The planet Saturn or Shani is a strong celestial presence and is an explicit expression of firmness for which the arrival of Saturn in sixth house of horoscope chart would bestow all the hard shades of the planet to the aspects of this house. Saturn or Shani will play a major role in the life of the native.The native of Saturn in 6th house would carry a very serious and sincere approach towards work besides which they are strongly hard working and determined personalities upon land. These people are concerned about even little aspects at work for which they would be handling heavy responsibilities besides which there would be much work pressure upon the native. These people are quiet workaholic in attitude as they will only think of work and not even little about their comfort and well being. They will accomplish all of their work well and by their own.The natives of this placement of Saturn in 6th house strictly ask for sincerity at work from others as they don't want any kind of fun at work besides which they lack the flexibility and carry a firm attitude at work. They put all of their endeavor at work and wants others also to do the same. The severe & stern attitude of these natives at work place would be the major cause of some bitter relations around. They would carry unreasonable worries and would also face some health problems as well.The natives of this placement of Saturn in sixth house should marry after 28yrs of their age as it would be a pleasing conjugal path then. The natives should pursue the works related to Saturn at night as it will bring true benefits to the person. Besides this, the benefic placement of Ketu would bestow strong affluence along with beneficial journeys and would endow him/her with a blissful and satisfied life with family.People having malefic placement of Shani in sixth bhava should not bring stuff related to Saturn like leather and iron products as it will bring adverse impacts to the person. He/she should serve black dogs and should offer them meals with love as it will bring the blessings of Saturn to the person. These natives should serve snakes for the welfare of children and should offer coconut and almonds in the running water.Presence of retrograde Saturn in the 6th will make the native to shirk responsibility and moreover he would have earned the displeasure of the public, due to his negligence. He would remain aloof, like a lonely goat. Selfless service to mankind, without expecting ‘pat on the back’ for the job will done, would bring him a positive gain. Patience and understanding will be added advantage, along with wise use of good health. The sixth house is also responsible for one’s health. Saturn there is not the best indicator, and can bring chronic problems. These can appear to be even psychosomatic, and work can have a strong effect on their appearance. A common patter which can appear in such a native’s life, is that job difficulties and health problems strike at exact periods together. This can be observed when transiting malefic planets make squares, oppositions or conjunctions with his natal Saturn. Of course, in case that Saturn or the transiting planets are in good natal placements and have no difficult aspects, the difficulties are diminished. Nevertheless, such transits still will be periods of general turbulence, dissatisfaction and pressure. A well-aspected Saturn frequently gives a long-enduring body, that even if problematically functioning has a lot more power than other natives in overcoming its struggles. In addition, it gives the ability of being physically able for work until the native’s late years. It is frequent for them to choose not to retire, even when they have the chance to.Whoever has Saturn in the 6th, is often involved in serving other people. The house is ruling service and servants, and usually involves a lot of routine in his workplace. Another possibility is of working for some elder person, who has a rather cold and difficult character. Nurses are common to have Saturn among other planets occupying the 6th house. As we already mentioned, the 6th house is also responsible for health, and this makes the house prominent in people that are working in the health department. Saturn might complicate issues that concern one’s career, but he can also give a lot of stability in it. When a slow-moving trine appears towards it, it might trigger a life-lasting employment. Saturn’s stability is a double-headed knife though. A difficult square transit could also bring a long period of unemployment; in such a situation the native should observe when the tight square angle starts to loosen.

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