Saturday, 7 May 2016

द्विविवाह करने के योग

अधिकतर ज्योतिषी जन्म कुंडली मेलापक करते समय समग्र विषय पर विचार न करके विवाह के लिए सलाह दे देते हैं। गुण मिलाकर सलाह दे देने से वैवाहिक जीवन अच्छा नहीं रहता, गुण के साथ-साथ ग्रहों का मिलान करना भी आवश्यक है। ग्रह मिलान करते समय अच्छा स्वास्थ्य, शालीन प्रभाव, अच्छा भाग्य, समुचित शिक्षा, पतिव्रता योग, संतान सुख, आयु, रोग, दारिद्र, विषकन्या योग, व्यभचारिणी योग एवं विधवा योग इत्यादि विषय पर विचार करना अति आवश्यक है। साथ-साथ भोग उपभोग, रति सुख, क्रय शक्ति इत्यादि विषय भी विचारणीय है क्योंकि दाम्पत्य जीवन के लिए ये विषय महत्वपूर्ण हैं। कई स्थान पर ये देखने में आया है, कि उपरोक्त विषयों की कमी के कारण दाम्पत्य जीवन में दरार उत्पन्न होती है जिसके कारण तलाक हो जाते हैं। बहुविवाह योग कई कारणों से होते हें। शास्त्रानुसार बहुविवाह के वारे में महर्षि यज्ञवल्क्य स्मृति में कहा गया है- नष्ट मृते प्रव्रज्यिते क्लीवे च पतिते पतौ। पंचस्वापत्सु नारीणां पतिरन्यो विधीयते।। अर्थात् विवाह के वाद पति यदि विदेश चला जाए और बारह वर्ष तक लौटकर न आए, अल्प समय में मृत्यु के वाद, सन्यासी हो जाने पर, पति के नपंुसक होने या पति के दुराचारी होने पर, कन्या का विवाह किसी अन्य पुरुष के साथ किया जा सकता है। परंतु आजकल जिस प्रकार बहुविवाह हो रहा है वह एक खेल की तरह बन गया है, कारण यह युग गंधर्व विवाह (प्रेम विवाह) की ओर चला गया है। कई लोग ज्योतिषाचार्य के पास जाकर आज के लोग विवाह का मुहूर्त पूछते हैं कि फेरे कब लिए जाएं? परंतु, युग का प्रभाव इतना है कि फेरे लेने का सही समय बैंड बाजा और नाच गानों में व्यतीत हो जाता है। लोग सोचते हैं कि जब कुंडली अच्छी तरह से मिली हो, तो मुहूर्त की क्या उपादेयता है। लेकिन जीवन के जोड़ने का समय अगर विषाक्त हो जाएगा तब क्या मधुर दाम्पत्य जीवन व्यतीत होगा? अनेक संबंध क्यों होते हैं?: विदेश में अनेक संबंध और अनेक विवाह होते हैं इसका प्रभाव उन देश में स्वीकार नहीं किया गया है इसका क्या कारण और कौन से ग्रहों का प्रभाव है? देखने में आया है कि शुक्र प्रेमाकर्षण एवं काम वासना का कारक, चंद्र मन एवं स्त्री का कारक है। इसलिए विदेशी व्यक्ति अधिकतम गौरवर्ण होते हैं और उन देशों में चंद्र शुक्र के कारण अनेक संबंध और अनेक विवाह होते हैं। हमारा ज्योतिष शास्त्र यह कहता है कि चंद्र और शुक्र का संबंध सप्तमेश के साथ हो एवं पाप ग्रहों की दृष्टि या युति हो, तो अनेक संबंध होते हैं। चंद्र, शुक्र का विचार अति आवश्यक है, प्रेम विवाह का कारण शुक्र होता है। कारण कि शुक्र विलास, वासना, रतिसुख, प्रणय, आवेग, ऐन्द्रिकआनन्द, वैभव और संपूर्ण दाम्पत्य सुख का प्रतिनिधि ग्रह है। शुक्र यदि मंगल से संबंध करता हो या मंगल की राशि में होकर पापाक्रांत हो, तो इसका परिणामस्वरूप व्यक्ति की वासना में प्रखर उत्तेजना का समावेश होता है। शुक्र मंगल के संबंध को अतिकामातुर योग कहा गया है। कारण शुक्र रति-क्रीड़ा एवं मंगल उत्तेजना का कारक है। इन दोनों का संबंध विपरीत लिंग के प्रति आकर्षण उत्पन्न करके यौन संबंध की ओर ले जाता है। अगर शुक्र एवं चंद्र पर राहु की दृष्टि हो एवं कर्क राशिगत मंगल का संबंध हो जाए तो व्यक्ति विवाहित स्त्री से संबंध रखता है। एक महिला ज्योतिषी लेखिका के अनुसार यदि लग्नेश सप्तम में हो और सप्तमेश लग्न में हो, तो व्यक्ति का चारित्रिक पतन प्रदर्शित होता है। मंगल, शुक्र एवं राहु ये तीन ग्रह प्रचुर यौन संबंध एवं मिथ्या विवाह का योग होता है। वह अपनी प्रेमिकाओं के उन्मुक्त भोग का निमंत्रण देता है। यदि किसी कन्या की कुंडली में सप्तम स्थान पर राहु, शुक्र एवं मंगल हो, तो अल्प उम्र में यौन आनंद को उपभोग करके जीवन को नष्ट करती है। मेरे विवचार से सप्तमाधिपति या शुक्र अथवा ये दोनों द्विस्वभाव राशिगत हों या द्विस्वभाव नवमांश में हो तो भी एक से अधिक विवाह या संबंध होते हैं। अगर सप्तम भाव और सप्तमेश पर राहु का प्रभाव हो तो ये योग बन जाता है। मेरे अनुभव से विचार करते समय लग्न कुंडली, चंद्र कुंडली, सूर्य कुंडली एवं शुक्र कुंडली में विचार करने से उचित फलित होता है। इन सब कुंडली में यदि सप्तमेश के साथ मंगल का संबंध हो तो अनेक संबंधों का योग होता है। अगर ऐसे योग के साथ-साथ यदि शुक्र 6, 8, 12वें भाव पर चला जाए और उस पर पाप ग्रहों की दृष्टि हो जाये तो इसका वर्णन वहीं कर सकता है, जो जिसकी कुंडली में ये योग हो यहां प्रमाण होगा। फिर भी एक प्रत्यक्ष उदाहरण एक जातक की कुंडली में मिलता है। इसमें विचार करना है कि लग्न कुंडली: सप्तमेश सूर्य मंगल के साथ है। और सूर्य मंगल पर केतु की दृष्टि है। चंद्र कुंडली: सप्तमेश बुध मंगल के साथ है और उस पर भी केतु की दृष्टि है। सूर्य कुंडली: सप्तमेश बुध के साथ मंगल का होना। शुक्र कुंडली: सप्तमेश चंद्र पर मंगल की दृष्टि का होना एवं लग्नेश शनि पर भी मंगल की दृष्टि होना एवं शुक्र स्वयं लग्न कुंडली से द्वादश भाव पर है और उस पर शनि की भी दृष्टि है। अब लग्न कुंडली के आधार पर पंचमेश, बुध और सप्तमेश सूर्य का एक साथ होना एवं मंगल की युति के कारण व्यक्ति चरित्रहीन एवं अनेक यौनसंबंध बनाता है, यह एक प्रत्यक्ष