Tuesday, 29 November 2016

विवाह के समय पर राशियों का प्रभाव

राशियों का वर्गीकरन अनेक प्रकार से किया गया है, राशियों के तत्व भी अग्नि, पृथ्वी, वायु और जल होते है, जो विवाह का समय तथा जीवनसाथी के स्वभाव व मानसिकता से परिचित कराने से महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते है । विवाह के समय के निर्धारण में भी राशियों का अग्रांक्ति वाश्किरण अत्यन्त महत्त्वपूर्ण है, 1 शुभ फल प्रदायक राशिया - कर्क, वृश्चिक, मीन 2 अर्ध फल प्रदायक राशिया - वृषभ, तुला, कूम्भ 3 अर्ध राशिया तो मेष, 4 बांधव राशिया - मिथुन, सिंह, कन्या विवाह का समय निर्धारण करने में इन ग्रहों राशियों के वर्गीकरण का ध्यान में रखकर विचार करना चाहिए । यदि बंध्या राशियों में ग्रह होगे तो विवाह के सम्पत्र होने में अवरोध उत्पत्र काँपे । सर्वप्रथम लग्न, लग्नेश, सप्तमेश, सूर्य, चन्द्र, मंब्बाल, बृहस्पति, गुप्त, लग्नस्थ ग्रह, लग्नेश का नक्षत्राधिपति, सप्तमेश का नक्षवाधिपति तथा सप्तमस्थ ग्रहों की राशि और नक्षत्र पर सतर्कतापूर्वक विचार करना चाहिए, कि विवाह का योग है अथवा नहीं । यदि पापाकान्त राहु पुरुष या सहिता के ज़न्मग्रेग में नवम भाव में हो तो भी विवाह मै अवरोध उत्पन्न करता है । सप्तमस्थ शनि भी विवाह से अप्रत्याविरत विलम्ब उत्पन्न करता है । उपसंकित सूत्रों के आधार पर विवाह हेतु सर्वाधिक सशक्त समय का अनुमान सुगमता से लगाया जा सकता है । महादशा एव अन्तर्दशा का निश्चय हो जाने के पश्चात गोचर के ग्रहों का आश्रय लेना चाहिए । गोबर का वृहस्पति जब लग्न या चन्द्रमा पर से प्रण को या वहीं से सप्तम अथवा त्रिक्रोण स्थान से भ्रमण बने, तो विवाह निश्चित होता है । शनि भी विवाह में मुख्य भूमिका का निर्वाह करता है । शनि ग्रह द्वारा विवाह प्रतिबन्धक योग भी निर्मित होते है । अत: शनि के गोबर भ्रमणश्वा की अवहेलना नहीं की जानी चाहिए । सप्तम भाव पर शनि का प्रभाव, यदि सकारात्मक है, तो विवाह राशि विशेष में गोबर के शनि के भ्रमणाकात्त में सम्पन्न होता है । यह ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि गोचर के शनि का सप्तमभाव पर प्रभाव, गोचर के वृहस्पति का परम, नवम, लग्न या सप्तम भाव पर प्रभाव के साथ अन्तर्दशश्वा में समान अन्तराल में ही विवाह तय होता है । उस समान समय के माग को एक स्थान पर पृथक लिख कर उसी अन्तराल में जिन ग्रहों की प्रत्यन्तर्दशा हो उस पर सतर्कतापूर्वक विचार करना चाहिए । किस माह में विवाह होगा इसका निर्णय करना किंचित् जटिल प्रक्रिया है, परन्तु इसे ज्ञात कर सकना संभव अवश्य है । विवाह का साल जानने हेतु कतिपय नवांश सूत्रों, गोचर तथा प्रत्यन्तर्दइग़ का उपयोग करना चाहिए । प्रथम चरण : विवाह की संभावना है अथवा नहीं कन्या या युवक का विवाह होगा अथवा नहीँ, इस तथ्य का भलीभाँति विचार कस्ता चाहिए । विवाह प्रतिबन्थक योग से शीर्षाविन्त अध्याय में अनेक ऐसे सूत्र प्रतिपादित किये गये है, जो विवाह की सभावना को दशति हैं 1 बंध्या राशियों अथवा नवांश सादे में संस्थित सप्तमेश, द्वितीयेश एव जन्य ग्रहों की स्थिति, शुक्र पर चन्द्रमा अथवा तूर्य का प्रभाव, सूर्य तथा चन्द्रमा का शनि से संबंध, शनि और मंज्जाल का विनिमय टुष्टिसम्बन्ध्र तथा समान अंष्टगें पर सांप, मंगल और चुप का सम्बन्ध, शनि और चन्द्रमा में विनिमय सम्बन्ध आदि अनेक ऐसे सूत्रों का उल्लेख तथा उदाहरण, इस अध्याय में प्रस्तुत किये गये है । यदि विवाह योग विद्यमान नहीं है, तो विवाह समय की गणना करना निरर्थक है । यदि जन्मग्रेम में विवाह प्रतिबन्धक रोग, अनुपस्थित है, तो विवाह में बिलम्ब से सम्बद्ध कतिपय योगों पर सतर्कता पूर्वक विचार करना चाहिए 1 विलम्बित विवाह-अभिनव अभिज्ञान नामक अध्याय में, विवाह में विलम्ब की स्थिति यया विस्तृत व्याख्या प्रस्तुत की गई है, जिसे इस अध्याय में प्रतिपादित सूत्रों त्तचा उदाहरण के अध्ययन द्वारा भलीभाँति समझा जा सकता है । विवाह समय संज्ञान' हेतु सर्वप्रथम यह ज्ञान अनिवार्य है कि विवाह होगा अथवा नहीं और यदि विवाह में विलम्ब का योज्जा है, तो सामान्य रूप से विलम्ब की सम्भावना है, अथवा अत्यधिक दिलम्ब का योग है । यह अनुमान और आकलन इस विषय के अध्ययन, अनुभव और अनुसंधान पर ही आधारित है ।
द्वितीय चरण : सर्वप्रथम महादशा का अनुमान लगाया जाना चाहिए, कि किस महादशा में विवाह होगा 1 विवाह हेतु संभावित महादशा का उल्लेख उपरोक्त आधार पर ही क्रिया जाना चाहिए । महादशा के अनुमान के उपरान्त अन्तर्दशा पर विचार करना चाहिए, कि क्रिस अन्तर्दशा में विवाह होगा ।
तृतीय चरण : अन्तर्दशब्द विवाह के सम्पादन हेतु उपयुक्त अन्तदंशऱ पर विचार करते समय अग्राकित विशिष्ट तथ्यों का ध्यान अवश्य रखना वाहिए । 1 सप्तम या द्वितीय भाव से सम्बन्धित ग्रहों की अन्तदंशा में विवाह होता है, यह तो सर्वविदित है । 2 लग्न से चतुर्थ तथा सप्तम से चतुर्थ भाव अन्तर्दशा से विवाह होने की सबल सम्भावना होती है । अर्थात् चतुर्थ व दशम भाव भी समान रूप से विचारणीय है । चतुर्थ भाव, परिवार के सुख तथा माधुर्य से सम्बन्धित होता है, घिवाहोपरान्त पति और पली जिस प्रेप के घरौंदे का निर्माण करते है, वह चतुर्थ भाव द्वारा ही विचारणीय है । मन मे, जीवन मे, विचारों मेँ, जीवन साथी के पति सम्बन्धों की आत्मीयता से सम्बद्ध, जो भावना अंकुरित और विकसित होती है, उसका आधिपत्य कम हो जाता है!

Effect of Ketu in twelfth or 12th house of horoscope

The shadow planet Ketu is one of the most malefic planets in the celestial arena which provides harshness and difficulties to the natives of this placement but as Ketu is exalted here, the natives of this placement would be blessed with strong wealth & achievements in life.The natives of this placement of Ketu in 12th house would walk through a path of hurdles but they will get paid for their hard work and endeavor as this harsh path would take them towards admirable heights of profession and finances. These people would make good utilization of their intellect and time.On the other part, the placement of Rahu & Mercury in the 6th bhava along with this placement would bring more pleasant impacts to the native’s life. The natives of this placement of Ketu in twelfth house would possess comfort and luxuries in life and would lead a satisfying and happy life.The malefic placement of Ketu in 12th house would make losses to the person and worthless expenditure.These natives having Ketu in twelfth house should never slay or harm dogs as it will bring malefic impacts upon them. Besides this, the placement of Moon, Venu or Mars in 2nd house would further enhance the malefic impacts of this placement.They should worship Lord Ganesha and should stay on the moral and true path upon life. It would be beneficial for them to keep a dog in house and to keep saunf & khand under the pillow during the nights.

