Monday, 20 April 2015

Tradition and devotion

Tradition and devotion to the religion-philosophy of life in Indian tradition ..... four Efforts movement is considered. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. The basic element of life or substances are Manvjivn gain can be said of the actual achievement. Receipt of the first three of these are possible in this life, it is necessary to knock the Cathe beyond death. Before further discussion about it is essential to know what salvation. Discharge means directly in Indian tradition, get away from the traffic of the world. This is generally the case when taken together in the divine spirit-an integral part of it becomes integral. Merges all the duality between the two. The water in the water-like situation in the Aquarius and Aquarius. Water pitcher, the pitcher of water. The body of the Pancmahabhut pitcher. Water trapped between the two surfaces of the thin soil fleeting wall, whose origin is not possible without water or Prmtttv. Vedanta in which language is Maya. So that it contains only eradicated Pancmahabhut turned down all the water in the ocean is contained in the water. Takes the form of the coupled ocean. This salvation, which is a whole other sense, man, when it seemed that his intended, whom he wanted to get, he has received him. His vision has been proficient in distinguishing Neer-latex. As a result of the vacuity of the world, have been known to cover his elusive. Also the origin of the world is beginning to recognize the existence lies behind him. He has so assimilated that its withdrawal is impossible to perfectly. Now any greed or fear any power any temptation could not deter him from his course. With this realization comes in the form of salvation. Then it does not undergo the cycle of birth and death. The second means of salvation of the soul unbroken fellowship with God. Both the dual such Antrgta be impossible. Them together to integrate such withdrawal may not be possible. When you receive a discharge, then it is said that the mind away from mundane ailments have been completely untouched-detached. Jain philosophy Kaivalya at this stage, "said. Kaivalya or feelings of belonging, of all divorces 'only' to be aware of. It should be realized that I am he will one day become part of it. At that time, no desire, no desire. No earthly temptation will distract me. In this situation Buddhism Nirvana is described, which literally means-'buja happened. The person takes the life of this world, when he lived in the world beyond the world of the living, like a lotus in the mud acquires withdrawal, then it is assumed that he has won the world. Discharge due to physical temptations will, aspirations and nirvana. Gita Karma this situation, Akarm and vikarma has attempted to explain by the triangle. Something for everyone in the world according to the specified object. Unless the human body, it is impossible to discharge duty sheer. Because the body breathing, eyes to see ears, listening to that work. Saints not discharge these duties. If life in the body, then it has to be kept religion of the body. The discharge is the Abhiprayः! Buddha says that being in the body beyond the body is possible. Although it requires long practice and ethical conduct. In either case liberation and salvation from the cycle of life and death gets rid birth. But the salvation of the state after death. Nirvana is not mandatory for the end of life. Gautama Buddha attained Nirvana was in bodily form state. Mahavir Jain philosophy promoter masters Kaivalya-state was already alive. But the friar-seeker can not be like them. The common people do. So it was all the religion-philosophy is the same mantra. And that detachment. Staying in the world free from the bonds of the world, wealth, greed to go beyond the bonds of relationships and Mohmaya, to get away from their strange distinction, which is also close to her acceptance of God's grace and When the name of God to every achievement, it is Shazmarg to reach salvation. That is called Sahaja Yoga. Wishes to state that seems to be socialized. Holy desires are associated with public interest. In that case the person does not own anything. The Parhit your interest, welfare seems to believe in the personal welfare. In other words, to be selfless is a sense of liberation. Or means to be selfless act Nishkarm is not escaping. In deed, worldly deeds, maintaining its involvement in the hearing to be selfless and weird sounds impossible? Dolly torpor only accepts Nishkamyta synonymous. Some people decide to retire are to be selfless. But the Saints metamorphosed body of forest-forest around the quietness really not possible. Unless the mind is obsessed with Mohmaya how long the situation might be possible to Karmsnnyas. I also have a way to resolve this confusion Gita. Krishna says that do work, but the fruit of the desire to abandon it. Selfless act, the action of the work shall stop, maintain the realization that I'm occasion, the subject is no more, "Twdiyn object Tubyamev Govindm Smpyte 'all work with spirit, God-made assumption that dedicate all Karmflon go away is Karma Yoga. Vikarma desire to abandon the fruits of karma, and the realization that I am the only occasion, to which God, who was born unto him at the behest of God, the concept of karma Akarm to deliver high social is there. Fled from the world to live in the world than to flee karma Karma Yoga is the practice difficult. Krishna says in the Gita that Karmsnnyas why Karma Yoga is supposed to be the best, even more than that: a specific than Karmsnnyasi be karmayogi
