Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Libra monthly horoscope for august 2016

In the month of August, natives of the Zodiac Sign Libra may remain preoccupied with issues in relationships. You may intentionally immerse yourself in work to ward off a host of negative vibes. There might be a misunderstanding or a confrontation with a close contact at the beginning. But, fortunately, this will not distract or stress you out. Household affairs might take up a good part of your time this month. As you have not been able to devote enough time at home, matters may have piled up. A sense of guilt could grip you here. With Full Moon blazing across the sky mid-month emotions are likely to get amplified. Full Moon sheds light on the deepest emotions that needs to surface. Here, you could be also keen to revive relationships with people who helped you grow and further your prospects. However, for married folks, August does not spell good times. The relationship may get marred by feelings of hostility and anger. On Tuesday in the fourth week, Sun comes out of Leo and enters Virgo.Now issues concerning relationships, particularly those dear to you, may get resolved amicably. By the month end, singles might be blessed by the stars to forge friendship with the opposite sex. Those already in love will now be eager to marry and enjoy physical intimacy. Financially, no major stress or upheaval is foreseen in August. The benevolence of Mars and later Mercury might help you gain and neutralize expenses. Mercury could further help you spend wisely keeping in mind your priorities. Around the second weekend, as Saturn becomes direct in motion – as a result, businessmen and professionals could be greatly relieved.There are prosperous days ahead with little or no impediments. The positive trend continues till the month end. Mars and Saturn transiting through the 3rd House from your Sign shall be supportive of you taking calculated risks to better your prospects. You efforts will, in all probability, bear encouraging results.
Health- On the health front this month, minor issues will keep you anxious, and you will have to ensure that they do not aggravate. If you get into some problem related to the respiratory system, take due measures to control the issue and then cure in due course of time. Slow digestion may also bother you. Doing some light exercise suitable to you is likely to help your cause. Even meditation can help you greatly in keeping you mentally and physically fit. Those getting on in years could take to long evening walks.
Financial growth- This is no time to take risks, and especially not to indulge in speculative transactions. However, Mars in the third House is to prompt you to take some calculated risk to enhance your prospects in general. Saturn in conjunction with Mars would advice you to do the same. However,it is advised you to stay away from the stock markets. And, keep enough provisions for contingencies while planning finances. If children become too demanding, tackle them tactfully.This month is all about re-connecting with old friends who can help you make progress. The influence of Mars is likely to keep businesspersons and professional busy. It is good to revive old contacts, which helped you to grow in the past. They can help you again in getting good business and thereby speeding up your progress. One is doing job need to maintain cordial relationship with coworkers for good, as they can help you in times of difficulty.

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