Effect of Ketu in eleventh or 11th house of horoscope

The shadow planet Ketu is one of adverse presence in the astrological arena which would bring difficulties for most of the times and would keep the path harsh and difficult for the native. Besides this, these natives having Ketu in 11th house would be blessed with good wealth and strong position in the social arena.The arrival of Ketu in eleventh house would bring goodness of finance & social stature to the person though the results would be impacted by the planet Jupiter & Saturn as well which would bring variations in result depending upon their horoscope placements. The presence of Ketu would bring some difficulties in the social & financial path as it won't be a easier path for them.The benefic placement of ketu in 11th house along with Saturn in the 3rd house would bring high affluence to the person and he/she would attain wealth more than the paternal one. These natives would confront much stress and worries throughout life in this placement.Besides this, the placement of Mercury in the 3rd bhava would bestow Raj Yoga to the native as taking him/her towards supreme heights of success.The malefic placement of ketu in eleventh would bring harshness in the social arena and difficulties with finances to the person. The malefic ketu could also bring problems in the abdomen of the person and mental stress would be high.This placement of Ketu in 11th house would also bring adverse impacts upon the grandmother & mother of the natives. The malefic placement of Saturn along with malefic Ketu would not let the person get benefited from the son and he/she would not be able to have a house.The natives of this placement should keep a black dog in house and should wear emerald for reducing the malefic effects of this placement.Ketu in 11th House consider good. 11th house is Upchaya house and any Melific planet in Upchaya house is consider good regarding materialistic matters. Native may be deposited a lots of wealth and property.Native have habits of hoarding. Native may earn through speculating type things such as stock market,Batting,lottery,racing etc. As Ketu also belongs to spiritual or religious matter so native may be earn through spirituality and religious work. Some time native may earn through alter way.Ketu in 11th house makes native royal in behavior, Native may be kind and good heart. Native may be very intelligent and having good skilled.Native may be very well in speech.Through all this quality native may be success in all his undertakings.Ketu in 11th house indicating native fulfill all his desires. Native got all sorts of comforts and conveyance. Native may be inclinations regarding Luxuriouse life.Native may be charectoreless regarding sexual matter. It may also cause for trouble in marrige relation.

Effect of Ketu in tenth or 10th house of horoscope

The Shadow planet Ketu is a well perceived malefic presence in the astrological arena for which it could be either positive or negative depending upon other planetary placements in the horoscope chart. The results of Ketu in tenth house would highly depend upon the position of planet Saturn in the birth chart.The positive placement of Saturn in the horoscope chart would also keep the Ketu in 10th house in the pleasing appearance and that will bless the person with great fortune in life. The natives of this placement would carry a serious approach towards life and would be very concern about themselves. They would be bestowed with good opportunities in their life but his/her father would have a quiet short life span.Besides this, the placement of Saturn in the 6th bhava would lead the native towards heights in sports arena. The natives born with positively placed Ketu in 10th house would be generous in attitude and would be truly benefited if they would keep their character true & pure.These people would always forgive their brothers for their misdeeds and that will keep them growing throughout.Apart from this, the malefic presence of Ketu in 10th house would bring difficult and harsh path in life as especially with the aspects of finance & career. They will confront health problems associated with urinary system & ear and would face body aches.There will be high stress & lack of peace in the professional as well as personal life of these natives. The native's three sons could die.The natives of this placement of Ketu in tenth house should stay away from adultery and immoral deeds and should keep a dog at home as especially after the forty eight years of age. They should keep a silver pot filled with honey within the house. Following all of these remedies and the remedies associated with Moon & Jupiter would reduce the negative impacts of this placement.

Effect of Ketu in ninth or 9th house of horoscope

The placement of Ketu is a well perceived malefic presence but it could also appear somewhat positive at times as it becomes here in the 9th house as here Ketu becomes exalted in this position for which the native will receive positive impacts upon his/her life though some difficulties would surely be there for Ketu being a malefic presence.The presence of Ketu in ninth house would keep the Ketu surrounded by positive energy for its being in pleasant relation with the ruler of 9th bhava that is Jupiter and for the same reasons, here in this position Ketu in 9th house would emerge high with most of pleasing results for the native and reduction in its adverse shades. This will bring good life and goodness in life to the natives.The natives of this placement of Ketu in ninth house would receive great fortune through this position and would be bestowed with good affluence and success in life but that will come only though his/her own hard work and efforts. They are obedient and sincere beings who would attain great heights upon land and would possess good social & professional position of respect. The natives of this placement would attain higher affluence if he/she would keep a gold brick within the house.The natives of this placement of Ketu in 9th house would be blessed to have son who will be capable of predicting the future while they can have three sons in life. These natives could spent most of their life in foreign lands due to variant reasons.  The positive placement in 2nd house would further enhance the positive brilliance of Ketu here. Besides this, the auspicious placement of Moon will keep the person devoted towards the mother and mother’s family while the malefic placement of Ketu here in the 9th house would bring urinary problems, back aches and problems in leg to the person. This would also bring consequent deaths of sons.The natives of this placement ketu in 9th bhava should pursue some remedies for the adverse impacts of ketu for which keeping a dog at home would be really beneficial for the native. He should establish a rectangular piece of gold somewhere in the house and should wear gold in the ear. They should always pay respect and services to their father-in-law.

Effect of Ketu in eighth or 8th house of horoscope

The Shadow planet Ketu is one of well perceived malefic presence though some placements makes it appear benefic for the native but it will always arrive along with some difficulties and hurdles for the person. The arrival of Ketu in 8th house would provide the blend of both positive and negative impacts upon the native.The presence of Ketu in eighth house will definitely bring some hurdles as making his/her life quiet difficult for the native but if the ketu would be placed benefic in this house then, it will bestow a son after 34yrs of age to the native or after the marriage of any girl form his/her family like sister or daughter. Besides this, the absence of planet Jupiter & Mars from the 6th and 12th bhava would reduce most of adverse impacts of Ketu here while placement of Moon in 2nd bhava will bring pleasant impacts.On the other part, the malefic placement of Ketu in 8th house would bring some adverse impacts upon the native’s wife as she may suffer form bad health. This won’t let the native have Son or if he/she would have then, the son won’t live longer.Besides this, the native will also suffer form diabetes and urinary problems. The placement of Saturn or Mars in 7th bhava would bring more misfortune to the natives. This placement will highly effect the family life of the native after the 26yrs of his/her age.The natives of this placement of ketu in eighth house should keep a dog at home and nurture him for the reduction of malefic effects. They should donate a black & white blanket in a sacred and worshiping place and should worship and adore Lord Ganesha with true devotion. These people should wear gold in the ear and should put a saffron tilak over the head to reduce the misfortune and to stay safe.8th house belongs to Ayu(Life span) as ketu is Paap Grah so when Ketu occupy 8th house native may have short life span. If Ketu is well placed or aspects by beneficial planet then evil effect may reduced or native may long lived.8th house belongs to Incurable disease or long term disease. When Ketu occupy 8th house then native may suffering from many type of disease.This disease may be incurable.Ketu In 8th House may cause for piles in anus.8th House belongs to physical loss and ketu may be one of karak of accidents type events so Ketu In 8th House may cause for physical damage of body or physical attacks on body.Ketu In 8th may also cause of physical loss through Weapons.Ketu In 8th House makes native Tamsic. Native may be suffering from Bad sexual habits. It may also caused for unnatural sexual habits to the native.If Ketu in effect of sattvic elements then this Tamsic effect may be reduced or native may be detached with sexual activity or lives like a sanyasi.In simple Sattvic elements controling Tamsic quality of Ketu regarding 8th House.

Effect of Ketu in fifth or 5th house of horoscope

The placement of shadow planet Ketu in fifth house would be very much affected by the placement of planet Jupiter in the horoscope chart besides which they are some other factors as well which would result either in benefic or adverse impacts for the naives life path.The placement of Jupiter, Sun or Moon in the 4th, 6th or 12th bhava would make this placement pleasant and would bring much goodness to the person. The natives of this placement would be bestowed with strong stature of wealth and would endow the person with five sons.Besides this, the malefic presence of Ketu in 5th house will make the native seriously suffer form asthma.The malefic placement of Ketu in 5th house gives adverse results till the five years of age to the native besides which it would harmfully affect the sons of the person as their would be problems in their birth and they could also have bad health till death.These natives of Ketu in fifth house should donate milk and sugar for the reduction of malefic effects of this placement and should pursue the remedies for planet Jupiter.Ketu is natural Melific when ketu occupy 5th house its create Putra Dosh(5th house belongs to children). Native may face problem regarding child birth. It may be late child birth or trouble in child birth or may be child less situation depanding on ketu position.If ketu is badly placed then evil effect increase or if ketu is in better position then evil effect may be reduce.Ketu In 5th house also not good for children health. Child may be faces health problem or accidents depanding on chart. If ketu is in bad influence then native may faces loss of child from above region.Ketu is a planet of disattchment there may be disattchment between native or child may be live away from native.5th house also belongs to mentality.Ketu belongs to violence,explosivness,emotinol tension,immorality so according ketu quality native have same mentality. Native may be evil minded or unstable mind.If ketu is wellplaced and influence of jupiter or saturan or may be in watery sign or simply any indication regarding spirituality then native may be spiritual or religious.