Karmyogeshwa Karmsnnyasyat Krabhuvu Nisreyns. Tyoshu Karmsnnyasat Bisishyte karmayogi .. Phnucna to be karmayogi floor is walking a tightrope. Away from worldly temptations to get away from her work-retirement is possible, but then karmayogi do away with its temptations in the world while still occurs. How to Shuffle a Karma Yoga! How far is it to live in the world of love, the various Dharmdrshnon different legislation, although they often Mulswr alike. Munign remain engaged in the element-contemplation. Sages to control human behavior and innovative legislation to forge a decent living. By ancient Indian mystics have been the cause of similar design of four Purusharthon. Efforts real sense of life in the Hindu tradition, the four multi attainments are also indicative. Efforts Dharmrupi disciplining means that we are exposed to ethos. Staying in the world should do, and what you have learned this truth. And we've got it all Cracr creation, like-like creature, born of forest vegetation are the same superconsciousness. As the son of a single supreme father, we are all brothers. Note that the meaning of religion, just as Efforts to reach the divine, it is not to know or learn to prepare. All these things come into account spirituality. What is religion? This was an illustration of-the religion of Manusmriti learn Bhrigu Muni approached the sages. With his curiosity, he said before Muni "Sir! We want to know religion? "The answer to this Bhrigu Ji gave 'Savita Sdbhiः Vidwdbhi." That is, people who are good scholars, who all have a well-sense, they do conduct, are serviced by them, which Acrit would have the same religion. In this definition of religion is neither the spirit nor the divine. In other words, religion is synonymous with ethics and morality. Indian intelligence worldwide acclaim for its unique Ttwcintn. Indian Views of Justice, Vaseshik, Jain, Buddhist, Charwak, Metaphysics and Vedanta scholar Munign etc. their way into all the mysteries of life and the universe are trying to investigate. His philosophy is conceived wonderful flight. The Jain, Buddhist and Vedanta philosophy, as well as elemental analysis happy to make life easier and give practical theory. Buddhist path provides Ashtdmm post. Jain effortlessly learn this fact and can resort to a story. There was a king. Very generous, Prjawatsl. To take care of all. There were many craftsman in his state. More than one, unique. When the king saw the plight of the artisans attempted to find a market for them. Announced that the market will remain unsold artwork until dusk, he will buy it themselves. King's command, the market might not be. A day in the market came from a craftsman Lakshmi statues lumps. Sculptures were unmatched. By dusk sculptures sold everything in the craftsman. Except one. The statue was Alkshmi. Who buys the statue now Alkshmi good! The statue was neither traded nor sold. Craftsman evening the king approached the statue. The minister was king. He suggested that the king refused to buy the statue. Lakshmi can see the Statue of Alkshmi angry, but the king was tied to his word. "In the evening I Haat has pledged to buy up unsold items. Obey your word is my religion. I refuse to buy the statue could depart from their religion. "The king bought the statue. The king's actions throughout the day to retire to bed, then a woman's voice had Cank. The king came to the door of his palace. Saw a prized garments, crying woman with Gemstone Jewelry. The king asked the reason for crying. "I am Lakshmi. Over the years, you have come to live in the palace. Today you insulted me by Alkshmi sculpture. You take it out of her just the palace. 'Devi, if I made a promise to the evening will be unsold artwork, I'll buy it.' 'The price of sculpture by the artist, you have to protect your word; Now you can throw the idol! '' No Devi, our state of the art of artisans to respect my religion, I threw the statue can not. "" Well then, Nibaia their own religion. I'm going. "King was listening to Lakshmi bid and departing from there. The king turned to go towards his bedroom. There was only the sound from the rear. The king looked back, holding a milk-white Vstrabhusn was to appear before a divine figure. 