paksha of 2nd Jyeshtha. The Krishna Paksha of 1st Jyeshtha and Shukla Paksha of 2nd Jyeshtha is considered true or pure Jyeshtha month. The remaining two Pakshas i.e. Shukla Paksha of 1st Jyeshtha and Krishna Paksha of 2nd Jyeshtha comprise to make extra month which is known as Adhik Masa or Mal Masa. No auspicious ceremony except meditation or spiritual activity is performed during this Adhik Masa. This type of system is available in Luni-Solar calendar of Northern India only. Gujarati calendar is also based on Luni-Solar motion but in this calendar month begins from Shukla Paksha. Therefore in Gujarati calendar the first month itself is extra or Adhik or Mal Masa and 2nd month is considered pure or shuddh month. Muslim calendars are also based on lunar motion but in this calendar there is no extra month(Adhik Masa) and for this reason this calendar moves faster slowly. If the month of Ramjaan was falling in August in 2006 then it shall fall in July in 2007 now. This type of shifting of month or extra month is not there in Luni-Solar or Solar calendars. Let us make an analysis of the basis of calculation of Adhik Masa. The earth is revolving around the Sun. This earth completes one circle around the Sun in 365.2564 days(365 days 6 hours 9 minutes & 12.96 seconds) whereas Moon takes 29.5306 (29 days 12 hours 44 minutes & 3.84 seconds ) days from new moon (Amavasya) to next new moon. According to this number of days in a month are 29.5306. Number of days in 12 months = 29.5306x12=354.3672 days. The difference between one year of earth & 12 months of Moon is 10.8992 days = 11 days. Therefore every year lunar months comes 11days earlier but in 3 years this difference reaches upto 33 days, which is more than one month. We call this as Adhik Masa. Generally Adhik Masa comes after an interval of 2 years and 4 months, 2 years and 9 months, 2 years and 10 months or 2 years and 11 months. On an average Adhik Maas comes in 2 years and 8.5 months. This value can be verfied dividing the duration of month i.e. 29.5 days by 10.9. Lunar year is 10.9 days smaller than solar year therefore after dividing 29.53/10.9=2 years and 8.5 months there arises a difference of one month. See the occurence of Adhik Masa in last few years Generally new moon (Amavas) falls once between two Sankrantees that is Sun's transit into next sign. Minimum value of two Sankrantees is 29 days 10 hours and 48 minutes and maximum value is 31 days 10 hours and 48 minutes whereas the minimum value of two newmoons 29 days 5 hours 54 minutes and 14 seconds and the maximum value of two new moons 29 days 19 hours 36 minutes and 29 seconds. Therefore, it happens very rarely that no new moon falls between two Sankrantees. This generally happens after 19 years, or after 141 years, and sometimes after 65, 76 or 122 years. This type of situation is termed as Kshaya Masa. This is possible during small signs like Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn only. This implies Kshaya Masa can happen during Aghan, Paush and Magha only because in all other months the duration of Sankranti of Sun is more than lunar month.

जाने कुंडली में ग्रहों की अशुभ स्थिति कब बनती है..........