Effect of Ketu in sixth or 6th house of horoscope

The Shadow planet ketu in 6th house is perceived to be a malefic presence but other planetary placements could even make it appear benefic at times besides which it really gets impacted with the placement of planet Jupiter. It will bring positive results and goodness to the native’s life.The pleasing placement of Jupiter would bring a long path of life to the person having Ketu in 6th house which would be a peaceful and blissful life. The mother of the native would also receive the goodness in life while the placement of any of the two from Sun, Jupiter and Mars are positively placed then, it would further enhance the pleasing impacts of this Ketu placement.The malefic placement of Ketu in sixth house would bring some problems to the maternal uncles besides which it would make the person wander without reason and travel without benefits. He native would have many enemies and foes around as people would carry much malice and ill-feelings for the native and that will be without any particular reason.The natives having malefic placement of Ketu in sixth house would confront skin problems. Besides this, the placement of Moon in the 2nd bhava would bring sufferings for the mother and the native would have a quiet difficult and harsh path of old age.The natives should wear a golden ring in the left hand for reducing the negative impacts of this placement. These people should keep a dog as a pet in home and should nurture him for attaining the good results. The natives should drink milk with saffron and should wear gold in the ear besides this, heat a rod of gold and dip the same in milk after with drinking the same milk would bring betterment in the native’s life. These remedies would bring peace and harmony in the natives lives.6th house is house for enemy when Ketu occupy 6th house then native will be vanquished all his enemy.So native may be enjoying enemy free life.6th house is house for disease when Ketu occupy 6th house native may be disease free. Native have good and sound health. If ketu is ill placed in 6th house it may caused for accidents. Accidents type depanding on rashi and planet which is afflicted by ketu.Ketu belongs to spirituality and occult science. So When Ketu occupy 6th house native have mental strength to got Vidya of Occult science. If Saturan influence ketu then native may got black magic sidhhi.Overall Ketu In 6th native may have power to got success in Isht sidhhi. If Ketu In influence of Jupiter native may got spiritual wake up.

साप्ताहिक राशिफल -28 नवंबर से 04 दिसंबर, 2016

मेष -
यह सप्ताह आपके लिए यात्रा को होगा, नये लोगों से मिलने के लिए होगा तथा नये अनुभव प्राप्त करने के लिए है। कोई नया काम शुरू करने के लिए, नौकरी बदलने के लिए और बच्चे के जन्म के लिए समय शुभ है। आप मानसिक शांति और खुशी का अनुभव करेंगे। हर तरफ से अच्छी खबर मिलने के संकेत हैं। व्यक्तिगत और पारिवारिक सुख में भी वृद्धि का अनुभव करेंगे। प्यार करने वालों के लिए भी समय शुभ है। इस प्रकार नाम कमाना या संपर्क बढ़ाने का अच्छा समय है लेकिन आपको सलाह है कि इस समय व्यापारिक और आर्थिक निर्णय थोड़ा सोच-समझ कर लें। आय में भी कुछ गिरावट आने के संकेत हैं। लेकिन समय आपके अनुकूल हैं इसका लाभ उठाएँ।
सिद्ध गायत्री मंत्र का लाल चंदन की माला से जप करें, कन्या को खट्टे फल खिलायें...
वृषभ -
यह सप्ताह आपको मिले-जुले परिणाम देगा। इस समय धैर्य और संयम से काम लें और कोई ऐसी बात ना कहें जो दूसरों को दुःख पहुँचाये। शत्रुओं से हानि नहीं होगी किंतु बार-बार विवाद की स्थिति निर्मित होने से तनाव होगा साथ ही मानसिक उलझनें आपको घेरे रहेंगी। परिवार से सुखद समाचार मिलने के संकेत कम नजर आ रहे हैं। बच्चों या परिवार की तरफ से भी मानसिक परेशानी रह सकती है। आर्थिक मामलों में यह समय आपको आपकी मेहनत के अनुसार फल देगा, लेकिन कोई बड़ा आर्थिक निर्णय लेने के लिए समय सही नहीं है। अपनी सेहत का ध्यान रखें और बाहर के खाने से परहेज करें।
गाय की सेवा करें, भीगे हुए गेहूॅ खिलायें. मंगल मंत्र का पाठ करें...
यह सप्ताह आपके लिए कई आर्थिक फायदे लिए हुए है, आय में अभूतपूर्व वृद्धि होगी और व्यवसाय में भी मुनाफा होने के प्रबल योग हैं। लेकिन आपको सलाह है कि कोई भी आर्थिक निर्णय जल्दबाजी में ना लें, समय आपके साथ है पर अपनी बुद्धि का भी सही इस्तेमाल करें, क्योंकि तीसरे स्थान में राहु है, बिना विचारे या बड़ों के सलाह के कोई बड़े निर्णय ना लें। परिवार के लोगों के साथ मामूली मनमुटाव या असंतोष संभव है। प्यार करने वालों के लिए समय थोड़े उतार-चढ़ाव लेकर आएगा, लेकिन चिंता करने की बात नहीं है क्योंकि यह ज्यादा समय तक नहीं रहेंगे। स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से एलर्जी का समय है अतः धूल, खटाई से बच कर रहें।
दुर्गा कवच का पाठ करें और माता के दरबार में चुनरी चढ़ायें...
कर्क -
इस सप्ताह आप अपना खाली समय सोशल-नेटवर्किंग साइट्स पर बिता सकते हैं, लेकिन इसके साथ ही जरूरी है कि परिवार और दोस्तों को भी नजरअंदाज ना करें। आपकी नौकरी में तरक्की या तबादला संभव है। नयी नौकरी की तलाश कर रहे लोंगो के लिए भी समय शुभ है, तो इसके लिए प्रयास करते रहें। आपकी कार्य क्षमता इस समय चरम पर होगी, सभी कार्यों को बड़ी ही आसानी से अंजाम दे पाएंगे। सप्ताह के अंत में अपने जीवन-साथी या परिवार के साथ कहीं घूमने का प्रोग्राम भी बना सकते हैं। इस सप्ताह आपके स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से पेट संबंधी रोग कष्ट दे सकते हैं अतः सावधानी रखना एवं दही रायता या बाहर का जूस पीने से बचना चाहिए।
शिव अराधना करें और रूद्राक्ष की माला से शिवमंत्र का जाप करें...
सिंह -
इस सप्ताह दो चीजों पर आपको अधिक ध्यान देने की जरूरत है, पहला है आपका स्वास्थ्य और दूसरा आपका गुस्सा। अपने स्वास्थ्य का अधिक ध्यान रखें, बाहर की चीजों से परहेज करें खान-पान पर भी ध्यान दें। इस समय आपका गुस्सा आपके लिए मुश्किलें खड़ी कर सकता है, इस पर नियंत्रण रखना बहुत आवश्यक होगा, अन्यथा आपके अपने भी आपसे दूर हो जाएंगे। कोर्ट-कचहरी के मामलों को अभी टालने का प्रयास करें क्योंकि समय इसके लिए उचित नहीं है। आग और विद्युत उपकरणों से भी सावधानी बनाये रखें।
सूर्य यंत्र की पूजा करें तथा सूर्य को अध्र्य देते हुए सूर्य मेंत्र का जप करें, रूके काम बनेंगे. बेहतर स्वास्थ्य लिए महा-मृत्युंजय मंत्र का जप करें।
कन्या -
लग्नस्थ गुरू होने से कन्या राशि वालों के लिए यह सप्ताह शुभ है। आपकी निर्णय लेने की क्षमता में अभूतपूर्व वृद्धि होगी, तथा सभी निर्णयों का परिणाम भी आपके पक्ष में आएगा। इस समय आपको आपकी मेहनत के पूर्ण परिणाम मिलेंगे। आय में जबरदस्त वृद्धि होगी और पिता तथा उच्च अधिकारिओं का सहयोग मिलेगा। लेकिन इस समय अपने परिवार के बड़े सदस्यों तथा पिता की सेहत का ध्यान रखें। घर की सजावट तथा विद्युत उपकरणों पर खर्च की सम्भावना भी बन रही है।
सर्वकार्य सिद्धि यंत्र धारण करें और कुत्ते को रोटी खिलाएँ।
तुला -
आपके घर में किसी शुभ कार्य का आयोजन भी किया जा सकता है जैसे बच्चे का जन्मदिन मनाना या शादी की सालगिरह। इस प्रकार इस सप्ताह उत्सव के साथ खर्च की अधिकता होगी और महत्वपूर्ण कार्य के अलावा अन्य कार्यो में देरी के योग बनते हैं। इस लिए अपने कार्यो की महत्वता के अनुसार सूची बनायें और महत्वपूर्ण कार्य ना छूटे इसका ध्यान रखना होगा। इस समय आप शांत रहेंगे और आतंरिक सुख की अनुभूति होगी। घर-परिवार में भी माहोल खुशनुमा बना रहेगा। जीवन-साथी के साथ सम्बन्ध मधुर बने रहेंगे और प्यार करने वालों के लिए भी अच्छा समय है। व्यापारिक तथा आर्थिक मामलों में समय बहुत सामान्य नजर आ रहा है, इसलिए कोई भी बड़ा निर्णय बहुत सोच-विचार के बाद ही लें।
राहु शान्ति हेतु राहु मंत्र का जाप करें, दवाईयों का दान करें...
वृश्चिक -
इस सप्ताह आप अपने शत्रुओं को परास्त करने में सफल होंगे साथ ही कुछ नए दोस्त भी बनाएँगे। शिक्षा-प्रतियोगिता में भाग ले रहे प्रतियोगियों और नौकरी की तलाश कर रहे लोगों को भी अधिक परिश्रम करने की जरूरत है। लेकिन अच्छी बात यह है कि आपकी बुद्धि और पराक्रम इस समय चरम पर होगा अर्थात् आपकी एकाग्रता और मेहनत दोनों इस समय आपके लिए अनुकूल है। पिता और भाई का भी भरपूर सहयोग मिलेगा। अपनी बुद्धि के बल पर विपरीत परिस्थितियों को भी अपने बस में करने में सफल होंगे। आपको अपने कामों को अंजाम तक पहुँचाने के लिए अधिक प्रयास करने होंगे, जिसे आप करने में भी सफल रहेंगे। कुल मिलाकर यह सप्ताह आपके लिए बेहद अनुकूल है।
माँ लक्ष्मी की आराधना करें और सिद्ध लक्ष्मी यंत्र की पूजा करें।
धनु -
इस सप्ताह आपका सप्तमेश लग्न में और अष्टमेश द्वादस्थ है जिसके कारण इस समय किसी और के कार्य अथवा पार्टनरशील के कार्य या धन सम्बन्धी विवादों से भी इस समय दूरी बनाये रखें, अन्यथा सफाई देना या कोर्ट के चक्कर काटना पड़ सकता है। कुछ मानसिक उलझनें आपको परेशान कर सकती हैं लेकिन जल्द ही आप विपरीत परिस्थितियों को अपने बस में करने में सफल होंगे। प्यार करने वालों के लिए अच्छा समय है, वे अपने रिश्ते को शादी में बदलने का प्रस्ताव भी घर वालों के आगे रख सकते हैं। शिक्षा-प्रतियोगिता में भाग ले रहे प्रतियोगियों को अपने प्रयास बढ़ाने की आवश्यकता है, जिससे कामयाबी प्राप्त की जा सकें। अपनी माँ के स्वास्थ्य की चिंता आपको परेशान कर सकती है, उनका ध्यान रखें। इस समय आपके भाग्य स्थान में राहु होने से बाधा और रूकावट आयेंगी उसके लिए निम्न उपाय करना चाहिए।
जगतगुरू कृष्ण जी की पूजा करें...पीले वस्त्र या पीले फूल चढ़ायें...बड़ों को आदर दें...
मकर -
इस सप्ताह समय आपके धैर्य की परीक्षा ले सकता है क्योंकि आपके लग्न में मंगल और अष्टम में राहु है, इस समय अपने आपको शांत रखेें, नियमानुकूल चलें और प्रयास तथा निरंतरता को बढ़ायें, अंत में परिणाम आपके हक में ही होंगे। पारिवारिक सुख में वृद्धि होगी और जीवन-साथी का भरपूर साथ मिलेगा। आपका स्वास्थ्य उत्तम बना रहेगा लेकिन अपने घर के बड़े सदस्यों की सेहत का ध्यान रखें। बच्चों से भी कोई अच्छी खबर सुनने को मिल सकती है। नया वाहन, घर या जमीन खरीदने के लिए समय उचित नहीं है तो थोड़ा रुक जाएँ। आपके लिए हुए निर्णय सार्थक होंगे और सफलता दिलाने में आपकी मदद करेंगे।
हनुमान मंदिर में बैठकर हनुमान चालीसा का पाठ करें.. मसूर की दाल का दान करें..
कुम्भ -
क्रोध और वाणी पर नियंत्रण रखने की स्थिति में ही समय आपको शुभ परिणाम देगा। विवादों से जितना हो सके उतना दूर रहें और कड़वे शब्दों प्रयोग ना करें। पिता या बड़े भाई से वैचारिक मतभेद संभव है, इसलिए सावधानी बरतें और अपनी बात को विनम्रता के साथ उनके सामने रखें। आपकी यात्रा लम्बी तथा परेशानी भरी रह सकती है, तो हो सके तो उन्हें कुछ समय के लिए टाल दें। इस समय पार्टनर, जीवनसाथी या जितने लोगों पर भरोसा है ऐसे लोग भी आपको परेशान कर सकते हैं अतः तनाव ना लें और धैर्य से समय निकलने का इंतजार करें...
शनि की शांति के लिए शनि मंत्र का जाप और गरीबों को काला कंबल देना आपके लिए शुभ होगा...
मीन -
आपकी मानसिक उलझनें बढ़ सकती हैं और पराक्रम में भी गिरावट आएगी, ऐसी स्थिति से बचने का प्रयास करें और स्वयं पर भरोसा रखें। धन का आगमन सामान्य रूप से कम होगा इसलिए भी बड़े आर्थिक फैसले लेते समय सावधानी बरतें। वाहन भी सावधानी से तथा धीमी गति पर चलाएँ। इस समय आपका लोन आसानी से पास हो जाएगा, तो अगर लोन लेने की सोच रहे हैं तो अभी प्रयास करें। भूमि, भवन, वाहन खरीदने के लिए समय उचित है, इस समय सभी रूके कार्य को करने का प्रयास करें। परिवार के किसी सदस्य के स्वास्थ्य की समस्या मानसिक तथा आर्थिक परेशानी का कारण बन सकती है। कुलमिलाकर यह सप्ताह मिलाजुला होगा।
बृहस्पति मंत्र का जाप तथा पुरोहित या गुरू को एक समय का आहार करायें...