उदाहरण है। यह व्यक्ति कई बार यौन संबंध के कारण समाज से कलंकित हुआ और विवाहित स्त्री को भी अपने पास रखता है। भीषण त्वचा रोग के कारण इसका शुक्राणु नष्ट हो गया तथा डाॅ. तथा फिजीशियन के माध्यम से जीवनदान मिला है। डाक्टर का कहना है कि इसको कभी भी संतान की प्राप्ति नहीं होगी और ज्योतिष का भी यह सूत्र है कि पंचमेश और सप्तमेश की युति, संतानहीनता का योग है। तात्पर्य यह है कि शुक्र, चंद्र का विचार आवश्यक है। बहु-विवाह क्यों होते हैं: हस्तरेखा द्वारा भी इस येाग का आकलन किया जा सकता है। हस्तरेखा मंे बुध पर्वत और कनिष्ठका उंगली के नीचे विवाह रेखा होती है। यदि विवाह रेखा शाखाओं में विभाजित हो, इसमें अंकुश या द्वीप हो, तो एकाधिक विवाह की संभावना होती है। यदि हृदय रेखा कटी-फटी हो, शुक्र पर्वत दवा हुआ हो, अंगूठा पतला और झुकता न हो, एवं उंगलियां पतली और गांठ जैसी हो, विवाह रेखा पर अंकुश या शाखाऐं हों, तो पत्नी की मृत्यु के बाद दूसरी शादी होती है। अंकुश जितने होंगे उतनी ही पत्नी होती है। जन्म कुंडली में भी विचारणीय यह है कि: यदि सप्तमेश अशुभ ग्रह के साथ छठे, आठवे एवं बारहवें भाव में बैठा हो, एवं सप्तम स्थान पर पाप ग्रहों की दृष्टि हो, तो दो विवाह का योग होता है। साथ में कन्या की कुंडली से भी यही विचार करना उचित होगा। मंगल छठे, आठवे एवं बारहवें भाव में हो सप्तमेश द्वितीय स्थान पर हो और सप्तम स्थान पर राहु व सूर्य की दृष्टि हो, तो तलाक के बाद दूसरा विवाह होता है। यदि कन्या की कुंडली में छठे भाव में मंगल, सप्तम भाव में राहु, और अष्टम में शनि हो, सप्तमेश निर्बल हो तो विधवा योग होता है। दो या तीन विवाह के बाद दाम्पत्य जीवन सुखी रहता है। पत्नी स्थान और पत्नी से आठवां स्थान, आयु स्थान (द्वितीय स्थान) से विचार करना आवश्यक है। अतः सप्तमेश और द्वितीयेश यदि शुक्र के साथ हो या पाप ग्रहों से इनका संबंध हो, एवं छठे, आठवे एवं बारहवें भाव का स्वामी यदि सप्तम स्थान पर हो, तो वैवाहिक जीवन अंधकारमय होता है। सप्तम भाव का कारक एवं गुरू का, शुक्र यदि चंद्र से छठे या आठवें भाव में हो और शुक्र नीच का हो, तो भी बहु विवाह का योग होता हैं। सप्तमांश एवं त्रिशांश कुंडली में यदि शुक्र, मंगल का संबंध हो एवं वर कन्या की राशि शत्रु एवं षड़ाष्टक हो, साथ-साथ जन्म लग्न का स्वामी भी षड़ाष्टक हो, तो किसी एक की मृत्यु के बाद पुनः विवाह होता है। लग्न और अष्टम स्थान के स्वामी जिसका बलवान होंगे वही जीवित रहेगा। चंद्र कुंडली में लग्नेश, सप्तमेश का किसी भी प्रकार का संबंध हों, और चंद्र या शुक्र से मंगल का युति संबंध हो, तो अनेक स्त्रियों से संबंध रहता है। यदि सप्तमेश शुक्र द्विस्वभावगत राशि का हो और द्विस्वभावराशिस्थ राहु की दृष्टि सप्तम, सप्तमेश, शुक्र या चंद्र पर हो, तो अनेक बार तलाक होता है। नवमांश कुंडली में यदि बृहस्पति स्वनवमांश (धनु और मीन) का हो तो और पाप कर्तरी योग में हो तथा सूर्य की दृष्टि सप्तम स्थान पर हो, तो पति के तलाक के बाद पुनः विवाह होता है।

क्या आयुर्वेद विज्ञान में व्यक्तित्व विकास.......

आयुर्वेद को जीवन का विज्ञान कहते हैं। इसका तात्पर्य यह है कि यह विज्ञान मात्र शारीरिक संरचना, स्वास्थ्य संवर्धन का ही विवेचन नहीं करता, अपितु मनुष्य के आर्थिक, सामाजिक, मानसिक एवं बौद्धिक स्वास्थ्य की विवेचना भी इसका उद्देश्य है। कहा है: ”शरीरेन्द्रिय सत्वात्म संयोगो आयुः“ शरीर के साथ सत्वात्म की विवेचना ही व्यक्तित्व विवेचना है। सत्वात्म का विभिन्न परिमाणों में सम्मिश्रण ही व्यक्तित्व के बहुविध स्वरूपों का प्रदर्शन है। इस व्यक्तित्व के विकास के लिए स्वतंत्र रूप से भूत विद्या नामक चिकित्साशास्त्र की अवधारणा संहिताकारों ने की जिसका मूल स्रोत अथर्ववेद की अथर्वण परंपरा से संभवतः गृहीत किया गया है। क्या है व्यक्तित्व: मानस के विभिन्न क्रिया व्यापार के परिणामस्वरूप व्यवहार के रूप में प्राप्त जो विचार है उसे व्यक्तित्व कहते हैं। कुछ विद्वान ”मनोविचय“ को व्यक्तित्व के रूप में स्वीकार किया है। जिस प्रकार शारीरिक क्रियाओं को समझाने के लिए शरीरविचय की आवश्यकता होती है वैसे ही मानस व्यापार के माध्यम से मनोविचय का परिज्ञान होता है। व्यक्तित्व का आभास मनोविचय के माध्यम से भी होता है। मनस स्वयं अतींद्रिय है इसलिए उसके व्यापार दृष्ट एवं अदृष्ट दोनों प्रकार के होते हैं। इस सूक्ष्म एवं अतींद्रिय मनस के व्यापारों को समझने के लिए चित्त, बुद्धि, अहंकार के विषय का ज्ञान कर व्यक्तित्व ज्ञान किया जाता है। कहा भी है: ”शरीर विचयः शरीरोपकारार्थमिष्यते। ज्ञात्वा हि शरीरतत्वं शरीरोपकारकेषुभावेषु ज्ञानमुत्पद्यते। तस्मात् शरीरविचयं प्रशंसन्ति कुशलाः। चरकसंहिता शारीर 6/3 सभी दर्शन के आचार्य मनस का अस्तित्व स्वीकार करते हैं लेकिन मन के निष्क्रियत्व, क्रियत्व, विभुत्व, अविभुत्व निर्विकार और चिदंश स्वरूप को मानने में एकमत नहीं हैं। मानस के संगठन में संस्कार या संस्कार पुंज का विशेष स्थान है। संस्कार प्रत्येक जीवन के अनुभवों के आधार पर सत्व, रज और तम गुणों से संपृक्त होते हैं। मानस की रचना एवं क्रिया में संस्कार कोषों की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका है। इसे हम मानस