सूर्य/चंद्रमा के राहु/ केतु के साथ होने से ग्रहण योग बनता है - इस योग में अगर सूर्य ग्रहण योग हो तो व्यक्ति में आत्म विश्वास की कमी रहती है और वह किसी के सामने आते ही अपनी पूर्ण योग्यता का परिचय नहीं दे पाता है उल्टा उसके प्रभाव में आ जाता है। कहने का मतलब कि सामने वाला व्यक्ति हमेशा ही हावी रहता है। चन्द्र ग्रहण होने से कितना भी घर में सुविधा हो मगर मन में हमेशा अशांति ही बनी रहती है कोई न कोई छोटी-छोटी बातों का डर भी सताता है। कोई अज्ञात भय मन में बना रहता है। संतुष्टि का हमेशा आभव रहता है। मंगल के राहु के साथ होने से अंगारक योग बनता है - इस योग के कारण जिस काम को दूसरा कोई आसानी से कर लेता है उसी काम को करने में अनेक प्रकार की बाधाएं, अड़चन आदि बनी रहती है यानि कोई काम सुख शांति पूर्वक सम्पन्न नहीं होता है। गुरु की राहु/केतु के साथ युति हो तो चांडाल योग बनता है- इस योग के कारण व्यक्ति का धन से संबंधित कोई काम सफल नहीं होता है। कितना भी धन अच्छे समय में कमा ले लेकिन जैसे ही इन ग्रहों की महादशा- अन्तर्दशा- प्रत्यंतर दशा आएगी तो वो सब कमाया हुआ धन एकदम से खत्म हो जाता है और इस योग के कारण व्यक्ति को कर्ज लेने के बाद चुकाने में दिक्कत होती है और एक दिन उसको ऐसी स्थिति का सामना करना पड़ता है कि कहीं से कुछ रुपये उधार लेकर खाना खाना पड़ता है। शुक्र और राहु की युति से लम्पट योग का निर्माण होता है - इस योग के कारण जातक का ध्यान पराई स्त्रियों में लगा रहता है और कई-कई प्रेम सम्बन्ध बनते हैं लेकिन ज्यादातर का अंत बहुत बुरा, लड़ाई- झगडे़ के साथ और अपमान के साथ होता है। कर्कशा स्त्री जीवन में बनी रहती है। शनि राहु की युति हो तो नंदी योग बनता है- इस योग के कारण व्यक्ति सच्चाई के मार्ग पर चलना चाहते हुए भी हमेशा झूठ और फरेब का शिकार होता है और कई बार जेल जाने तक की नौबत आती है। अपराध की दुनिया से सम्बन्ध बनता है और जीवन अनेक संकटों में फंस जाता है। इसके अलावा भी कुछ और अशुभ स्थितियां अगर आपकी कुंडली में है तो वो आप मिलान करें और देंखे की क्या ऐसा है आपकी कुंडली में। सप्तम, जीवनसाथी के स्थान का स्वामी ग्रह अगर छठे, आठवें या बारहवें भाव मै बैठा हो या फिर सूर्य के साथ बैठकर अस्त है तो विवाह सुख का नाश करने वाला योग बन जाता है और अगर पुरुष की कुंडली में शुक्र अस्त हो या पापी ग्रह से युक्त हो तो भी ऐसा योग बनता है, अगर महिला की कुंडली में गुरु अस्त हो या गुरु के साथ कोई अशुभ या पापी ग्रह बैठा हो तो महिला का वैवाहिक जीवन अनेक समस्या से भरा या निराश या सपने जो देखे हों पति को लेकर वह सभी टूटे हुए लगते हैं। कुंडली में अगर लग्नेश कमजोर अवस्था का या अशुभ स्थति में है तो आपका स्वास्थ्य कभी भी सम्पूर्ण अच्छा नहीं रहेगा। धनेश और लाभेश अगर अशुभ स्थति में हो तो धन के कारण सम्पूर्ण जीवन संघर्ष करना पड़ता है। कर्मेश यदि छठे, आठवें या बारहवें भाव में हो या फिर अशुभ युति में हो तो अनेक काम बदलने के बाद भी स्थायित्व नहीं रहता है और धन प्राप्ति में बाधा होती है। सूर्य, मंगल, शनि, राहु और केतु ये पांच पापी ग्रह माने गए हैं और चन्द्र, बुध, गुरु और शुक्र ये चार ग्रह बहुत ही शांत और शुभ माने जाते हैं। अगर इन चार ग्रहों के साथ कोई भी पापी ग्रह बैठा हो या शुभ ग्रहों में से कोई अस्त हो या फिर नीच का हो या फिर कमजोर अवस्था का हो तो जीवन में शुभता की कमी रहती है, योग्यता के अनुसार जीवन यापन नहीं होता है।

future for you astrological news sitare hamare world famous astroguru pt...

future for you astrological news sitare hamare world famous astroguru pt...

future for you astrological news sitare hamare world famous astroguru pt...

future for you astrological news sitare hamare world famous astroguru pt...