Monday, 28 November 2016

Effect of Ketu in fourth or 4th house of horoscope

The shadow planet Ketu is a enemy of the ruler Moon of fourth house but the planetary placements in the horoscope chart could make this placement positive or negative for which it could provide variant impacts upon the human lives.The benefic placement of Ketu in 4th house would turn the native spiritual as he/she would deeply believe in the divine presence and would keep walking over the righteous path. The natives this placement will appear to be lucky for the father and Guru besides which, the native would have Son only by attaining the blessings of the Guru.Besides this, the placement of Moon in 3rd or 4th bhava will also bring pleasing results to the native and will make him/her a good adviser besides which the native would be endowed with a very strong financial stature.On the other hand, the malefic presence of ketu in 4th house will bring health problems to the person and his/her mother will also face some problems. Happiness and peace could be absent from the native’s life due to variant hurdles and difficulties. The person having Ketu in fourth bhava would rarely have a son and if he/she would have then, it will be in the 36yrs of age. Diabetes could become a serious concern.In the end, the natives having Ketu in fourth house should keep a dog at home and should nurture him. The person should offer yellow flowers in the water and should wear silver for the peace of mind. These remedies would help him/her to a good extent for the betterment in life.4th house belongs to mother and Ketu is natural Melific so in Genral way ketu In 4th is not consider good regarding Mother. It may gives disattchment with mother, may be there is no good relation with mother. It may cause for separation with mother or native don’t live with mother. If ketu is weak or afflicted then native may be loss his mother. But if ketu is well placed then evil effect of Ketu may be reduced or don’t give such bad effect.4th house also belongs to mother land. When ketu is placed in 4th house then native may be live away from mother land or may be lives in another house in place of own birth house. Or there may be create a situation where native leave his home land forcefully.If ketu is not well placed Native may lose own property but if ketu is well placed then evil effect reduced. There may be disputes regarding property.Ketu is destroyer of materialistic world so 4th house ketu may destroy materialistic happiness(depanding of conditions of Ketu and 4th house lord also). Its try to keeps away from materialistic world. Such as happiness from friends,relatives,vehicle,family.If ketu in not good or weak then native friends or relatives may be corrupt or other meaning may be native may be cheated by them.

Effect of ketu in third or 3rd house of horoscope

Though the shadow planet Ketu is perceived to be a malefic planet, the placement of Ketu in third house will bring both pleasing and adverse impacts while on the other part, third house also gets affected by the planet Mercury and Mars while the Ketu is a natural enemy to them. So on the impacts of this placement entirely depends upon the other planetary placements in the horoscope chart.If the placement of Ketu in 3rd house becomes benefic in the third house then, the native would be blessed with good children and would be a generous and kind person from the core. He/she would be spiritual in his/her beliefs. Apart from this, the placement of Mars in the 12th bhava will affect the Ketu in 3rd house house and will bring a son to the native before his/her 24yrs of age, who would become a reason for the good life and that is for the long period of life of the native.The placement of ketu here brings a profession including much traveling to the native while the malefic placement of Ketu will make the native wander & travel useless and pointless.Besides this, the malefic placement of Ketu in 3rd house will bring some financial losses to the person with some part lost in legal matters. The native could go apart form his/her spouse or sister-in-law/brother-in-law besides this, the native would receive troubles from his/her brother’s side and will possess much distress and agony as there would be much difficulties in his/her life path and lack of peace would prevail.In the end, the native should put tilak/mark of saffron everyday over his head, he/she should wear something of gold and should offer jaggery and rice in flowing water to the almighty. These rituals will help the native win over the malefic effects of this placement to a good extent.

