Monday, 20 April 2015

Heaven and hell-fiction or reality?

Heaven and hell-fiction or reality? The absence of the four signs, hell-fire, aprurit craving peace, confirmation of sanitation, sanitation ... ... ... ... ....A Garuda from completion.
People say that religion that according to your individual liturgical virtuous deeds are in heaven according to hell and Sin deeds indulges in misery. Is it true?
In all religions of the world of heaven and hell has said. Paradise that is the place where good atmaen and hell is a place where evil atmaen. It is said that the sinful person sent to torture in hell and pleasures in heaven punyatmaon ouster is sent to.The heaven and hell to paradise in Islam is called dojakh or jehannum. Similarly, every religion in the belief that God created heaven and hell is where the person is placed according to their deeds. According to mythology God of death Yama spirits penalties or rewards. Yama's Minister of all souls chitragupt deeds are then going to heaven or hell, send them to yamdut. Awful garudh mythology.
Religion: faith alive three base maintaining and upholding ethics in those three base-1. God 2. Heaven-Hell and profit. It can be considered as three Veda v. When the man was rude and wild people decent and moral to make a few people resort to fear and greed and a molded into the family and society. NASDAQ God and hell and paradise, the apsaraon lured. The people who society God, heaven, hell, informing them of the new rules to be considered phraphet darker. Phrapheton also have their books of which are per crazy.Veda is against such kapol-fantasies. The Vedas are the only true way of tma adhya points. The only person your karma, Vedas according to fixed and consideration according to face sadgati and regression. As seems to be the sense of falling drinks it to downgrade and attention seems to be getting it the consciousness of upward motion says. Veda is speed. If you are living in good speed and you are in heaven and the bad living conditions and you are in hell. Man phirta hell and heaven.

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