Thursday, 14 July 2016

शनि से पायें कार्य एवं आर्थिक समृद्धि

वर्तमान मॅहगाई को देखते हुए सभी आवष्यक कार्यो जैसे दैनिक दैनिंदन कार्य, बच्चों की शिक्षा विवाह के लिए हो या मकान वाहन के लिए आर्थिक संकट हो सकता है। इन परिस्थितियों में कई बार कर्ज लेना जरूरी हो गया है। कुछ कर्ज आसानी से चुक जाते हैं तो कई कर्ज बोझ बढ़ाने का ही कार्य करते हैं। अतः यदि कर्ज लेते समय नक्षत्र, लग्न एवं राषि पर विचार करते हुए अपनी ग्रह दषाओं के अनुकूल या प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियों का निर्णय लेते हुए कर्ज लिया जाए तो बोझ ना होकर ऐष्वर्या तथा उन्नति बढ़ाने का साधन भी बन सकता है। यदि किसी व्यक्ति की कुंडली में भाग्येष, आयेष या सुखेष विपरीत कारक हो तथा इनमें से किसी की दषा चल रही हो तो लिया गया कर्जा आसानी से नहीं चुकता। चर लग्न में कर्जा लेना इसलिए उचित होता है क्योंकि इस लग्न में कर्ज आसानी से चुक जाता है किंतु इस लग्न में कर्ज देना उचित नहीं होता। वहीं पर द्विस्वभाव लग्न में लिया गया कर्ज चुकाने के उपरांत भी चुका हुआ नहीं दिखता। स्थिर लग्न में लिया गया कर्ज चुकाने में बहुत कष्ट, विवाद की संभावना होती है अतः इन लग्नों में कर्ज लेने से बचना चाहिए। उसी प्रकार प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की कुंडली में अपनी राषि तथा ग्रह स्थिति को दृष्टिगत रखते हुए कर्ज लेना या देना चाहिए। इस प्रकार यदि कोई कर्ज परेषानी का सबब बन गया हो तो उसे शनि की शांति कराना, काली वस्तुओं का दान करना एवं मंत्रजाप करना चाहिए।

लोगो से प्यार और आदर प्राप्त करने के कुंडली योग

मानवीय शक्तियों में प्रेम को सबसे बड़ी शक्ति माना गया है। प्रेम में मनुष्य का जीवन बदल देने की शक्ति होती है। प्रेम के प्रसाद से मनुष्य की निर्बलता और दरिद्रता, शक्तिमत्ता और सम्पन्नता में बदल जाती है। प्रेम पूर्ण जीवनचर्या में अशांति और असंतोष तो पास फटकने तक नहीं पाते। प्रेम मनुष्य जीवन का सर्वश्रेष्ठ वरदान माना गया है। किसी व्यक्ति को प्रेम प्राप्त होगा या नहीं और यह प्रेम कितना सफल होगा जाने कुंडली के विष्लेषण से...किसी जातक की कुंडली में अगर किसी भी स्थान का स्वामी अपने स्थान छठवे आठवे या बारहवे स्थान पर हो तो उसे स्थान से संबंधित प्रेम की प्राप्ति नहीं होती क्योंकि किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति से सुख तथा आनंद की प्राप्ति ही प्रेम है। इसलिए जैसे किसी की कुंडली में दसम स्थान का स्वामी लग्न या भाग्य स्थान से अनुकूल संबंध ना बनाये तो उस व्यक्ति को अपने पिता, बाॅस, कार्य तथा अवसर की अनुकूल प्राप्तियाॅ नहीं होगी जिससे उसे सुख तथा आनंद नहीं प्राप्त होगा अतः यदि दसमेष छइवे, आठवे या बारहवे स्थान पर हो जाए या क्रूर ग्रहों से पापक्रांत हो तो उसे पिता का प्रेम प्राप्त नहीं होगा तथा कार्य का सुख भी प्राप्त नहीं होगा। इसी प्रकार यदि किसी व्यक्ति का पंचमेष या सप्तमेष प्रतिकूल हो तो उसे पार्टनर का प्रेम प्राप्त होने में बाधा आयेगी। इस प्रकार सुख तथा आनंद की प्राप्ति ही प्रेम है और यदि इसे संपूर्ण तौर पर प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं तो अपनी कुंडली का विष्लेषण कराकर पता करें कि आपके जीवन में किस प्रकार के सुख या प्रेम की कमी है और उस प्रेम को प्राप्त करने के लिए उससे संबंधित ग्रह की शांति जिसमें ग्रह दान, मंत्रजाप तथा रत्न धारण करना चाहिए।