Effect of Ketu in second or 2nd house of horoscope

The shadow planet Ketu is another most malefic planet in the astrological arena besides which the placement of ketu in second house would provide variant impacts depending upon the other planetary placements in the horoscope chart as the benefic position of Ketu could take the native towards financial and professional heights while the adverse placement could bring malefic effects of ketu.The second house is ruled by Moon who will also give results according to the placement of Ketu. The benefic placement of Ketu in 2nd house would bestow the native with good affluence along with benefits of paternal affluence and property but Moon will bring adverse impacts. He/she would be needed to travel a lot and most of them would bring benefits to the native.Apart from this, the malefic placement of Ketu in 2nd house would take the native towards wandering to places without any benefit from the same besides which, the native would have a good income but the expenditures will also be high and lavish.On the other hand, the placement of Sun in twelfth bhava will make the native begin to work after twenty four years at a good phase of life besides which the exalted placement of Jupiter in the second bhava along with Ketu would brings really high income to the native.Besides this, the placement of Moon or Mars in the eighth house would bring shorter life span to the native along with serious problems at the age of 16 or 17yrs while the empty eight house would also bring malefic effects from Ketu. These people having Ketu in second house should follow some remedies to reduce the malefic impacts of ketu which comprises visiting temples and worshiping deities with true core and putting the tilak of turmeric and saffron over the head. He/she should stay away from adultery and should not get much involved in worldly pleasures.Ketu belongs to harshly manner so native speak harshly.Ketu is exploring inner truth of person through speech. Native don’t hesitated to speak bitter truth. So ketu In 2nd native don’t take to time to show your faults. So Genraly native don’t like by other due to all of this quality.Ketu also belongs to explosive type Tempar so native speaking explosively. So this indicating quarrelsome native.ketu belongs to fanaticism so native may be fanaticism type.Ketu is also belongs to Philosopher thoughts so native may be speak like philosopher type. Ketu In 2nd native may be eye sight problem or eyes problem.Big or minor problem of eye sight depand on native chart.Ketu belongs to fair colour so native may have fair colour but as ketu is natural Melific so facial problem may indicating.Native may suffering from pimple or such type face problem.When ketu In 2nd house native may have harsh lookness on face.

Effect of ketu in first or 1st house of horoscope

The placement of ketu in ascendant would bestow the native with most of the Ketu impacts which would be both pleasant and adverse as they would bring both positive and negative effects to the native’s life. Besides this, the presence of Ketu in 1st house is the most explicit expression of difficulties in life.The native having Ketu in first bhava would reach good heights in the professional arena and would attain good affluence but he/she would require to work very hard and would need to put much endeavor as there would be much impediments in the path throughout the life of the native. The native in first house would receive growth but his/her life would lack the presence of peace as he/she would be compelled to distress. These natives would confront much perspiration.The natives of Ketu in Ascendant are perceived to possess weaker composition of mind besides which they would carry fragile personalities. These people would lead a tensed life as they are prone to unreasonable stress due to variant reasons besides which they would require to struggle for almost everything they would wish in their life.Apart from this, Ketu in 1st house would bring health problems to the spouses of the natives and there will be some ups and downs in the conjugal path of the native which would bring anguish to the person.When Ketu is placed in first house, Sun gives auspicious results despite He may be posited in the chart in debilitation or ill placed in 6th house. But native should not give money (copper coins as indicated in Lal Kitab) for expenses to his son in the evening or early morning. Native will have high regards for his Guru or teacher and will always help his father in his difficult times. Native will have male progeny and he may even worry for other male children also. When Mars is posited in 12th house, Ketu can not adversely affect the first house.Native will not have problems in his profession especially daily earnings.
When Ketu is giving malefic results after marriage, performing Saturn's remedy will ward off the evils.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

ज्योतिष वास्तु के अनुसार धन सम्पति रखने का स्थान

तिजोरी से सम्बन्धित वास्तु के सिद्धातों का उल्लेख करने से पहले नकदी, घन-दोलत का सही अर्थ समझना उचित रहेगा। हिन्दी भाषा में दौलत को 'धन' और संस्कृत में 'अर्थ' कहते हैं। गणित में धन शब्द को जमा (है) के चिह्न के लिए भी प्रयोग करते है। इसलिए जो भी चीज जोड़ने योग्य है, सकारात्मक है शुभ है या इच्छित है- वह धन कहलाती है। धन का अर्थ है- जीवन के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में हमारी प्राप्तियाँ। संस्कृत के शास्वीय ग्रंथ विभिन्न प्रकार के धन के उल्लेखों से भरे पहुँ है; जैसे रूपधन (सुंदरता रूपी धन), यौवनघन (जवानी रूपी धन) पुत्रधन (संतान रूपी धन) , स्वीघन (जीवनसाथी रूपी धन) हैं गोधन ( पालतू पशु रूपी धन) आदि। राजस्थान में पति को अवसर 'धणी' कहा जाता है जिसका अर्थ हुआ- ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसके पास स्वी रूपी धन है। जीवन में प्रत्येक अर्थवान् वस्तु या धन है। अत: धन का अर्थ लेवल मात्र करेंसी नोट या मुद्रा की नहीं है। ज्योतिष अनुसार, कुंडली के द्वितीय भाव को धनस्थान कहते है। इसी भाव से खान-पन और भोज्य पदार्थों आदि का भी विचार किया जाता है। हमारा मूलभूत धन जैन और खाद्य वस्तुएँ है। प्राचीन काल में जब कभी मनुष्य जंगलों में रहता था तो चौवन रक्षा के संघर्ष में भोजन ही उसका मुख्य धन था। जन्मपवी में द्वितीय भाव ईशान के पूर्व कौ और पड़ता है। इसलिए मिठाइयाँ, पेय पदार्थ , फल , सब्जियाँ, शर्बत, मसाले और अचार आदि खाने-पीने की वस्तुएँ इंसां में रखनी चाहिए। इनमें जल्दी ख़राब होने वाली वस्तुएँ ईशान के उत्तर की और रखें। अन्य खाद्य वस्तुएँ जिन्हें मात्रा में सौर ऊजा की जरूरत होती है हैं ईशान के पूर्व को और रखें। ये खाद्य पदार्थ ही हमारे मूलभूत धन है। आँरिसीजन और पेयजल के पश्चात भोजन ही हमारी मूल आवश्यकता है। करेंसी मुद्रा, गहने-जेवरात और अन्य मूल्यवान वस्तुओं के लिए नैव्रर्द्धत्य सबसे उत्तम है। एकात, सुरक्षा और ' की इन वस्तुओं की मुख्य आवश्यकताएँ है। उत्तर में कुबेर का निवास है। वह सभी प्रकार के संचित धन का स्वामी इसलिए कई तथाकथित वास्तुशास्त्री नकदी और गहनों को उतर दिशा में रखने की वकालत करते है । उतर दिशा और खुली रखी जाती है और यहाँ कोई भी आसानी से पहुँच सकता है। इस प्रकार मूल्यवान वस्तुओ की सुरक्षा संरक्षा का हमारा उद्धेश्य पूरा नहीं हो पाता। उसी दिशा होने के कारण उतर दिशा में पहले खान-पान की ऐसी रखी जाती थी जो जल्दी ख़राब हो जाती थीं। कुबेर को घटोदर " में दर्शाया गया है। वह भोजन-अटूट व्यक्ति है। तिजोरी गृहस्वामी के शयन कक्ष में रखें। यह स्थान गोपनीय, सुरक्षित व संरक्षित हो। तिजोरी घर के मुख्य "अधिकतम दूरी पर हो और अजनबी लोगों को कभी न दिख पाए। तिजोरी को मज़बूत, समतल आधार पर रखें। ' कभी भी टेढी नहीं होनी चाहिए। समतल आधार पर चार पायों पर खडी तिजोरी स्थिर रहती है और इसी प्रकार सचित धन भी स्थिर रहता है। आपकी आधिक स्थिति भी स्थिर रहती है|
इस क्षेत्र की दीवारों और टाइलों का रंग पीला रखें। पीला रंग पके अनाजों व फलों और सोने का रग है। इससे धन में बृद्धि होती है। इस क्षेत्र में मकडी के जालों से दरिद्रता आती है। तिजोरी को शहतीर के नीचे न रखें। इससे आपके स्रोतों का शमन होता है। जो की और बही संस्थाओं का मुख्य द्वार से अधिकतम दूरी पर होना चाहिए। जहाँ तक हो सके, इसे नेतृत्व में रखें। तिजोरी की पीठ नेतृत्व की और रखे ताकि इसका मुख उत्तर या पूर्व की और खुले। रूम का दरवाजा हमेशा उत्तर या पूर्व दिशा में रखें। उत्तर या पूर्व दिशा में कुछ केंद्र पर एक खिड़की बनाएँ। इस कमरे की ऊँचाई अन्य कमरों से कम न हो।