व्यापार के द्वारा समझ सकते हैं। आचार्य चरक का मत है कि मन अचेतन होने पर भी क्रियाशील है और उसको चैतन्यांश आत्मा से प्राप्त होता है। कहा भी है: अचेतनं क्रियावच्चमश्चेतयिता परः, युक्तस्य मनसा तस्य निर्दिश्यन्ते विभोः क्रियाः। चेतनावान् यतश्चात्मा ततः कत्र्तानिगद्यते, अचेतनत्वाच्च मनः क्रियावदपिनोच्यते। जिस प्रकार देह या शरीर के निर्माण में त्रिदोषों का महत्व है उसी प्रकार महागुणों का महत्व ‘मानस प्रकृति’ या ‘व्यक्तित्व’ निर्माण में स्वीकार किया गया है। महागुण या सत्व, रजस् या तमस गुणों का प्राधान्य ही व्यक्तित्व या मानस प्रकृति का परिचायक है। यह प्रकृति या व्यक्तित्व आचार्य वाग्भट्ट के अनुसार शुक्र आत्र्तव के माध्यम से प्राप्त होता है। यथाः शुक्रात्र्तवस्थैर्जन्मादौविषेणैव विषीक्रिमे, तैश्च तिस्र प्रकृतियोः हीन मध्योत्तमापृथक्। मातरं पितरं चैके मन्यन्ते जन्मकारणम् स्वभावं परनिर्माणं यदृच्छाचापरे जनाः। आचार्य सुश्रुत ने प्रकृति की परिभाषा करते हुए बतलाया है कि शुक्र शोषित संयोग में जो दोष प्रबल होता है उसी से प्रकृति उत्पन्न होती है। कहा भी है ”प्रकृतिर्नाम जन्ममरणान्तराल भाविनी गर्भावक्रान्ति समये स्वकारणोद्रेक जनिता निर्विकारिणी दोषस्थितिः।“ व्यक्तित्व या प्रकृति प्रकार एवं विनियोग: आयुर्वेद का मुख्य प्रयोजन धातु साम्य है, अतः प्रकृति का अर्थ धातु साम्य के साथ ही सन्निहित है। जब प्रकृति का अर्थ स्वभाव किया जाता है तब इससे शरीर और मानस व्यक्तित्व का ग्रहण किया जाता है। स्वभावदृष्टया शरीर मानस प्रकृति और देह प्रकृति का परिचायक है। आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा विज्ञान के अनुसार इन दोनों प्रकार की प्रकृतियों का निर्माण गर्भावस्था में ही होता है। यह पोषण पंचमहाभूतात्म, षडरसात्मक आहार जो माता ग्रहण करती है उसी के अंश से गर्भ को प्राप्त होता है। आचार्य चरक ने चरक संहिता सूत्रस्थान 1/5 में कहा है कि शरीर में ऐसा कोई भी पदार्थ नहीं है जिसकी त्रिदोषों या पंच महाभूतों से उत्पत्ति न हुई हो। आचार्य सुश्रुत ने भी पंचमहाभूतों/त्रिदोषों को शरीर की प्राथमिक इकाई के रूप में स्वीकार किया है और ये ही शरीर के सामान्य क्रिया व्यापार को नियमित करते हैं। व्यक्तित्व या मानस प्रकृति के प्रतिनिधित्व के रूप में सत्व, रजस और तमस को भी आधार रूप में मानते हैं। अतः यहां पर यह स्पष्ट कर देना आवश्यक है कि सत्व, रज एवं तम पंचमहाभूतों या त्रिदोषों से अलग नहीं हैं। डाॅ. ए. लक्ष्मीपति का मत है कि त्रिदोष या पंचमहाभूत अथवा महागुण (सत्व, रज, तम) शरीर कोशिकाओं के चारों ओर स्थित होते और उन्हें ठोस, गैस और द्रव रूपात्मक द्रव्यसत्ता से पोषण प्रदान करते हैं। आधुनिक चिकित्सा वैज्ञानिक क्रिया का सुव्यवस्थित, एवं पारदर्शी स्वरूप मिलने के कारण और प्रत्यक्ष प्रमाण से अधिकाधिक ज्ञापित होने के कारण इसे ‘न्यूरोह्यूमर्स’ के रूप में प्रतिपादित करते हैं। आयुर्वेदीय संहिताओं में इस तरह के भी संदर्भ हैं कि गर्भधारण से पूर्व एवं धारण के पश्चात जिस प्रकार के आचार-विचार, व्यवहार, खान-पान का प्रयोग मां करती है उसका भी प्रभाव गर्भ पर पड़ता है। आधुनिक विज्ञानवेत्ता भी इससे सहमत हैं। व्यक्तित्व एवं ज्योतिष विज्ञान: आयुर्वेद की प्रमुख संहिताओं चरक सुश्रुत एवं अष्टांग संग्रह और अष्टांग हृदय सहित संहितेतर ग्रंथों में शरीरशास्त्र औषधि ग्रहण एवं प्रयोग विधि, निर्माण विधि के संदर्भ में ज्योतिषीय आधारों को ग्रहण करने का निर्देश दिया गया है। ज्योतिषशास्त्र का आधार मुख्य रूप से ग्रहों, नक्षत्रों को माना गया है और इनका ही ‘जातक’ के जन्मकाल, स्थान विशेषादि से गणितीय गणना के आधार पर आकलन कर सुखासुख विवेक निर्धारित किया जाता है। सूर्य, चंद्र, बुध, गुरु, मंगल, शुक्र, राहु, शनि आदि कुंडली के अनुसार सुखासुख विवेक को प्रदर्शित करते हैं। प्रत्येक ग्रह का अपना नैसर्गिक फल होता है। भावाधीश फल का लग्नेश के अनुसार फल बदल जाता है। इसी को आधार मानकर आयुर्वेद के आचार्य साध्यासाध्य व्याधि का विचार कर सकते हैं। अनेक असाध्य व्याधियों का उल्लेख भी है जिनकी साध्यासाध्यता औषधि प्रयोग और ज्योतिषीय फलादेश के आधार पर निश्चित की जा सकती है। यह बात महत्वपूर्ण है कि जहां आयुर्वेद विज्ञान कार्य कारण सिद्धांत के अनुसार शरीराभिनिवृत्ति, द्रव्यमनि निवृत्ति, रोगारोग्य कारणों सहित व्यक्तित्व का प्रतिवादन करता है वहीं ज्योतिष विज्ञान संभावनाओं के आधार पर जातक के गुणावगुणों और दुःख-सुखादि भावों को बताने में समर्थ है। अतः दोनों विज्ञानों का समन्वय कर चिकित्सा जगत की समस्याओं का निवारण किया जा सकता है।

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Thursday, 5 May 2016

Astrology is an asset for assessing all things