'You' Raja question. "I am Narayana. You have insulted my wife Lakshmi Rajan. I could not live without them. Please reconsider your decision. "" I am bound by my religion lord. "The king said Humbled. "Then I have to go." Said Narayan began to leave too. The king then turned to go into his bedroom. Then his eyes fell on a divine figure. Newly step in his tracks, 'If you want to leave the palace, which go away, but I could not turn away from religion. "Hearing this, she smiled divine figure, quote," I'm Dharma. How can I do better than you. I came to see off Narayan. "The king dreamed that night. Lakshmi Narayan and both were in the dream. When folded hands Hua- apologies Rajan has forgotten us, where religion, there is our home. We're back. "And indeed, the next morning when the king came to his temple there were both Narayan and Narayani. You might not believe such stories. But such stories have been created, the man from his duty, are tied to morality. Religion and religious well-Mndukta Integrating Spirituality and selfish politicians maneuver results.In fact, faith in religion and occupation Jivnmulyon those whose absence can not run society. Whose presence is essential for its stability. Spiritual beliefs of different societies, in their worship practices may vary, but often their Jivnmuly are uniform and unchanging. When we talk of religion and spiritual practice to assume that we are living in the world to come and stand on the matter is morality. Morality is something very high. It shows the path of Karma Yogi, has paved the path for Karmsnnyasi. Be moral purpose, is to be holy covenant karmana. Pvittrta of conduct, purity of mind and purity of the body is the Manvdharm. When we speak of the body automatically goes into the back of her surroundings. Man Buddhism Ashtdharm it is explained on the basis of the principle. Efforts Hindu is another meaning. To survive in this world, to maintain social, mutual funds is essential to run a consistent behavior. He lives at ease and facilitate communication. The importance of funding to meet the needs of life can not be denied. This is the core of social prestige. But there is a catch. Efforts to accept money in any way does not mean that the money earned is dare. Or money so it is valid to all the social-religious terms. Theft, robbery, prostitution and gambling, such as Duwrysnon earned money has upon society. Even if it is too Tirshkar. Practicable means to uplift humanity and purity of both is required. Take excessive money, the second part of the misappropriation of funds is not even dare. Efforts of funds means accepting all behavior related to anthropomorphism. Astey and renunciation Dharnajn as classical arrangements and other related human behavior are to maintain. Lokmanya burglary-robbery or methods which means the money earned from the sin differently. The funds must be equally accessible to the householder life is essential to maintain. The revenue-the saint Kabir said very expressive family Jame span so please, I should not even hungry, monks are not hungry. If criticism is a waste of money to spend wisely needs. Useless frills, public appearances, Corey reputation, such as gambling and alcoholism Efforts to spend on Duwrysnon-fulfillment is impossible. Efforts to make money in other words, the recipient of the dignity, the human form thereof is to provide each practice. This method only Lokmanya ways to spend money earned in Lokmanya Efforts-fulfillment is possible. Efforts to work as Hindu tradition holds third. Work is essential to maintain the moving world. It moves Snttickr. It is also the religious arrangements. Free, work-relationship Uchcrnkl social system can only collapse, but it can cause so much commotion that the entire system be broken. Work for the regular-control system is different social relations, they were certain limitations. To maintain ethics rules were made to provide them cover of religion and piety, so they can get more people Grahyः lily. Even with the added context of faith, so that some of them to larger social goals can not be drawn in favor of individuals. The main objective of the formation of marital institution working relationships have brought social decorum. That meet the criteria set working relationship that can be said is widely accepted as the third Efforts. With the accomplishment of the first three Purusharthon man takes religion to make his conduct, morality and good behavior are part of his everyday life, "meaning" and "work" would have to strike a balance between it, that ordinary people to reach the very top level goes up, so to get closer to the divine call. That is the state of salvation, which is just a sacred purity. Any disturbance or disorder. Is a ferment, or discrepancy is at the far disorder, the fault is our vision, which is the measure according to your convenience, we have made with natural laws aside. Efforts are all decent human life of Hinduism. What to do and what not to teach humans. But you bored with the results of the public considered the world or his dedication to his adorable hunger, or natural-natural desire of the public to find rare, which is why he lives is controlled only be dependent on the dare-Tact it. He wished to take alternative paths to salvation are. Get rid of mythology the God who has given two Pramukmarg, gnosis first. In fact, the first flight of human curiosity about the universe and its writer was with a sense of knowing. Gyanmargi the senses and the mind of God, through the access to the best. As it is to get to know God-Gyanmargi were immersed in the same faith musings. Succeed in their Gyansadna was born as many philosophies. Vedas, Upanishads, etc. creation of the great texts. These examples are from India. Curiosity attached to the rest of the world, the creation of civilizations has given rise to many philosophies. His achievements in this area has to follow