Effect of Rahu in twelfth or 12th house of horoscope

The Rahu is one of the adverse placements of the celestial arena as it bring negative impacts upon the native's life for most of the times. Placement of Rahu in 12th house would bring some harshness to the native's life as this is quiet a negative placement in the horoscope chart.The natives born with Rahu in 12th house would confront high mental pressure to the native's life and he/she could have insomnia. This placement makes the native have high expenditure upon the sisters & daughters and which could be a another reason for mental stress to the native.Besides this, if Rahu gets placed along with its enemies then, it would be more difficult to earn good labor and to keep the finances balanced even after giving the best of hard work & efforts. Life of these natives could be harsh and difficult till the extent of miseries and agonies leading towards the thoughts of suicide. They will have high mental worries in due to this placement.The natives of this placement of Rahu in twelfth house should stay upon the true & loyal path and should keep his soul pure and attitude as moral because lying and deceiving would bring very adverse impacts to the native's life as it will turn Rahu more malefic for these people. Besides this, if anyone would sneeze at the beginning of any work then, that would result malefic for these natives. They could confront unfair and untrue allegations and could have loss of money and diseases. The placement of Mars along with Rahu would provide pleasing results.The natives of this placement of Rahu in twelfth house should never take services from others and should take their meals by themselves. These people should keep saunf & khand under the pillow in the nights for the peace of mind and good sleeps.

Effect of Rahu in eleventh or 11th house of horoscope

The shadow planet Rahu is one of the most adverse celestial presence which in general perceived to leave adverse impacts though planetary placements could bring some variations in the same. The arrival of Rahu in 11th house would bestow the native would good wealth and social stature upon land.The natives born with this placement of rahu in eleventh house would have a strong presence but that may not be much respected in the social arena besides which they could also possess some enemies around in their enclosure and some of their friends could be wicked and deceitful. Though these people would be acquainted to many but they will not possess very strong relations or will have only few of them.The people born under this placement of Rahu in 11th house would receive the impacts of both Saturn & Jupiter as well. They would remain rich till the time their fathers would be alive and would receive money form mean people in life. These natives are advised to wear gold in the neck after the death of father as it would keep them away from the adverse impacts.Besides this, the malefic placement of Mars in the horoscope chart would destroy everything later in life though he/she would possess all the good things while birth. They will confront some health problems comprising diseases associated with ear, urinary system and spine and could have losses in the business associated with Ketu.The malefic placement of Rahu in eleventh house would result in the bad relationships of the native with the father and that could even be bitter of the bitter. Besides this, these people should wear iron in some form and drink water in a silver glass if the planet Jupiter & Saturn get placed over the 3rd or 11th bhava. Placement of Ketu in 5th bhava would further enhance the adverse impacts upon the native.The natives of this placement should never receive electric equipments in gifts and should stay away from blue sapphire, ivory or toys in the shape of elephant.In the Eleventh house, the Rahu gives many friends and supporters who will help the native to progress. It is a good Rahu in the 11th houseposition for associations. This position also indicates increased wealth for the Mother or the Wife; and this will benefit the native and his children.11th house of horoscope chart predicts the affluence of the person by the depth of his treasure and acquisition. This tells us about the ancestral power of finance he would have in his life. 11h house of horoscope chart gives an explicit image of the status of the person due to his or her burden of coins. It explores the accomplishment of desires and dreams of the person. It presents the materialistic pleasure he might have in his life. It informs us about the relationships of the person outside his or her door.Good house for Rahu again, but whenever Rahu placed in this house then please analyze carefully because this is the house of your desires and dreams and this is the house which tells your desire will fulfill or not. Rahu in the 11th house gives massive amount of wealth, especially during its Dasha. This Rahu gives huge success after age of 31 or 34.

Effect of Rahu in tenth or 10th house of horoscope

The Shadow planet Rahu is well known malefic presence of astrological arena as it many times brings harshness & difficulties in the native's life. The placement of Rahu in 10th house could either be positive or negative as depending upon the placement of Saturn, the ruler of 10th house in the horoscope chart though some hurdles will definitely present in the path.The positive placement of Rahu in 10th house would bless the person with strong affluence & respect in life which would be admirably long and blissful throughout though they could confront some obstacles in their path. Besides this, the presence of Moon along with Rahu in tenth house would bring Raj Yoga to the native and he/she would appear to be luck for the father.The malefic presence of Rahu in the tenth house would bring him/her much difficulties in the path of career & finance and could also result in defamation. These people would have some enemies around. This placement would result in the bad health of the native and native's mother.Besides this, the placement of Moon in 4th bhava along with this placement would result in the eye problems to the person. These people would face headache problems and would confront financial losses as especially from a dark complexioned person.The people born with Rahu in tenth bhava should always keep their head covered as it will save them from the malefic effects of Rahu. They can use blue or black colored caps. They should serve & feed blind people and should offer 4kg khand in a sacred place or flowing water as it would reduce the negative impacts to the great extent.The positive placement of Rahu in 10th house would bless the person with strong affluence & respect in life whichrahu in the 10th house would be admirably long and blissful throughout though they could confront some obstacles in their path. Besides this, the presence of Moon along with Rahu in 10th house would bring Raj-Yoga to the native.
The malefic presence of Rahu in the 10th house would bring him/her much difficulties in the path of career & finance and could also result in defamation. These people would have some enemies around. This placement would result in the bad health of the native and native’s mother. Rahu in the 10th house is the best position for Rahu. Actually Rahu is truly materialistic planet and this is pure materialistic house, so this is one of the best position for Rahu. It gives immense wealth, worldly fame, strong will, good relation with highly reputed people. Rahu in the 10th house makes a person wealthy, famous, huge success in media/entertainment/software.Rahu in the 10th house generally dreams of success in life. This involves overcoming limitations and rising above his or her station in life through gaining the support of authority figures or others who are in a position to help.

Effect of Rahu in ninth or 9th house of horoscope

The placement of Rahu in the horoscope chart is many times a harsh placement which is believed to bring adverse impacts for most of the times. Here in 9th house also Rahu would bring some adverse impacts as leaving some negative shades upon the native's life.The natives of this placement of Rahu in 9th house would be quiet unstable at the core and would lack at the true understanding of life and the world. They would not be completely true and honest from the core due to which they would confront some hurdles and difficulties in life. Besides this, the natives of this placement won't possess good relations with people around or would have only few relations in life.The people of this placement of Rahu in 9th house would be somewhat against spirituality and won't be truly believe upon divine presence besides which they are far away from the arena of philosophy. They could even be found upon the immoral path while in true they themselves won't be able to see the difference between the wrong and right.The natives born with Rahu in ninth house would receive benefits and reduction in malefic effects of Rahu if they would maintain strong and pleasing relations with brothers and sisters and would keep them near. Besides this, not being spiritual would also affect the progeny of the native in an adverse way and his/her progeny would appear to be useless for the person. These natives are advised to pursue the professions associated with Saturn as that will take them towards great heights.The placement of Jupiter in 5th & 11th bhava along with this placement would leave the native deserted from the positive impacts of Jupiter besides which the malefic placement of Rahu in ninth house would create much impediments in having a Son and that would be further enhanced if he/she would file any court case against anyone in blood relation.The empty 1st and 9th bhava would bring some health problems to the person and would bring lack of peace of mind besides which it can bring defamation to the person and insult specially from elders. These people should put a saffron tilak over head as a daily routine in the morning and should wear gold for betterment. They should keep a dog at home for reducing the malefic effects of Rahu and should keep pleasant relations with the in-laws for benefic impacts upon one's life.With Rahu in the 9th house of the natives natal chart, is blessed with riches, rich clothes, brocaded garments, large rahu in the 9th housenumber of servants, jewelry, jewels, and has a general feeling of happiness. It makes the native the master of his thought and a very self-satisfied person. He will also expect people to accept his thought process and adopt his scheme of things and be generally satisfied in his life.The native is interested in new formulations whether it is scientific or philosophical. Rahu in the 9th House, initiates many long travels, they can be adventurous and risk taking, sometimes unplanned.In the 9th house, Rahu may cause delays and difficulties in getting inheritances, makes them influential with the higher classes, many changes in jobs, higher attainments for some but after sustained efforts and most importantly, they are more spiritual due to their life experiences.