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devao, Mahaeshwara I Guru Sakshath Param Brahma, thasmai Shri Guruve namah II The above so commonly used sloka, reveals that the holistic use of the inert and developed energy in one, properly converted into constructive energy through the operational tools within oneself can alone lead to steadfast Bliss or Happiness even while achieving monumentous tasks against various hurdles. Moreover, thereafter one possesses the ability to transmit such power to the worldly beings to take them on the road to successful life journey. In order to achieve the above objective, Nature has provided multiple means. One such tool to assist one to overcome deficiencies within oneself and thereafter enhance their inert operating strength to fulfill endeavours with satisfaction and enjoyment, is promulgated in the ‘Sanatana Dharma’, of Hinduism, which provides us with ideal Icons ( Devathas ) – each of high intrinsic Value and shape, capable of absorbing the vast cosmic energy and transmitting the same at the proper place to the individual who is sincerely engrossed in them. Temples in India and abroad are designed in a Pyramidal mode to enable proficient absorption of this power by the Icon. The ability to beget this precious power –so dearly needed by one and all today, by skillfully utilizing the Ideal Icon, is more a matter of realization than of conjecture! Natural devices are the easiest and optimum means to rejuvenate oneself for fulfilling efficiently the duties in this journey of Life. Astrology is an ideal means for assessing the prevalent weaknesses in the operating system of the human being. In essence Astra means the Human outfit and Logy its holistic operation. We are well aware that the cosmic energy is the primary resource for the operation of the human system. Astrology is a mode above normal science to modulate this system effectively to generate positive power for human growth. The prevalent weaknesses in the present human working process are as follows:- 1. Unstable conceivement and poor progression in the Mother’s womb due to woman being burdened by stresses in offices caused by material craze. 2. The processes of education of young kids, oriented towards more material growth rather than human development. 3. Development of a house with a tendency to social exhibitionism of material growth rather than build a Home for optimal human growth which is the main purpose of Birth. 4. Quantum and not quality has become a say word in the preset run of life. 5. Tendency to project other’s weaknesses to limelight oneself causing both mental and physical degradation of the human working system and in the process causing unwanted stresses in the aging body. Moral acquisition disappears in this mode. 6. Realization when too late that the journey of Life has been anfractuous and unfruitful. Though many of the above mentioned points are present in the prevailing environment itself, it tends to deplete both the mental and physical stability of the Human working system, right from the birth itself. Frustration = Expectations – Achievements is an ideal principle to be remembered. It could be observed that inert talents of young children are curbed, in an attempt by the modern world to orient it towards achieving larger materialism. The world is the greatest loser in the bargain. Astrology serves as an effective tool to determine that talent and to reorient the life of an individual to more effective and contented output.The Human Resources department can fruitfully utilize this suggestion and endeavour to uniformly reward materially all talents equally, as every one of them are required for human welfare. It may not be possible to do in depth analysis of the innumerable combinations of planets that provide the strength or weakness of an individual in the present article, which will mainly deal with the various precious Icons / Devathas that enable easy access to constructive human growth. However suffice it to state that all planets are ‘Param Purusha’ ie every One of the planets is totally benevolent to Human Growth! The adjectives prefixed for different planets by astrologers are purely relative in character and Superficially apply only for the relative purpose concerning the working environment. Various Spiritual doctrines, the world over strive to overcome these deficiencies in one form or the other. Hinduism adopts an easier and more adaptable mode in the prevailing environment for overcoming these deficiencies by the use of Icons, Ritualism and stringent yogas. Of the innumerable means adopted in this process , temples provide the easiest mode to a constraint and turbulent human being to overcome the stresses within and without, by