Astro-Vastu aspects for Career Growth

Sun : If Sun is placed appropriately in birth chart it indicates a person will be self – confi dent, kind hearted, sincere, fatherly, inspiring and motivating, encouraging people to meet their goals and will have leadership skills. Professions governed by Sun are– Administrator, Manager, Director, leader, celebrity, sports person, Government offi cer, interior decorator. Sun can be enhanced by performing following vastu remedies : • Place a bamboo plant in East direction of drawing room. • Display a rising Sun picture in the East direction of living room. • Interior of east direction should be light weight. Good Sun leads to celebrity status and of orange hue. Moon : Moon acts as a “Mother” taking responsibility for a social environment of a place. A person who has favourable Moon in birth chart is open to others, tolerant, hospitable, nurturing, intuitive and empathetic and sensitive about the anxieties and problems of others. Professions indicated by Moon – Humanitarian workers, healers, nurses, counsellors, psychologists, social workers, child care, women – care activities, food and beverage business, water workers, irrigation, Sailor, fi sherman, importer – exporter of sea products and raising animals ( dairy). Moon can be enriched by performing following vastu remedies. • Place a Conch fi lled with water in the Northwest direction. • Display a Crystal Globe in the Northwest direction of Study or working table. • Place a bunch of pea-cock feathers in the Northwest direction. Mars : Mars is a warrior who feels proud to show courage and determination. Person whose Mars is good in birth chart is action oriented, enthusiastic, energetic, and ambitious and always ready to accept challenges. Professions indicated by Mars – Military offi cer, police, surgeons, estate agents, persons employed in mining, athletics and sports man. Mars can be balanced by performing following vastu remedies. • Display a red Phoenix in the South direction of Drawing room. • Decorate the South direction with your certifi cates and medals. • Avoid placing water feature in South direction. Mercury : Favourable Mercury in birth chart indicates person will have systematic approach, good in numerical skills like accounting, fi nance, measuring and surveying, writing. Occupations ralated to Mercury The use of advanced speech, speech therapist, publishing, editor, writer, entertainer, consultant, analyst, accountant, mathematician, good in communication or related fi elds like Call Center, Journalism, fi ction and non-fi ction writing, telecom, internet, digital networks, fi nancial controller, librarian, advertiser, skin care, youth –oriented program organizers and gardener. Remedies to enhance Mercury • Place a jade or basil plant in the Northeast direction of drawing room. • Keep the Northeast direction open or with very light furniture. • Avoid toilet in this direction. Jupiter : Jupiter or the Dev guru if favourable in birth chart makes you optimistic, accepting, truthful, and spiritual, giving you ability to handle stress in a balanced way, honouring the trust that people put in them, adheres to values in spite of diffi cult circumstances. Occupations related to Jupiter Judge, advisor, counsellor, psychologist, fi nancial advisor, social or charity worker, professor, educationalist, priest, human resources and employee development, consultant, studies in ancient traditions and spiritual nature. Jupiter can be enriched by following remedies : • Place a bowl fi lled with water and fresh yellow fl owers in North direction of drawing room. • Do not keep any iron or black shade item in the North direction of any of the room in house or offi ce. • Place your cash box in North direction. Venus : Venus is a planet of beauty, art and joy of life. A favourable Venus makes a person’s persona charismatic, a good host, good sense of art and culture, building relationship and networking, focus on harmony, highly diplomatic, skilled reader of people and situations, knows to enjoy pleasure and comfort. Occupations related to Venus Art, design, fashion, photography, textiles and fabrics, boutiques, spa, cosmetician, beauty products and services, gems, precious metals, fl orist, interior decorator, music, drama, all forms of entertainment, working with women and their associated affairs, sexual issues, fancy restaurants, sweets and desserts. Venus can be strengthened by following remedies : • Place an Amethyst crystal lotus in the Southeast direction of drawing room. • Place a crystal Sri yantra in a silver bowl in the Southeast direction of worship area (pooja). • Wear a rose quartz bracelet. • Place an artifi cial pomegranate in the dining area. Saturn : The positive Saturn in the birth chart indicates good stamina and endurance making the person hard working, who puts in the extra effort to make things right, follows traditions, knows the rule and abides by them. When Saturn is weak in the chart the person becomes unenthusiastic, depressed, low on intelligence, gloomy, poorly groomed, sluggish, follows orders to one’s detriment, displays lack of vitality, has a life fi lled with delays and losses, uses drugs or alcohol. Occupations related to Saturn Jobs entailing hard work or labour like places where one gets dirty or soiled, work in land development and agriculture, oil, gas, mining, minerals, geology, excavation, antiques, archaeology, museums, Saturn also governs professions related to monasteries, sanitariums, civil engineering, disaster relief, insurance sales, drug rehabilitation, animal care and prison work. Saturn can be made favourable by : • Place Metal furniture or metal decor in the West direction of your room. • Always help labourers, needy and handicapped and give them food on Saturday. • Feed wheat fl our to ants. • Keep mustard oil in an iron bowl and place it in the West direction of your store room. Rahu and Ketu or Dragon’s head and Dragon’s tail Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets they do not have their own identity. They indicate according to the associations of other planet or signifi cance of house where they are placed. Rahu : In general Rahu acts like Saturn. Rahu gives a person a vision to come up with innovative solutions to the problems in diffi cult times. If Rahu is positive in birth chart the person will be clever and will have technical brain. Occupations related to Rahu Technicians, technologists, pharmacist, bioenergy worker, secret service, magician and profession in foreign or exotic travel. Ketu : In general Ketu acts like Mars. Ketu indicates intuition, enlightenment (moksha), feel of inner silence, ignoring the material in favor of the spiritual. When Ketu is weak in a chart a person has low self image, full of doubts and fear, lets others take advantage of them, do not have any aim in life, hypersensitive, nervous and unreliable. Occupations related to Ketu Monk or nun, meditation or self – improvement guru, connection with mystical objects, alternative medicine practitioner, unique healing methods and deals in occult science. Rahu and Ketu can be made positive by • Display a painting or picture of fl ying birds in the Northwest direction of offi ce or drawing room. • Place green plants in the Northeast direction. • Place some magnets in a crystal bowl in the South west direction.

