Thursday, 7 July 2016

Sakat Yog:Astrological aspects

As we know Moon is the fastest planet of the zodiac and completes its circle in about 27 plus days. By virtue of its movement Moon forms various yogas which have both qualities good and bad. Our findings suggest that Moon forms the maximum negative yogas in a single round that is why so much misery exists on this planet. Had Moon been forming positive rajayogas then the picture.
Invariably all the powerful rajayogas are distributed among the benefic planets. Jupiter being the benevolent planet among all the planetary hierarchy rules the roost in forming a wonderful rajayoga in a chart. The Moon is not only the fastest moving planet of the zodiac but it acts as a catalyst to form or distort rajayogas by its mere presence or placement. The second fastest planet is Mercury who also gets involved in making or destroying the destinies of people who take birth on this earth.
Rajayoga or yoga or yog is a Sanskrit word originated from the root yugm meaning when two different entities join hands that creates a yog. Since in astrology two or more heavenly bodies come across each other and form some kind of connection they give rise to a rajayoga which we study in astrology.
According to the seers of yore barring luminaries other five planets are capable of creating extremely powerful rajayogas known as “panch mahapurush” rajayogas. We have omitted Rahu and Ketu because they do not belong to planet category and are known as sub-planets. Panch Mahapurush yogas are formed by independent planets in a particular placement without the need or support of any other planet. Panch Mahapurush yogas need special treatment which we shall discuss some other time.
The Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are considered
Remembered the most important planets of astrology but are subject to vulnerability with a little affliction or placement. The trouble with Mercury is that it cannot be away from the Sun by more than 28 degrees therefore subject to combustion like a seasonal flu. There are many other factors which can take the wind out of Mercury if they are together with it or aspecting. An afflicted Mercury troubles the subject from all possible angles i.e. intellectual, social, financial, spiritual, relationship, health etc.
According to planetary hierarchy Jupiter is considered the Guru of devtas. Even the demon (rakshasa) or evil planets bow down to Jupiter because of his great knowledge and sacrificing qualities. The importance of Guru comes into existence only when a king, commander, disciple or follower is there. When king or follower stops following guru then guru has no influence on them. May be content and powerful in itself but it cannot influence others. There are many instances in mythology and history when the greatest of gurus has been sidelined by negative forces. The same way; when Guru or Jupiter is not well aligned with the planet with whom it is forming a rajayoga then that rajayoga has no or little value.
Gajkesari rajayoga is a very common rajayoga which is formed when Moon and Jupiter are together, square or in opposition with each other. Moon in its sojourn of the zodiac in 27 days must be forming gajkesari rajayoga for minimum 10 different days. According to this calculation about 40 % of people born on this earth will find gajkesari rajayoga in their chart. According to different texts on the subject a one single gajkesari rajayoga is capable of making the person king of the earth. It implies that the real powerful gajkesari rajayoga seldom forms in a chart.
Sakat yog means a combination of trouble or problems form when Jupiter and Moon are second-twelfth from each other or six-eighth to each other. According to this definition two houses should be involved but in reality four houses are involved when this sakat yog is formed. Moon could be either side of Jupiter from 1st to 7th house giving rise to a sakat (negative) yog.

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