just standing in front of the Idol. The first and foremost of the instruments within the temple which plays an important role are the ‘Deepas’ or the oil lit Lights. The yellow Radiation that emanates from these lamps fall in the positive middle half of the visible frame of light ie VIBGYOR. Radiations are energy transmitters. This radiation travels around 450-500 nanometers, and modulates the blood flow in the human system to a smooth and non –turbulent . It could be observed that when the brain or body of the human system is under strain the breathing and blood flow becomes highly turbulent in an attempt to naturally control and overcome it. However, the mind is not so easily subject to this and continuous stress prevails thereby creating a hindrance to proper and enjoyable working of the human system. Temples are thus an automatic effortless reliever of stress within. Of course, this could be done at home; but the Icon with the various technicalities followed, modulates by reflection and refraction incident on it, to maximize the benevolent rays to the person standing in front of it. Special oil lit lamps are used for some Icons to generate energy that is required to heal an individual as we shall see below. The next is the ‘Pradhakshina’ or the circular movement clockwise around the Vigraha or Icon. This enables uniform distribution of absorbed energy within the body received through the Icon. Blood is energy. It is well known that if blood gets clotted at one spot it leads to enormous problems. Similarly energy needs to be always uniformly distributed in the operating system. Thereafter, one should do the ‘Namaskaraka’ or prostrate in front of the Idol. While the male prostrates totally with all parts of his body touching the earth, however the genetic portions below the waist and the breasts of the woman should not touch the earth. The reason is that these portions are highly sensitive and deflate the energy to the floor. In case of a male it removes unwanted energy and stabilizes the system. ‘NAMASKAR’,in essence means NA- MA-SU- KARA done with folded hands ( the five organs of action and the five Indrias/ senses which are the ten fingers) ,–If something is good for you I shall whole heartedly fulfill the same come what may to me. While prostrating before the Lord, the Palms under the little fingers should touch the ground and the fingers should move inwards within oneself. The reason being that the concerned Icon is a giver of energy and we are the absorbers of the same. The acupressure on the lower half of the palm near the little fingers affects the manipura chakra which is the ideal source for absorption of energy. ‘Namaskara’ is a yoga in itself and the pressures of the two arteries below the thighs, while doing this, generate optimal impulses for the flow of energy (normally termed as ‘Kundalini Shakthi’) in the operating system. Finally we reach the process of “Prathna” or Prayer. A prayer is basically selfish. The ten fingers as mentioned above are instigators of the five organs of action and of the five sensory organs that are primarily required for constructive operation of the human system. The maximum energy absorbed through the icon reaches that portion that reacts to the prayer of the devotee. The fulfillment ensues depending on whether the prayer is beneficial or not, to the individual. A palmist should be aware of this technique as the palm covers the complete body and mind. THITHIS and MANTHRAS : The relation between the Sun and the Moon known as “Thithis” affect the tidal waves of the enormous oceans. Our body contains 70% fluid and is consequently also affected daily by the angular relation between the Sun and Moon. Thus ‘Thithis’ constitute an essential ingredient of the Ephemeris. Manthras offer two fold benefits of sound energy vibrations and production of acupressure of the tongue and lip. Aksharas are precious acupressure tools that operate through the lip and tongue –the most sensitive acupressure organs in the human system. Namaha frequently used in all prayers Is the reverse restructuring of Mann or the Ego /Bottlenecks within the body. In other words this akshara is an ideal mode to overcome internal deficiencies in our working System. ‘OM’ is an internal resource oriented Akshara of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva or the potential power, kinetic