The Shadow planet ketu in 6th house is perceived to be a malefic presence but other planetary placements could even make it appear benefic at times besides which it really gets impacted with the placement of planet Jupiter. It will bring positive results and goodness to the native’s life.The pleasing placement of Jupiter would bring a long path of life to the person having Ketu in 6th house which would be a peaceful and blissful life. The mother of the native would also receive the goodness in life while the placement of any of the two from Sun, Jupiter and Mars are positively placed then, it would further enhance the pleasing impacts of this Ketu placement.The malefic placement of Ketu in sixth house would bring some problems to the maternal uncles besides which it would make the person wander without reason and travel without benefits. He native would have many enemies and foes around as people would carry much malice and ill-feelings for the native and that will be without any particular reason.The natives having malefic placement of Ketu in sixth house would confront skin problems. Besides this, the placement of Moon in the 2nd bhava would bring sufferings for the mother and the native would have a quiet difficult and harsh path of old age.The natives should wear a golden ring in the left hand for reducing the negative impacts of this placement. These people should keep a dog as a pet in home and should nurture him for attaining the good results. The natives should drink milk with saffron and should wear gold in the ear besides this, heat a rod of gold and dip the same in milk after with drinking the same milk would bring betterment in the native’s life. These remedies would bring peace and harmony in the natives lives.6th house is house for enemy when Ketu occupy 6th house then native will be vanquished all his enemy.So native may be enjoying enemy free life.6th house is house for disease when Ketu occupy 6th house native may be disease free. Native have good and sound health. If ketu is ill placed in 6th house it may caused for accidents. Accidents type depanding on rashi and planet which is afflicted by ketu.Ketu belongs to spirituality and occult science. So When Ketu occupy 6th house native have mental strength to got Vidya of Occult science. If Saturan influence ketu then native may got black magic sidhhi.Overall Ketu In 6th native may have power to got success in Isht sidhhi. If Ketu In influence of Jupiter native may got spiritual wake up.

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