पापमोचनी एकादषी

पाप मोचनी एकादषी का व्रत चैत्र माह की कृष्णपक्ष की एकादषी को मनाया जाता है। इस व्रत को करने से पाप से मुक्ति प्राप्त होती है और जीवन में सुख शांति का स्थापन होता है। इस दिन भगवान कृष्ण की पूजा का विधान है। एकादषी का व्रत रखने वाले दषमी के सूर्यास्त से भोजन नहीं करते। एकादषी के दिन ब्रम्हबेला में भगवान कृष्ण की पुष्प, जल, धूप, अक्षत से पूजा की जाती है। इस व्रत में केवल फलों का ही भोग लगता है। यह ब्रम्हा, विष्णु, महेष त्रिदेवों का संयुक्त अंष माना जाता है। यह अंष दत्तात्रेय के रूप् में प्रकट हुआ था। यह मोक्ष देने वाला वत्र माना जाता है।

सामथ्र्य अनुसार करें सहायता-फिर भी दूर होंगे ग्रह दोष

अपनी क्षमता के अंदर रहकर सामान्य मदद से भी ईष्वर को प्रसन्न किया जा सकता है और कुंडली के ग्रह दोषों को दूर किया जाना संभव है, जैसे कि शबरी के झूठे बेर खाकर राम प्रसन्न हो गए थे। आपके नित्यचर्या में सहजता के साथ करने से ग्रहीय दोषों का समाधान दे सकता है। वह सहज समाधान किसी भूखे को रोटी तो किसी बीमार को दवा देकर या किसी को कपड़े देकर आपके ग्रह से संबंधित दोषों की निवृत्ति करने में कारगर उपाय बन सकती है।
यदि किसी की कुंडली में बुध खराब स्थिति में हों और गोचर में बुध की दषा चल रही हो तो उसे दवा का दान करना चाहिए अन्य को इस प्रकार से मदद कराने से बुध ग्रह की शांति संभव है इसी प्रकार यदि किसी जातक की कुंडली में चंद्रमा खराब होकर गोचर में भ्रमण करें तो उसे कपड़ो या किसी गरीब के बच्चे को दूध का दान करना चाहिए। सूर्य हेतु खाना, गुरू हेतु पाठ्य सामग्री, शनि हेतु जूते चप्पल तथा शुक्र हेतु फल इत्यादि किसी को खिलाकर अपने ग्रह की स्थिति को सुधारा जा सकता है। इस प्रकार जरूरत मंद को सामान्य सहायता से अपनी कुंडली को मजबूत करने के साथ ग्रहों को प्रसन्न कर ग्रहीय दोषों को दूर करना संभव है....

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