All planets grow in the 11th house and the Sun is no exception. Malefic are welcomed in the 11th house and planets here gain strength in time. Therefore one with the Sun here grows in pride, confidence, respect, authority, vitality and ambition with age. One is interested in material achievement and likes to take the central role in group activities. The native may be connected to organizations, groups or interested in humanitarian projects where they prefer playing the leadership role. One can have social status and mix in prominent circles. Luxury is not so important to the native as holding some position of influence and importance in life. The native is used to having their own way and finds it easy to move about in the material world. They enjoy undertaking big projects. As the Sun shares no equal, natives only do well in groups where they feel they hold a position of importance. The native's elder sibling may have strong influence over the native. Difficulties with this placement can arise through the native's excessive desire for achievement and proud nature. The native can often take on more than he can chew. When the Sun is weak or afflicted the native suffers ego and power struggles with friends and associates. The native experiences most energy and vitality in the early afternoon and for most part of the daytime. The Sun is a supreme celestial presence in the astrological arena and is a well perceive positive presence though it could also bring difficulties and harshness at times. The presence of Sun here in the eleventh house would bring goodness and happiness in the native’s life as it is among the positive placements in the astrological studies. The natives born with Sun in 11th house would be bestowed with strong affluence and great heights upon land and would lead a happy & satisfied life. These people are very much sincere and determined towards their goals in life and for the same they are believed to attain great achievements and recognition in life. They are very much desired to grow to high mounts and would give their best for the same.The natives of this placement of Sun in 11th house would be truly humanitarian in their approach and would share a pleasant relation with people around but they are free living as well and won’t stay longer in any relationship that would cost them their freedom & space. They would be friends with almost everyone but it also has some exceptions as times.They would receive admiration and respect from others and people around would support them in their growth. The natives having Surya in eleventh house are away from brassiness & prejudices. The natives of this placement are true friends from the core and would keep relations alive till the most possible long. They are flexible creatures and seekers of harmony & peace in life.The natives of this placement of Sun in 11th house should stay vegetarian as that will bring benefits to these people and would bestow them with three sons and would bring them favours from government. The positive placement of Sun in the eleventh house would make the person stand dominant both in professional & personal arena. Besides this, if Moon gets placed over the 5th house and Sun would receive malefic impacts which would result in the short span of life. The natives of this placement of Surya in eleventh bhava should stay away from immoral drinks & food that is from non vegetarian food and alcohols. You are advised to keep almonds or radishes near the head of your bed in the night and to offer it in the temple next day as it will bring long life & good children.

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