Effect of Rahu in eighth or 8th house in horoscope

The shadow planet Rahu is one of the most malefic presence in the celestial arena for which it is perceived to bring most of the adverse impacts upon the human lives though if the other planetary placements would support, it could also bring some positive shades at times.The people born with Rahu in 8th house would lack the sincerity and seriousness in their approach towards life. They will be the people of amusement arena who would think of having fun for most the time at any cost. They could even be disloyal and untrue at times and could betray others in relationships for which they would rarely possess strong relations around.The natives of this placement of Rahu in eighth house would make much lavish spending in their life while at some places they would be compelled to do so as in court cases or upon unworthy people. Besides this, it will also affect the personal life of the natives as they will confront much difficulties in maintaining relationships and would confront the lack of peace in the family.Apart form this, if the benefic Mars gets placed over 1st or 8th house and Saturn gets placed over 8th bhava then, this malefic placement of Rahu in 8th house would turn somewhat benefic to make the person rich and to bring him/her success upon land.The natives of this placement of Rahu in eighth bhava should keep a square piece of silver always with them and should keep some amount of Saunf below the pillow while sleeping. They should not work in any electricity or power department or in any kind of associated arenas. These could bring them some of betterment in life.If Rahu is aspected in the 2nd House, the native is deprived of wealth and it makes him poor. When Mars exerts a malefic combination to his natal chart, then the native becomes criminal-minded and does cruel acts of violence.If Rahu is well aspected, it gives the native wealth and possessions out of a business related to death and funerals. As with Rahu in the 1st House, this gives the native a desire to stay alone.In the 8th house, Rahu leads to higher expenditure, higher liabilities, even legal hassles. The longevity of the jataka comes under adverse stars. possible loss of life partner, interest in religion, philosophy and spiritualism. It could also lead to prolonged illnesses.

Effect of Rahu in seventh or 7th house of horoscope

The Placement of Rahu is generally perceived to be adverse and inauspicious besides which the presence of Rahu in 7th house will also bring negative impacts upon the aspects of this house or there will be some hurdles in the path of the native even if other planetary placements would reduce the negativity of the Rahu's presence.The natives of this placement of Rahu in 7th house would be dominating upon many around but they would possess very few strong bonds besides which there will be many people standing around them but most of them won't be trust worthy besides which these natives also won't be completely loyal in relationships. They would confront much obstacles in developing relationships and could have many some enemies around but they would emerge safe even though.These people having Rahu in seventh house would face some difficulties in getting married and would also have some hurdles in the conjugal path besides this, it would not be good for these natives to get married before 21yrs of age. The natives would possess positive relations with the government and strong bonds with people of authority which will be beneficial for you while those weaker than you would keep a relation for their own self interests.These people having Rahu in seventh bhava would confront much losses if they would get involved in the pursuits associated with Rahu like electrical equipment. Besides this, if the Mercury, Venus or Ketu get placed upon the 11th house then the native would suffer from head aches and his/her sister, wife or son would also receive worst effects as taking them towards a very poor situation. These native having Rahu in 7th house should confer six coconuts in a flowing river for the reduction of malefic effects.

Effect of Rahu in seventh or 6th house of horoscope

The shadow planet Rahu is perceived to be a malefic presence in general but depending upon the planetary placements in the horoscope chart, it can also appear pleasant at times. The placement of Rahu in 6th house would bring some positive impacts upon the native's life.The sixth house is ruled by planet Mercury and Ketu and here Ketu gets exalted for which it will bring pleasant results to the native. This placement of Rahu in 6th house would bestow gains to the person and there would be good affluence at the native's home. Apart from this, the native having Rahu in sixth house would make a lot of lavish spending and specially over the clothing. They will lead a very comfortable and amusing life altogether.The natives of this placement of Rahu in sixth house won't have much work pressure neither they would take worries at work as they will remain calm and fun-loving even at work but their intellect would take them towards good heights in the professional arena. He/she won't be needed to put much efforts and hard work to grow besides which they will triumph over most of the hurdles and emerge safe at work place.Apart from this, the malefic placement of Rahu in 6th house would bring problems to the native's brothers and friends while the placement of Mercury or Mars in the 12th house will be another reason for the malefic effects to the native. This adverse placement could lead to loss of wealth and health problems to the native. Sneezing while going to work will be a sign of bad results for these natives.The natives of this placement of Rahu in 6th house should keep a black dog at home for the betterment in life and should keep a lead nail in the pocket for most of the times. He/she should never harm his/her brothers & sisters.When Rahu is placed in the 6th house of the natives natal chart, it creates rift and dissensions amongst subordinates rahu-in-th-6th-houseand servants. Rahu leads the pack and makes a leader of the person in any field of work, hence the position of the planet in this house is unfavorable to employees.But the native becomes very rich by different sources such as government sources and thus subdues his enemies easily. Rahu is a natural malefic to the 6th house and as a matter of fact, any malefically placed planet in the 6th house will do as the last point is enumerated.In the 6th house, it will display aggressiveness and in dealing with numerous adversaries. He will be tough and rough in these matters. He may have many opponents. He may be prone to dumbness. Native should be cautious not only of his adversaries but also the so-called friends and hidden inimical forces

Effect of Rahu in fifth or 5th house of horoscope

The Shadow planet Rahu is a well perceived malefic celestial presence but its placement gets impacted by other planetary placements in the horoscope chart which could make it appear beneficial as well as adverse at times. This would come out with the picture of progeny, love and education of these natives.The pleasant placement of Rahu in fifth house would bless the native with good affluence and wiser blend in attitude which would take them towards good growth upon land. These people would be truly spiritual and philosophical in their approach and would carry a learned personality. The natives having Rahu in 5th house would lead a pleasant and respected life and would be endowed with peace & persistence.The malefic placement of Rahu in fifth bhava would bring some of the adverse impact and bitterness in the native's life with the major obstacle of problems in the birth of child or abortions besides this after the birth of the Son, the spouse's health would suffer for continuous 12yrs. Apart from this, the placement of Jupiter along with Rahu in 5th house would result in problems to the native's father.The natives of this placement should keep along or wear an elephant made of silver like a pendant for most of the time as it will reduce the adverse impacts of this placement besides which the person you stay away from alcohol, non vegetarian food and adultery for his/her whole life. These natives should formally remarry their spouse as it will defend their first marriage from perceived breakage and failure.Rahu in the 5th house, is not favorably placed as it disturbs the material accomplishments and attainments of therahu in the 5th house native. It also indicates that the native had a troubled childbirth, or will have difficulty during childbirth, such as children dying early and without reason etc.In this house, Rahu also wrecks havoc on the natives capacity to earn money as he may face innumerable losses and also have a flirtatious wife.

Effect of Rahu in fourth or 4th house of horoscope

The Fourth house is ruled by the Moon while Rahu is the natural enemy of Moon but other planetary placements in the horoscope chart could turn this placement either positive or negative.The benefic placement of Rahu in 4th house would bring intellect and intelligence to the native as taking him/her towards the heights of success besides bringing lumps of affluence at home. The natives having Rahu in fourth house will spend money over good things besides which visiting pilgrims will be very much positive for the person.Apart from this, the pleasing placement of Venus in the horoscope chart will bring good wealth to the native's in-laws after his/her marriage.The exalted placement of Moon, will bring supreme financial heights to the person besides which profession and relations related to planet Mercury would be another reason for the benefits.On the other part, the malefic placement of Rahu in 4th house will make the Moon weaker and will bring poverty and miseries to the person. This will also affect the native's mother adversely.In the end, the natives having Rahu in fourth house should wear silver in any form and should offer 400gm coriander or almonds or both in the flowing water.Rahu in 4th house in considered malefic. 4th house denotes Cancer Sign in Zodiac whose lord is Moon. Rahu is worst enemy of Moon. 4th house denotes mental state of a person. Damaged 4th house diminishes the happiness from mother. Health of mother may be cause of concern. The person has to work hard to own a property. He may also face problems in property matters. The same is the case with vehicles. Further results can be analyzed by the sign in which Rahu is placed in fourth house.

Effect of Rahu in third or 3rd house of horoscope

The shadow planet Rahu is believed to be one of the most malefic presence in the astrological arena but it also appears benefic at times as depending upon the planetary placements. The third house belongs to planet Mercury and is affected by the planet Mars for which it would be impacted by the placements of Mercury and Mars in the horoscope chart.If the shadow planet Rahu gets benefic placement then, the native having Rahu in 3rd house will enjoy a good life surrounded with all the comforts and pleasures as they will attain good affluence and a remarkable place in professional as well as personal arena while there would be a admirable growth in the 22nd yr of his/her life.Besides this, the pleasant appearance of Rahu in 3rd house will bring them longevity as well. Apart from this, these natives will possess much valour and vigour along with true loyalty inside. They will defeat their enemies and will stay at the safer side and won't carry any debt as he/she will desert much wealth behind.On the other hand, the malefic placement of Rahu in third house will bring losses to the native as the brothers and relatives will waste his/her money and people won't return his/her money once borrowed. The native will lack at the side of communication skills and he/she won't be able to speak impressively besides which the evil impacts of Rahu could take the person against the spirituality and moral path.Besides this, the placement of Sun & Mercury along with Rahu will make his/her sister widow in 22nd or 32 yrs of the native's life. the native should keep the stuff of ivory near for reducing the malefic effects of the placement.Third house represents arts, communication, media, writing skills, marketing and business. Rahu in third house is auspicious. This is one of good position for Rahu. These people have good courage, strong determination and gains. They will have business attitude. This position is good for people who are in the field of business. These people know the sense of others and can attract others with their words. If the Rahu in third house is benefic, the person will be good at communication. He can achieve success in business, media, arts and poetry. This person will have log life and good wealth. Achieves gains from others by their communication. Rahu in third house make the person mentally very strong.Rahu in third house makes the person spiritual. They believe in god and will have strong beliefs about religion. These people are in general intellectual and will have higher education. These people will have less harmony and selfish. They will have cunning nature about relationship.These people can express their feelings very clearly and can influence others. They can fill positive environment over the people. Rahu in third house gives good health and wealth. These people will have very less patience.

