There are 16 Vargas (sub divisions) of ascendant and planets in Vedic astrology, to pin point any prediction and making difference between nativities. Planets stay at a sign for a long time and even ascendant rises about two hours. Several births took place in this duration. We can differentiate every birth by the use of Varga charts.Most of them calculated on the basis of successive counting making equal division equal to as desired division, starting from the sign Aries or sign itself. But there is often more than one method in vogue to calculate such divisions, resulting in different conclusions.Often astrologers favour its scientific nature. The entire astrological theme and its mechanism, even our whole cosmos work in a regular and systematic order. So the methods of calculating certain astrological figure must be logical and in proper order. According to the preferential methodology, simply multiply the Rasi figure by the numerical digit equal to desired division and make the resultant figure within the range of zodiac.A divisional chart mostly describes the result of house mainly, for which it is known by the name. Such as Drekkana chart carries the significance of 3rd house since it is a result of 3rd division of a sign. The 2nd division Hora which is meant for wealth (2nd house stands for wealth), Saptamsa the 7th division is for conception (7th house stands for cohabitation), Dasamsa is for occupation (10th house stands for occupation), Trisamsa is meant for ill health or misfortune, when we allotted one degree (30th division of a sign) to each house from ascendant, it falls at 6th house that is known for ill health. Similarly Shodashamsa is for vehicle and other divisions also work following this basic natural method.Hora, Drekkana and Trisamsa divisions are very important divisions. But these are victims of uncertainty obtained from the mixture of calculation methods.
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