Sunday, 20 November 2016

Effect of Venus in second or 2nd house of horoscope

The planet Venus or Shukra is a benefic presence which brings most of the goodness to the human lives as it is the giver of comfort and luxuries in life through either of the way. Venus or Shukra keeps the path of the native quiet easier towards growth besides which it is the giver of charm and fortune.People with Venus in 2nd house are perceived to possess a good affluence besides which they are believed to possess materialistic wealth upon land for which they could also get very much involved in materialistic pleasures. These natives would be very much inclined towards making money and will use most of their intellect and endeavor for the same.The natives of this placement of Venus in 2nd house will carry a high taste and vision for all kinds of items as they will select only few which would possess worthy quality and will be admired by most of around. Besides this, these natives possess an artistic and creative blend which could become another way for earning wealth for them. On the other part, the natives with Shukra in second house will have a very melodious voice along with their charming and attractive style over words to impress everyone around.The natives of this placement Venus in second house should not appear wicked to others as that would bring harms to the native besides which he/she should not have a Shermukhi house that is house with wider front. They should not have any business associated with gold while the profession linked with earthen stuff, agriculture and animal will be benefic.Placement of Venus in second house could also lead towards infertility for which the natives should have honey and saunf and should feed cows with potatoes colored in yellow turmeric and should donate two kg Cow's ghee in temples for reducing the malefic effects. These natives should stay away from adultery.
When Venus  placed in 2nd house that represents family & family lineage, Venus mainly influences on 2nd house of things ie like family assets, wealth, jewellery, sweet speech, music, culture, finance, beauty parlous. Auspicious hindu marriage dates in 2016
When Venus come to 2nd house, the native they are very much conscious about their beauty, fashionable things, beauty parlor if Venus under purva phalguni naksatra in 2nd house without other planets are influencing then most definitely it shows that they love to look good always. You can see this placement in most of the actor and musician birht chart. Because 2nd house represents vocal cord, voice & venus represent art, music so musician & purva phalguni naksatra represents most artistic actor mainly muscian .
Libra, which is also ruled by Venus, is a sign that represents working in partnership with others, artistic sensibilities and balance. With Libra energy we discover ourselves by our interactions with others and we discover the world that way too. In the second house this quest to discover the other is intrinsically linked with our ability to attain resources, stability and safety. The natural skill that we are given to accomplish this task is partnership with others and the capacity and drive to create beautiful things (which of course is partnership with spirit). One of Libra’s most powerful assets is people skills, this energy shows us how to work with others and how to create win win situations. This is very valuable in any profession where you work with others

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