Effect of Rahu in second or 2nd house of horoscope

The shadow planet Rahu is perceived to be one of the most malefic presence who brings most of the difficulties and hurdles to the native's life while the arrival of Rahu in second house will bring good affluence and strong position to the native as if other planetary placements will also support then it could take the person towards a royal and aristocratic life.
People born with Rahu in 2nd house are believed to possess a long path of life. Besides this, if the placement of Rahu is adversely impacted by other planetary placements then, the native could confront a poor life with bad times at family where agony and problems would prevail and intestinal disorders are also possible.The native having Rahu in 2nd house would not be able to save money and could turn towards evil deeds besides which, these natives possess danger from weapon and theft.These natives having rahu in second bhava won't carry much effective eloquence besides which these natives would not have any impressive presence upon others. They should keep a solid silver ball in the pocket for reducing malefic effects of Rahu and should pay all the respect and services to their mother and motherly women. The native should not take any electric equipment from in-laws.It is unfavourable for family and wealth. The native dies after being hit by a weapon.He sustains on the objects received from religious institutions. (b) He enjoys happy family life. The financial status is related to the position of Jupiter.If Saturn is in the 1st House in the annual horoscope and Jupiter is favourable, then everything is likely to move smoothly, but if Saturn is debilitated there may be adverse effects.The person having the Rahu in the 2nd will be faced with the problem of earning and managing his/her own resources. It is instructive for him/her to depend upon others’ finances and resources. He must build his/her own if his/her destiny is to be fulfilled. This nodal position needs to develop practicality, physical endurance, and perseverance. Rahu here must relate loyalty to sex, and must bring it down to earth and reality.The Rahu in the second house is fortunate for the native’s personal worth; his/her business will prosper, he will accumulate wealth fairly rapidly, and many strokes of luck will urge him onward. It also favours a rich marriage for love, with an intellectual partner, of tall stature, gentle disposition and clear complexion.

Effect of Rahu in first house or 1st house in horoscope

The Shadow planet Rahu is one of the most inauspicious planetary presence as it is believed to bring most adverse impacts to the human lives and would bestow some negative impacts to the native’s attitude. The placement of Rahu in ascendant could bring much harshness in the native’s attitude and hardship to his/her whole life but it will also take the person towards good heights.The natives of Rahu in ascendant or 1st house are perceived to be born with valor and courage besides which they would carry potency of mind as well as body. These people would appear tough in their appearance and would be mentally stable.The natives having Rahu in first house would not be warm and affectionate in their approach but they are perceived to be sympathetic at the core besides this, the natives of Rahu in first bhava would possess a dominating and potent place in the professional as well as social arena.On the other hand, the negative impacts of Rahu in ascendant would include obstacles in the native’s life for which the native would need to put much efforts and hard work for emerging safe and high. Besides this, the native could be wicked and hypocritical in attitude and could play deceits.The female natives may confront abortion due to the presence of Rahu in 1st house besides which his/her spouse would have health problems.Rahu in the 1st house of the native gives him distinction and a name of repute, sometimes even bad. This is rahu in 1st housegood placement for Rahu but on different side Ketu extremely bad in 7th. If Rahu well placed in 1st, then it gives suddenly worldly fame and wealth. Someone who likes being in front and center of things or in lead position like the sun Rahu gives that in a very easy way. Well placed Rahu makes a politician in this house, But completely damages the married life. Marriage can take place happily if Venus is well-placed & when Jupiter is in the 7th house sitting with Ketu. It gives sharp mind and if Rahu badly placed then greediness also. This type person is short-tempered and ambitious if they do not achieve something in life, then they eye other`s money. Sometimes they are totally dependent on other’s wealth if debilitated Rahu is present here.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Effect of Saturn in 11 or eleventh house of horoscope

The planet Saturn or Shani is one of the most potent presence in the horoscope chart which brings strength and dominance along with the hurdles & difficulties in the path. The arrival of Saturn in 11th house would bestow the native with good social presence and good relations around and high aspirations to the person.The natives of this placement of Saturn in eleventh house would carry high hopes and dreams and would be truly determined and dedicated in their path. They would give all the required endeavor in their walk and would fight with obstacles for which even if their path would remain quiet harsh but they will reach good heights of professional and social arena and would attain good affluence & position. Their high endurance & patience further strengthens their path.The people born with Saturn in 11th house would carry good relationships around as they would develop bonds with many in the social arena but their intimate & close relationships would only be few though they would possess numerous friends around. They would be truly friendly and would be able to merge with any kind of age group besides which they would often approached by people in need.These people having of Saturn in 11th house would not involve in worthless social stuff as they would find it somewhat tiring though they will carry a significant presence in the social & professional arena. These people won't share their personal core with everyone and would prefer to keep it aloof though people won't come to notice it. They are free living souls who always needs their own space.On the other part, these people having Shani in eleventh bhava could be somewhat untrue & deceitful at times and their shrewdness would further help them in growing ahead. Their fortune would reach good level after the age of forty. Besides this, here Saturn would provide results depending upon the placements of Rahu & Ketu in the horoscope chart.The natives of this placement of Saturn in eleventh house should place a vessel filled with water before going to any important work. They should sprinkle oil or wine upon earth for continuous forty three days as it would reduce the malefic effects of this placement. They should stay away from immoral food & drinks and should keep their character & core pure and true.
Saturn is well-aspected, the planet will actually manifest as a benefic planet, building long-lasting relationships with friends and groups that are becoming even better when they mature. Saturn’s good side indicates stability and support, and the native’s eleventh house will eventually become a basis on which he can always find shelter and safe-haven through difficulties.Saturn can bring quite a lot of friends who are of an older nature than the chart owner. This usually indicates a wonderful relationship with one (or more) grandparents, which the individual was considering as real friends during his childhood. This pattern continues during his whole life, as he has learnt to communicate on a higher level with older people. They perceive the native as one of theirs, even if he is still lacking in experience. Indeed, he can frequently follow a lot of the elders’ traits, and many times find through them shortcuts to wisdom that another person would need years to reach.Adversely aspected Saturn can bring quite a lot of loneliness. The native may not trust his friends and generally abstain from group gatherings, while also have an automatic disdain towards being a member of organizations. He will like his loneliness and find comfort in it; large groups of people suffocate him and he builds an inner barrier towards such kind of events. Difficult aspects with Mars or Pluto may indicate traumas concerning friends in his childhood, which probably made the individual feel as a social outcast. Alternatively, he may have been pressured a lot by friends and feeling that a friendship has a lot of responsibilities; this may lead to preferring to pass a lot of time on his own.

Effect of Saturn in tenth or 10th house of horoscope

The planet Saturn or Shani is a well perceived potent presence in the astrological arena. The placement of Saturn in tenth house would bring dominance & authority to the natives of this placement but Saturn always come along with some problems & difficulties in the path.The natives born under this combination of Saturn in 10th house are perceived to be very much desired of higher positions of authority and are believed to put great efforts & hard work for the same. They are sincere & determined at their work place and carry strong belief upon their own. These natives would confront some obstacles in their path as the path of Saturn could never be easier but they will over come the difficulties and would become stronger with time.The natives of this placement of Saturn in tenth house would carry a dominating personality to work place, even if they won't possess much authority. These people are natural leaders at work and could also behave in the same way in their personal front at times and are strongly serious at work. They carry a quiet aggressive attitude and could be harsh at times for which they would possess only few strong relations around in the professional & social enclosure though they will leave great influence around and would rule over the surroundings. They could also have some hidden foes.These people of Saturn in 10th house being deeply devoted towards their profession could take over weight of responsibilities upon their shoulder which could turn their life difficult at times and for this they are advised to stay practical in their approach towards work. Apart from this, these people would attain admirable growth in life due to their own endeavor and they will worth it.In this placement, Saturn has arrived in its favorite house for which it is one of the positive placements in the astrological studies. This would bestow the person with satisfaction & happiness from affluence & prosperity. These natives will also receive favors from government and would possess pleasing relations with the people of authority.The natives of this placement having Shani in 10th bhava are advised to work while sitting at only one place as then only, they will enjoy the true benefits from the Saturn. The natives of this placement should visit temples to the possible extent and should offer food & services to blind people for the reduction in malefic effects. They should stay away from non vegetarian food and alcoholic drinks.