power and constructive utilization of power. This is also termed as GOD or generation, operation and destruction of Maya. Specialties of some DEVATHAS / ICONS NAVAGRAHAS Basically, the Navgrahas are planets in the galaxy, astrologically /astronomically. However.In view of the intrinsic benefits that accrue from them for the operating system of human beings they have occupied a sanctified zone within a temple. All planets if placed with proper mode and in correct direction start possessing immense power after due abhishekas / Prana pradishta and have practically benefited innumerable persons from internal/external stresses. Being Vaasthu oriented they absorb solar radiation of a particular wave length and transmit it to the individual standing in front of it. If you pour, pure drinking water in a dirty bucket that too will be polluted. Similarly the highly polluted and vibrant human system is unable to absorb the beneficent energy provided by the Almighty via the Icon. The Navagrahas enables cleansing every part of the body and thereby enjoy totally the Blessings of the concerned Devatha. To ensure holistic intake for the Body and the Mind and the movement of the ‘Prana’ from the mooladhara to the sahasra chakra in the individual, the order of the Parikrama should be Sun, Moon, Saturn, Kethu, Jupiter, Rahu, Mars, Venus and Mercury. As the Navagrahas are facing different directions, one must therefore do at least 14 Pradhakshinas – circular movement around the planets, and only clockwise to enable full cleansing of the system. Mantras do improve the absorbing power of the cosmic energy through these icons although mere Parikrama also helps extensively. While Sun provides the blood to the operating system for the proper functioning of the body, the moon generates energy to stimulate the five sensory organs within the body. Saturn provides the potential power while Kethu is the path towards attainment of Wisdom generated by Jupiter. The path towards fruitful and dynamic implementation provided by Mars is through Rahu. The planets Mercury and Venus rotating between the earth and the sun are generators’ of earthly knowledge and its positive utilization. Incidentally,”Thil Deep” is frequently used for invoking the Blessings of Saturn. The radiation emanating from this lamp and reflected through the Saturn Icon, reduces considerably the turbulence within the body paving the way for generating pure potential power within. This can be observed on the changes or disappearance of light lines (indicating turbulence) that have crept up on the palm, after parikrama of Saturn with this lamp. MAHA GANAPATHY OM GHAM GHANAPATHAI NAMAH Om is the resource instigator, gham the akhasa or galaxy, ghan are the various glands, veins, cells and nervous configuration of the working system, pathai –the lordship or holder. Thus we see that this Icon is capable of absorbing that cosmic power that invigorates the software within the body for more efficient output. The benign face with large ears for absorption of high utility oriented sound vibrations, intricate and investigative eyes for intensive observation and analysis through radiations, long static cum dynamic trunk for inhalation of oxygen and subsequent constructive implementation, forms an ideal resource for useful gain of knowledge through acquirement and by experience. Chathurthi thithi which falls in the 48 to 60 degree zone between the Sun (Heart) and the Moon (Pituitary cum Pineal system) is and ideal occasion for optimum flow of energy to the brain. Devi Saraswathi : Sarasa in essence means juice and vath knowledge. Acquirement of vast knowledge alone does not upgrade oneself nor does it help society. The total understanding and proper utilisation of the knowledge acquired, is the secret to eminence in Life. For this we resort to the Saraswathi Icon which is as follows:- Pashaanghusha dhara Vaani, Veena Pusthak Dharini I Mma Vakthrai Vasennithyam, Santhushta Sarvatha Shiva II The ability to relish and proper utilization of acquired knowledge brings enlightenment within oneself and to others leading to immense happiness even to the extent of attaining Supreme Bliss. The japa mala and the veena in the hands of this Vigraha are both acupressure points of the forefinger (JUPITER finger) for instigating the multiple veins in the brain to holistic approach (both internal