Thursday, 5 May 2016

Pitfalls in Astrology

In predictive astrology, there are certain known parameters which when applied to a chart yield results. Such results depend upon the multiple yogas being formed in the chart. Other things which influence the results/delineations as taught by the Gurus are factors like operating dashas/antardashas -their Lords planetary avasthas, shadbalas, ashtakvarga strength, transit of major planets etc. The scope of this article is limited to share with persons whose heart throbs for astrology few simple but effective rules which possess the capacity to hijack the delineation of a given chart. Every astrologer would have faced heartache in his interpretations going awry. Such a situation is particularly petrifying for a budding astrologer. The pitfalls which we ignore to our peril may be numerous and would need dozens of pages to be counted and recounted, but we have come across a simple looking phenomenon which must not be lost sight of at the time of delineating a horoscope. It is the “Muhurta” at the time of the birth which needs an incisive peep by an astrologer. The muhurta factors are: • Sarpa-sheersha • Samkranti • Vainashika Nakshatra • Yama-ghanta • Gulika Kaala • Gandanta • Birth at eclipse time • Kshaya maas or tithi • Visha ghati. Sarpa Sheersh In order to limit the size of this article, we propose to deal with the “sarpa-sheersha” factor with the promise to revert in the next issues throwing light on the remaining factors. In literal translation, the sarpa-sheersha would mean the cobra head. No doubt, the most dreaded part of a cobra is its head where it deposits its venom and this venom has the invincible power to extinguish the lamp of a life. If we apply this parallel in astrology, it would bring us to understand that any such formation in a chart which qualifies to be known as the sarpa-sheersha has the capacity to extinguish all seemingly good things which otherwise bestow grace and happiness The sarpa-sheersha affliction is created if Sun and Moon at the time of birth are in Scorpio and at the same time are in Anuradha Nakshatra. The span of Anuradha is from 213 degrees 20 minutes to 226 degrees and 40 minutes in the zodiac. It is stated in the ancient texts that the two luminaries in the above formation obtain to themselves such lethality that the native’s life becomes a living hell. The situation worsens if this formation should fall in the second half of Anuradha Nakshatra. The native suffers from incurable diseases and is generally short-lived. His destiny never flourishes. An example chart is discussed in this context. The fact that Mercury for this nativity is a malefic planet cannot be overlooked but Rahu’s dominating presence in the 11th House plus it being the lagna nakshatra lord and also its transit through the 6th House must bring relief to the native. Unfortunately it is not so. For the seeker of the deep truth of astrology, the horoscope contains the affliction of the sarpa-sheersha factor which has swindled the chart of all its beauty.If a Yoga Karaka happens to be lord of Kendra first and trine later and that planet happens to fall in 12th house gives excellent Raj Yoga results. In this case, Saturn is the planet whose lordship is falling in Kendra 1st and 2nd sign (Aq) falling in a trine and Saturn himself is posited in 12th house. This Saturn becomes an excellent rajayogakaraka apart from its yogakaraka qualities and is supposed to give Raj Yoga results in its M.D. and A.D. periods. These are the views of Keraliya Jyotisha. Above formations should give following results : 1. Foreign education 2. Very well placed in profession 3. AII luxuries at his command 4. Earnings and lot of gains with his own efforts. Native is presently going through M.D. of Ketu and A.D. of Rahu . Both are in their excellent signs and are vargottam. They should give excellent results.

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