those of the intellect saw. But to say that they do not exceed the Wandamay Punprashuti or could explain the Utkshrit. Adi Shankaracharya tradition expanded Gyanmargi the early decades of the ninth century had introduced the idea of ​​the Advaita philosophy. Metaphysics of the Gemini-driven philosophy and stereotypes have been funded by the purely materialistic philosophy Lokayton Karmkandon and established place of Vedanta philosophy. Buddhists go to different parts of the country and were Mimanskon serious polemical, which ended with the Mandan Mishra polemical world-famous. On the strength of his unequaled talent God, perishing Shankaracharya, eternal, infinite, immortal, was considered Avikalp power. The theory of parallel their variable Ramanujacharya kept the Vishishtadvaita philosophy. Anthropomorphism was recognized in both views, but in philosophy propounded by Shankaracharya life and secrets of creation was considered economically logical. Shankaracharya of creation as the original 'Brihm Satyn Jagnnmithea' with the concept of the Nissim, immutable, eternal and infinite concept of existence in front of the community, he was originated from the Vedas and Upanishads, which greatly reduced the God and his avatars was valued. On the other hand, the importance of Ramanuja theism Sadeh spinach and director of creation as Vishnu. Vedanta philosophy Ttwminmasiy interpretation of the Shankaracharya was created, established by the four monasteries of major Govrdhnpit Mukywaky the 'Prgyanm Brihm' (knowledge Brihm have). But for the general public to the devotion given enough importance. That is why both seer and his philosophy Smarta and Vaishnava sects could get the same reputation. Hinduism was organized by the efforts of Shankaracharya. But after some time they began to settle in the wisdom tradition. Some selfish, fanatical and ritual-loving people to maintain their power started society ethnically divided. Even the Vedas and scriptures and worship were to be based on the new denomination. Ethnic-stratification to the classical basis of memory and mythology were fabricated. The result was a symbol of existence eternal, immortal, formless, Nigun "Brihm's location, two-hands, two feet taken by the gods. Wargbed rituals and ancient tradition to rely on knowledge of the system had no attachment. Mtablnbion debate between the various levels of the day came when the conflict broke out and began to Sthulikrn prevailing philosophical beliefs. The resulting Cintndhara drying. Involved in ritualistic religion and customs began its retreat beyond the original installations. This new tradition for the masses, but its socio-economic-social exploitation and there was not any. After the discovery of the philosophy despite Bisd-Cintnprk gigantic creation of texts by the Munign knowledge raised questions about God and his creation right and then failed to give the exact answer that humans seem to have enough IQ Discretion is the limit. Through them you can solve the problems of life and the world, man's physical needs and the flight can be an ever-new. But the universe and its structure involving countless Prsshnon can not be solved completely. Find a reason for this was that the philosophical reflection and contemplation of the subject that were once, in the hands of idiot Going blank in manner had become quibble. This assumes the existence of people in your Shazbuddhi is invisible and imperceptible. He suspected that she is so vast and can not be singular. Apparently it was escapism of human intelligence. But he had to be in those situations. Once it was assumed that God is bottomless-unmarked, limited ability to explain the vast and uniquely accessible to the human senses, the only way of knowing he had left, was the love and dedication of the , which later became the father of the Bhakti movement. In terms literally devotion word 'Bj' metal 'Ktin' suffix is ​​made by applying. Which means worship, to archan memory. The man's deep attachment to God prosper, his actions are comfortable sharing. Acharya Ramchandra Shukla Pranttw devotion to religion, is considered his picturesque expression. Who believe in devotional tradition believe that God is eternal-infinite and Prmkripalu. It is impossible to get through limited senses. Is part of the soul, but he turned it down in Maya Snsarrupi has forgotten his identity. God for the salvation of their creation takes time to time avatar. The only way to get him, the icon itself, completely dedicated to your Aradhydev before. Lose-win, your perfect dream is to lose all hope-expectations on him. At the height of devotion devout not wish to remember anything except his Aradhydev. Within four and even his own philosophy, he is adorable. And the devotee becomes integral to their adorable, Aknisht in his devotion to the whole world has forgotten the goal of salvation, then it becomes accessible to the lily. Earthly diseases seem to run away from him. Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha four Efforts begin his yoke. Sewadar salvation becomes his feet down. Funeral for a devotee-SAD and the distinction disappears Akarm. It is the duty Dharmsammt. If he does get in contact with their adorable, the great saints, seers not available to the meditator. Adorable by the unfathomable love and dedication to the great wise man has been able to have neck, they themselves blessed by the yoke of his love and dedication to understand and reach further dedicate himself. All the knowledge that the man in front of the beautiful, all the siddhis, all four items: the temptation to fall short infested waters wage liberation theologian karma-faith intent was that Chen Dou Acknowledge Jebri filtering everything is accessible to devotees. The world's greatest power is subservient to his Hriddha and faith. Devotion is the first book in the twelfth century was almost fresh-fresh breeze.Fresh from the cradle. From that class yet been exploited religious-economic-social. Most of his Udgata Sntkvion were either Sudra, or even Antyj down. The name of this ritual conventions and knowledge are created in the name of religious Pakhandion blank Vitnda strong socio-cultural revolt against the public was first. Vedanta philosophy influenced the saint poets 'attributes' adorable envisaged; And the absence of a clear-abstract-of-eternal and infinite God has immersed himself in devotion. These people included the Jatiwarg. The large number of those who had been born that day were victims of religious-social exploitation. Varnwyvstha was the first time in history, the Sudras the Lord created the saints and their perceived high class open challenge to the rulers and thinkers. He not only challenged the rituals of religion are imposed on the name, but criticized by Wargbed to establish a harmonious society, wrote songs. The emergence of the Bhakti movement memorable event in the history of the period, when India began to grow on the alien attack. Been divided into small states of the country to protect its independent political-cultural identity was reeling. Gyanmargi traditions and rituals of India entangled in fruitless debates he had lost the edge, which her five-six hundred years ago, to be distinguished in the world of Indian spirituality-consciousness did. There was a tradition of devotion to the south and north Maharashtra reached, where Kabir, Radas etc. hypocritical preachers in the name of religion directly challenged. The crazy attacks on him fiercely. They were thereby Pratadhnaan. Born in Maharashtra in the twelfth century saint Dnyaneshwar had also suffered Adnbrwad. Jnyaneshwar fundamentalists and their family's life for torture-incest sorely spent in sorrow. He ignored his great treatise gyaneshwari was down three hundred years. But then when he came in front of the world unequaled book began opening the eyes of the public. Sant Dnyaneshwar Namdeo's followers, known, Nrkri, Chokamala, service, blonde, Sawant, deserter, etc. came from different walks of life. Had a profound impact on the community of poets attribute devotee. His reputation began to grow so fast that in a society which initially derided the class used to fly, new hurdles in the way presented, in turn, felt he join devotional tradition. This boosted the reputation of the movement. But the most devout of the upper classes of society-poet could not free his class allegiance. Lokwyapti Bhakti movement and taking advantage of its grip on the masses, those poets are slowly starting to Sthulikrn of your adorable. Devotion and dedication name adorable nail-Shik praise of all his talents, he describes his erotic imposed on Rsmay and luxurious. Poets such as Saint Basil's character weaknesses ignore their adorable, just focus on the myth. His servile religious Pakhandion and nobility helped to maintain as the case may be. It was natural Bktigeeton emergence of the feudal character. As a result, the revolutionary nature of the Bhakti movement went foggy fall, the foundation Saint Dnyaneshwar, Ravidas, Kabir was by Sntkvion etc; And later by the independent religion founded by Guru Nankdev. Bhakti-movement went later ripped apart. A class which believed in the divine attributes assuming his worship. Loved his second incarnation. Basil, Tyre, Mira, Haridas, Dadu etc. Most saints extolled God as the God and true. Bktimargi Saint Ramananda, basil, etc. If the RAM as its Aradhydev Mira, Tyre, appeared as Haridas etc. Krishnprem devotion. The effect of the division of social characters also get to see here. Most of the major worshipers worship the God were associated with that class, which was the immediate social benefit system. Tyre, basil, Mira etc. came from the upper classes of society perceived, while the saint-poets Nirgunian Most of the songs came from that segment of society, on the basis of their labor-skills had won tough life. Disciples of Saint Dnyaneshwar Namdeo tailor, Nrkri Goldsmith, Chokamala Mahar, service barber, blonde Potter, son of Muharin Sawant Mali and deserter. Sewadar to be Namdeo, who lived in the company of his master had received philosophy. In this tradition, Dadu Dayal, Pltu, Nabadas, Mirabai, Sahajo, Charan many other saints, at different times, love and devotion to carrying the message to every corner of the country to work. They divided into several sections race equality and harmony in society, extended the idea and insisted that exist between human-human effort blip revolutionary demolition of the wall. Niguarnpnthi, Premmargi