and external) of acquiring and utilization of intrinsic knowledge. This Icon is well designed for activating the pituitary system Murugan / Kathikeya : Acquirement of knowledge - whether purified or not, alone does not suffice. Its utilization for karma is a necessity. For the skillful operation of the five senses and instigating the growth of the sixth sense together with the five organs of action, the six faced Lord Murugha is resorted to. This icon is charge / energy oriented as it has emanated from Agni / Fire. Shdananam kumkuma raktha varnam , mahamathim divya myurvahanam I Rudrasya sunum sursainiya nadham, guham sadha sharnamaham prapadhai II I bow to that sixfaced Lord who provides that calorie possessed blood to generate immense strength and wisdom, to sustain and conquer the strongest of foes and attain constructive targets. This Icon possesses the peacock –the instigator of sustainable energy and Shkthi Vel –the ability to attain that urge oriented endeavours successfully. The radiation emanating from these two are pronounced and are capable of fulfilling these tasks. Murugha when recited in shiva-asna while lying in bed will give a pleasant sleep even to a most troubled mind; in an erect posture this mantra stimulates successful fulfillment ofthe tasks undertaken during the day. Hanumanji : All activities –be it mental or physical have a direct impact on the breathing process of the human being. In order to obtain fruitful thought and constructive Implementation we must achieve stable breathing. The Vayu Putra – Hanuman helps attaining this. Vayu is Breath and Putra is breathing! Budhiballam Yasho Dairiyam, Nirbhaya thwam Arogatha I Ajadyam Vakpato Thwam cha, Hanumath Smarnath Bhaveth II Blessings of Hanumanji shower upon one, self –confidence, fame, strength, fearlessness, good health, clarity and dynamism together with authoritative speech. The maximum energy begot from this icon is through its mouth and tail. The monkey oriented face develops ability to conserve valuable energy for use when necessary. If developed with faith it is seen that this can be transmitted to remote parts of the earth with ease. Maha Laxmi : Financial Wealth, as the modern world conceives was never in the vocabulary of the Almighty! Devotees who worshipped Goddess Laxmi for acquiring this have miserably failed. Laxmi i.e. Lax – Aham –I, which means the attainment of constructive targets giving rise to supreme contentment within, or otherwise known as Manushya nama Anandam, is the sole purpose for worshiping Goddess Laxmi Padhma asnai, Padhma karai, Sarva Lokkaika pujithai I Narayana Priyee Devi, Supritha Bhava Sarvadha II Optimal utility of the kinetic energy generated {Narayanai priyee) un- affected by the surrounding , implementation without selfishness or prejudice enables me to reach the pinnacle of prosperity where the world bows before you This is what I require of You OH Goddess Laxmi! This vigraha amply supplies us that prosperity engrossed with divine powers. The lotus which is the main ingredient in the Laxmi Vigraha, is the embodiment of attainment of big targets without being affected by the environment of dirt, filth, and corruption surrounding it. Lord Shiva : Shiva in essence means Total Bliss and is situated in the Sahasra chakra whereto the Prana has to travel to enjoy it fully. The purpose of the lingam is clearly projected in the following sloka:- Val ambikesa vaidyesha bhav roga harothi cha i Japan nama thriyam nithyam maha roga nivaranam ii Val-the 62 dwarf rishis indicating the essential organs of the body.Indira scoffed at them. These rishis then created the garuda (Conscious) to oversee the working of the senses (Indiras). Ambikesa is the prana’s movement to the sahasra. Vaidyesha is over coming internal disabilities and building the vigour of the operating system; Bhava Roga Harothi is not only to destroy the weakness but not allow it to reoccur. These benefits arise by reciting three times the Japa “Om Namah Shivaye” which is a yoga in itself, leads one to ultimate peace and tranquility and thereby to higher achievements in life The above Japa should not be recited by women as it emanates from the mooladhara. Mooladhara dharana should never be done by females as it has negative impact on their highly sensitive genetic organs. However “Shivaye namah Om ‘could be used fruitfully as it emanates