Monday, 9 November 2015

Significance of rahu in horoscope: Astrological point of view

In Astrology, Rahu is considered to be a 'Node', 'Chayagrah or Shadowy planet which has a distinct, profound and predictable impact on human lives. Although Rahu is not an observable heavenly body with shape and size like other planets but has a strong influencing power. Rahu does not own any zodiac sign. In Hindu Mythology, Dragon's head represents Rahu. Rahu governs one's ego, anger, mentality, lust, and liquor-habit. Rahu also governs robbery, black magic, and awry activities of life. Adverse influence of Rahu can make one a completely brutal, and violent. Rahu is also significator for hidden money, gambling, fatality, and darkness. Rahu in one's natal chart with good position indicates a long journey. RahuKal or the time period under the influence of Rahu is very unsuspicious period and results acute negative events in life. Other evil act of Rahu that is often mentioned is that he swallows Sun and Moon and thus causes solar eclipses to spread darkness.
Rahu is said to be a demon and represents all characteristics shown by a dragon. Vedic mythologists believe that Rahu represents head of dragon snake. According to Puranas (Hindu ancient scriptures) Asuras (Demons) were in a war with devtas (deities) for the aim to get Amrit (nectar) during the Samundra Mandhan (churning of Ocean by two opposing armies-Deities and devils). Seeing this clash, Lord Vishnu came with an Avatar of 'Mohini' to mesmerize asuras for deviate their attentions from amrit and to keep nectar safe for devtas. But one dragon among asuras was quite a witty demon, he understood the intentions of lord Vishnu and other devtas, and noiselessly tried to drink amrit. But lord Vishnu caught him inhaling amrit and suddenly took out chakra (wheel-sized edge) to cut-off and depart his head from the body before the nectar could pass his throat. And, unfortunately that dragon was pieced in two parts-head and tail, head of the dragon was given a name "Rahu" and the other part was given a name "Ketu", and now they are immortal. Under the influence of Rahu Kaal one faces unfavorable occurrences in life, the best way is "Rahu Pooja" or chanting mantra of Rahu to control the negative effects of this nodal planet.
In Vedic Astrology, Rahu is the north-node of Moon or ascending lunar node, and hence he is a nodal planet. He is portrayed in art as a dragon with no body riding a chariot drawn by eight black horses. Rahu does not own any zodiac sign but can become lord of any house. Leo and Caner are unfriendly with Rahu.
Rahu indicates the paternal grandfather. Rahu also causes solar eclipses, if Rahu, Sun and Moon are in the same zodiacal longitude, solar eclipse takes place. And, he swallows Sun and Moon to cause darkness on earth due to eclipse.
Rahu is significator for all morally wrong things like gambling, stealing, and other poisonous acts. Rahu is significator for travel, death, snakes, night, missing things, gambling and hidden money.
Rahu makes one thought evil. Dissatisfaction in life, affections towards travelling in mountain and forest, dishonesty, cheating, and untruthfulness are some characteristics due to influence of Rahu. This node can cause imprisonment. If one express feeling for enjoying life at other's spending like living in a rented home, using car offered by office or etc. are because of the attribution of Rahu.
However, Rahu is influential in intensification of one's power and converting even an enemy into a friend. Further, westerners believe that Rahu is also benefic in nature.

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