ideology influence of Sufi mystics. India in the fifteenth century and the foreign rulers Sohlvin state was fully established. Raje Hindu Kings had lost its radiance. Most of them are in the service of sectarian rulers were themselves feel blessed. Indian Jnsmaj hurt themselves by deeds of their rulers and was feeling humiliated, frustration and anger that had caused her. Shaskwarg the defeatist and desperate to find inspiration between Jnsmaj Sntkvion ancient Indian culture and history of the shelter was only natural. This trend was reinforced by the God-devotion. The resulting stream of devotion attributes were released back to the God went head element. The main hero of the Indian epics, Rama and Krishna devotee assuming his Uddark poets began plotting his prayer song. It would be pertinent to mention that Rama and Krishna followers Sntkvion her idol was the difference in social background. The reason can be found in both the biography. Petr-devotion of his life to present a perfect example of Aryan culture Praptkr boast victory over Rama Ravana in Lanka played overseas, but the innocent Sita return to Ayodhya expulsion and murder of snail like stain on his character. On the other hand, the life of Krishna entire sixteen art, elegance-Llam of RAM is more than personality. Intimate friend of the gopis as they dance along with them, the two of them freak of flute strains when lifting Govardhana times of crisis to protect the entire Brajmondl. Not only the horrors of war and the battle-ground between severe stress they maintain their composure, and the Gita preaches in difficult situations. Arjuna on the battlefield was his friend, his preaching of selfless action is unique, in which not only the mundane behavior Arjun Prchate blip, but examples of situations to maintain your mental concentration present. Krishna's divine grace that was given to him while is extraordinary. After the conquest of Ravana to punish innocent Sita Ram's dignity expulsion as the stigma, while leaving in Braj Radha Krishna, and the matriarch take the splice made. Even the Mahabharata war for the destruction of the tyrant kings they also resort to diplomacy and deception-delusion, even though not raise a finger on his divinity. But also in the eyes of the public, his character goes up even higher. Therefore devotion to classical Premmargi Cintndhara Krishna always. Brij has received similar devotion to philosophy to deny all the gopis pace. Ultimately you have to give up on their own pace. Gopis who teach the attributes of devotion returned to Mathura as a theologian are defeated by the gopis Uddhav unlearned. Krishna in the Bhagavad Bagvd sublime aspects of life is shown. It's their life not only Leelaan. From childhood to grow but the courage and wisdom of Krishna's account. In cases involving the expulsion and murder of King Rama Sita snail Vashisht orders of his master to follow the letter of the contemporary society suffers from Brahmanism is to help maintain the status quo. Devraj Indra Krishna for the welfare of the masses are not left behind in accepting the challenge. So it is not unreasonable that the proponents of the status quo in society personality Ram friendly to his class had to know. Maybe that's why almost all the saint-poet who followed her idol Ram Jatiwarg were associated with high, the Bhakti movement who were trying to muddy the revolutionary character. On the other hand, Krishna devotees from all sections of society, including even the Muslims were Sntkvi. Devout poets vanished blip and communal harmony in society has a lot of work to get, but it was as attribute-devout poets, could not as the God worshipers. The reason that most attributes were related to the backward classes of society worshipers, who had suffered persecution social blip and Tzznit. In his poetry was so desperate for freedom. There was a tone of social change. The basil, Tyre, Haridas such as the God worshipers who conceived their deity, the feudalism was motivated to nurture the social status quo. Sits on his adorable Sattakendraon, were representatives of society Vrgaen perceived high and mighty. As a result, the society began to recognize the ethnic divide Unwittingly, the social harmony attribute devotee-poets who saw the dream, he was gradually blurring. Muktibodh the situation was very meaningful comment, according to him arising from the lower castes by the Saints as Nirguna Bhakti movement born of a revolutionary movement. Recognizing the power of the higher castes, but later adopted and her own (feudal) conform to the ideas of devotion as the cast gave him the God of Rama and Krishna. Which are out of his revolutionary teeth. In the process, some radical elements were left in Krishna-bhakti, but are then faced the elements go into Rama Bhakti disappeared. Krishna's life and behavior, perhaps because of the concepts of democracy is relatively close. Despite the importance of faith in life and society can not be denied. Disorders and social contradictions of the human mind works to suppress Ahnkarmukt man, which is essential for social harmony and unity. But that era is a Bisd sociological study is still awaited. Om Kashyap

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