Monday, 20 April 2015

The Historic City - Sirpur

India's holy land in the heart of the field, is quite a Pratishti be as Dev Bhoomi of Chhattisgarh is time immemorial. The main temple to the ground in different schools, monasteries, temples, this field represents the specific ï culture and traditions. Diverse areas of the country, religious, mythological, spiritual importance Rupiit get someone on the scriptures and mythology. Chhattisgarh is the same field advantage by virtue of the trip is Shubkari for the masses. The Saiva, Vaishnava, Jainism and Buddhism and Sakta cult statues of gods favored ï importance of the land automatically define.
I'm Sirpur Mahanadi river Ganga is the place I am in India. Sirpur, located on the banks of the Mahanadi and cultural diversity of the past is steeped in the elegance of the architecture. Sirpur is known in ancient times Sripur Me and I'm tense Somvanshi rulers had the privilege of being the capital of South Kausl. Art eternal moral values ​​and religious harmony with the original architectural style and illuminated by the light of spiritual science and the history of Indian art posters Sirpur I'm known as the specific art pilgrimage.
Sirpur Sripur ancient name of the middle of the fifth century by historians Sirpur has been the capital of South Kausl. I'm the sixth century Chinese traveler Whensang came here. I'm the sixth century temple built in India, this is the first made of bricks. The Temple
Basta Hrshgupt Devi was built by the widow queen. Ornamentation, beauty, original intent, and is unique in terms of building skills. Develops about 07 feet high, built of stone, this temple of Queen Basta, Mahashiv secret Balarjun mother and daughter of the king of Magadha Surybermn, it is magnificent. Pancsth type sanctuary temple, combined with gaps and pavilion. Drilled on the outer walls of the temple gate Batayn Chaitya window shape, Barwahkgarn, yards, etc. means record is spectacular. The entrance to the temple is very beautiful. Vishnu is displayed on Sirdl Seshdayi. Lila major incarnation of Vishnu Vishnu common scene at the entrance Alnkaratmk branches symbol, Gemini scene and marking Vaishnava gatekeepers. I'm sitting in the sanctuary remaining benign statue Ragraj is infinite.
Attraction: the archaeological city of Sirpur Panduvanshiy time I'm quite a big way, temples, ponds were built, Jinmenn Trinity Temple is also prominent. Whose entrance was at least ten feet wide. Meanwhile tunnel mound panchayatana temple, the largest temple to temple Gandeshwar etc. produced. I'm Sirpur Gandeshwar sacred temple is on the banks of the Mahanadi. Gandeshwar sacred temple on the banks of the Mahanadi I'm Sirpur where millions of pilgrims every year Shravan month I'm walking Bmmahni (Mahasamund) Kanvd visit Setganga speaking from Sirpur bomb went walking with Jaykare God I'm Gandeshwar pay their water. The thing I'm saffron color Sirpur is Shravan month.
Remains of Sirpur:
Vedic school: are the remains of the world's oldest Vedic school. 5th century created quite a Vedic school certificate can be viewed here. 10 m long and 1.5 m width in the middle of the room got quite a statue of Vishnu. The room was a system of follow-up study of 60 students. Would I have discovered the oldest school in India. Teachers have also been found rooms here. I'm the highest point east of the Vedic school Raikera pond surrounded on all sides of the pond is. Inmenn still lotus bloom.
Public house and pool: Sirpur Me I'm excavators found a public house, of which: the veranda porch. Also here is turned white tank built of stone. Depth of 3.6 meters long and 70 centimeters wide furrow. Pool was around 12 column. Based on that column's left of their remains. I'm Basil's northeast Chaura furrow. For the extraction of water from an underground conduit adding Ismenn pool is mixed. Underground drain hole on the southwest corner of the drainage works are evidence found here. The pool probably was used for herbal bath. I'm putting neem leaves can be estimated pool. Here probably will be used in the oil bath method.
Graingola: I'm a radius of one kilometer across the remains of the second century, received the Ashoka Stupa. Here are seven graingola met. Ismenn basil leaf and neem leaf and pieces of ocher with evidence of protection from termites. Somvanshi rulers and Laxman temple the temple was built here. Made of bricks sight ancient Laxman temple is still here. I'm excavation of ancient Buddhist monasteries have also been found here. Lord Buddha had to step on the soil of Chhattisgarh. Song When I'm traveling Sripur memoirs mention that today is important to Sirpur. The vast reserves of statues from excavations at Sirpur Bjayhani Pthiyon appears dominated and these statues represent Tntrwad. When it is certified that came Sripur Song. On the side of an old monastery and Ashok Sripur Dsrin He described the Lord Buddha Stupa I'm polemical defeated scholars had demonstrated his supernatural power. Historians also say that it is a historical fact that the-the places sacred to the Lord Buddha had his feet on the stupa was built by Ashoka.
Monastery: as the ancient capital of South Kosal the largest Buddhist archaeological site Sirpur is known to move in India. This place is bigger than Nalanda Buddhist sites. I'm Nalanda monastery four met while I'm Sirpur were ten monasteries. Inmenn six statues of Buddha are found to fit. Sirpur two floors of the Nalanda monastery cloisters are the story. Sirpur marking Buddhist monasteries and Panchatantra tales Citrkthaan posters are also depicted. God Tathagata has spent the season rainy here. Sirpur arrival enduring memory of his third century BC, I'm here to make the Buddhist stupa was built by Emperor Ashoka. After the establishment of the stupa has been quite a big move in the second century BC. Even now, 10 Buddhist monasteries and 10,000 teaching Bhikshus Buddhist stupas and Buddhist scholar Nagarjuna than hard evidence to Sirpur evidence. The establishment of the second century BC to the stones on that name carved in letters received quite a Buddhist Bhikshus. Vatvriksh time of Lord Buddha brought from the market area I'm still exists with its metamorphic branch.
The sixth century A.D. Whensang Chinese traveler wrote, referring to the capital of South Kosal that there were a hundred Sngaram where God is spoken of Tathagata Buddha and the Hindu king of the respect of all religions is the is there. I'm a cave inhabited by Buddhist scholar Nagarjuna locally made.
Sirpur Town Structure: Sirpur Me Me river turns northeast and ancient architecture Mayamt (Ravana's father Maydanv) according to where the river turns northeast on that is the abode of God. That is why most of India on religious pilgrimage River northeast Mudnhe have been set in place. I'm like the Ganges in Varanasi at 18 degrees, Sarayu river Mahanadi five degrees and 21 degrees even go Sirpur turns on the northeast. According to the city of Sirpur Mayamt structure and texture of the temples have been found.
Orderly market and factory: Sirpur Me I'm excavation has the world's largest organized markets, where there is proof of Ashtdhatu factory making sculptures. I'm the factory crucible melting of metals and alloys to be used bricks I'm making sculptures were received.
Sinhwadhurwa Cave: Whensang I'm chronicling the journey he had made mention of the cave near Sirpur Sinhwadhurwa mountain cave where Shiva is founded by tribes, and I'm currently quite a fair guess that location.
I'm Sirpur foreign port: Sirpur Me State Seal of the name of the port of Bandar-e-Mubarak received on that river, which shows that through overseas trade was Sirpur. On the Mahanadi river port near Sirpur survives. I'm the river increases the amount of water used to come and Usmenn ship.
Sirpur I'm cooking with two thousand one hundred people were donated by King embroidered inscription mentioning are met. I'm Sirpur Buddhist temple have found quite a large number of monasteries. Shiva temples feature the addition of these kings have been set by different societies. Shiva temples in different societies have created quite a symbol of society, temples are carved ladder.
Ayurvedic Snankund each granary built Ayurvedic Bath stone pit in front of the group that came to light on that. Open verandas 1.80 & 1.80 & 0.60 meters in these Snankund size. I'm healing of various diseases were these Kudon. Underground pipes to drain water to move in each pool. Pools were terraces above. Also Ayurvedic ten-bed hospital, surgery and bone tools have been found on that metal rod.
Turturia Falls: Turturia Sirpur Warnga 15 miles thick woodlands Balmdei flowing between the hills is located on the banks of the river. Here are many Buddhist ruins the carpet. An ancient grand statue of Lord Buddha, which is located here, as I'm venerable sage Valmiki by the masses. The thing here was formerly the residence of Buddhist Bhikshuniya. This place is a spring water flows from the sound of Turtur, the name of this place has fallen Turturia.
Mother Sita sanctuary: I am the subject of Turturia is said to have been abandoned by mother Sita Ram Valmiki Ashram at the same location was quite a shelter. Then Love Kush was also born here. Ramayana of Valmiki Ashram writer of the shrines on that spot because it counts. The location is also very important in religious terms, and it is the center of Hindus great veneration and feelings.
Matagdh Temple Matagdh called here is another major temple, which sits on the Mahakali. Is a high hill on the other side of the river, go to the temple Sidiyhaa with trails are also posed. I'm never sacrifice the monkeys Matagdh practice was sacrificed. It is recognized that the follow-up on Matagdh Valmiki Ashram Ashram is the way I'm Janaki hut.
Barnwapara Reserves: 40 km from Sirpur Barnwapara Located on the banks of the river at a distance. 244.66 sq km. I'm in the area I'm being quite a spread Barnwapara 1976 came Reserves. The sanctuary is named after the name of the village Barnwapara. The Sanctuary 70 km from Raipur Away (Raipur-Sambalpur route) is located. Here are the tributaries of river water source. Balmdehi River and flows through the Leech River Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is Vngram 22 of which: I'm mainly inhabited by the tribal people.
Reserves of the dense forests of teak, sal and mixed forests can be divided on that. I'm one of the gorgeous teak straight stem (Tektona Grandis) Saja like other tree (Terminalia Tomenntosa), Visa (Pterocarpus Marsupium), Lendia (Legrstromia Parviflora), Hldu (Adina Kardifolia), Dhaora (Anogesis Letifolia), salai (Basvelia Serat ), Amla (Inblika Afikinalis), cassia (Cassia Fistula) etc.. I'm bamboo forests can be seen here. White Kutu (Sterkulia Ureas) takes force to attract the attention of anyone. Greening the middle, standing alone is wonderful and the colors of the trees.
I'm the lion sanctuary, Tendua, bear, gaur, chital, sambar, nilgai, wild pig, fox, hyena, etc. look sharp. I'm Barnwapara more than 150 species of birds are found. Inmenn including migratory birds. Inmenn some wild fowl, Fejent, nightingale, Drongo, etc. are the main woodpecker.
Telidhara: Barnwapara 10 km Far it is captivating. The place is surrounded by forests of bamboo and the year the number of beautiful waterfalls and large flows here. Tourists can enjoy here is Piknik.
Sirpur Fall of the collapse of Sirpur was the earthquake and floods. After the seventh century, the area was quite a strong earthquake which Shaking Sirpur was full of the same river is full of water for months on that city's earthquake and floods caused the destruction of Sirpur. The archaeological excavations on that as proof of the flood and earthquake Me I'm temple mound tunnel crooked staircase and the walls of temples and buildings flooded with water to stop the sand-rich clay deposits on the walls mark a certain distance I see you.

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