from the Manipura. The Lingam serves as ideal antenna for the abortion of the high wave length radiations of the setting sun during ‘Pradosha kala ‘, normally done on Thriyodashi thithi .On this day all the five sensory organs, five organs of action, the body, the mind and kudalini shakti (13 Operating Organs) gets revitalised simultaneously to enable a distressed and depressed person to confidently step into a positive path in life. This puja has borne extraordinary results. The purpose of doing it three times at least, is to revitalize the Brahma kundam, the Vishnu kundam and the Rudhra kundam which are otherwise termed as Krishna, Rama, and Govinda—-the area below the Naval, from the naval to the pituitary system and thereon to the pineal system respectively. Durga : This Icon concerns the Shushmana Nadi and plays an important role in the maximization of oxygen input and its proper utilization. Obviously, it helps in overcoming large hurdles in life. Durga Devi SarvaRoga Durith Nivarineem A Deep (Light) lit in the lemon is frequently offered to this Devi during Rahu kala. This has two fold benefits of radiation and colour therapy, to integrate the three nadis namely Shushmana, Ida and the Pingla thereby producing additional strength within. Conclusion:- Though it would not be possible to cover all the Icons in this short article , the above shows the valuable treasure left behind by our ancestors, which could be profitably used the world over for better optimization of ones energy and attainment of fruitful output. Most temples posses’ lakes which develop chemicals and absorb cosmic radiation that go to remove multiple diseases created within the human system during the journey of life.

Pitfalls in Astrology

In predictive astrology, there are certain known parameters which when applied to a chart yield results. Such results depend upon the multiple yogas being formed in the chart. Other things which influence the results/delineations as taught by the Gurus are factors like operating dashas/antardashas -their Lords planetary avasthas, shadbalas, ashtakvarga strength, transit of major planets etc. The scope of this article is limited to share with persons whose heart throbs for astrology few simple but effective rules which possess the capacity to hijack the delineation of a given chart. Every astrologer would have faced heartache in his interpretations going awry. Such a situation is particularly petrifying for a budding astrologer. The pitfalls which we ignore to our peril may be numerous and would need dozens of pages to be counted and recounted, but we have come across a simple looking phenomenon which must not be lost sight of at the time of delineating a horoscope. It is the “Muhurta” at the time of the birth which needs an incisive peep by an astrologer. The muhurta factors are: • Sarpa-sheersha • Samkranti • Vainashika Nakshatra • Yama-ghanta • Gulika Kaala • Gandanta • Birth at eclipse time • Kshaya maas or tithi • Visha ghati. Sarpa Sheersh In order to limit the size of this article, we propose to deal with the “sarpa-sheersha” factor with the promise to revert in the next issues throwing light on the remaining factors. In literal translation, the sarpa-sheersha would mean the cobra head. No doubt, the most dreaded part of a cobra is its head where it deposits its venom and this venom has the invincible power to extinguish the lamp of a life. If we apply this parallel in astrology, it would bring us to understand that any such formation in a chart which qualifies to be known as the sarpa-sheersha has the capacity to extinguish all seemingly good things which otherwise bestow grace and happiness The sarpa-sheersha affliction is created if Sun and Moon at the time of birth are in Scorpio and at the same time are in Anuradha Nakshatra. The span of Anuradha is from 213 degrees 20 minutes to 226 degrees and 40 minutes in the zodiac. It is stated in the ancient texts that the two luminaries in the above formation obtain to themselves such lethality that the native’s life becomes a living hell. The situation worsens if this formation should fall in the second half of Anuradha Nakshatra. The native suffers from incurable diseases and is generally short-lived. His destiny never flourishes. An example chart is discussed in this context. The fact that Mercury for this nativity is a malefic planet cannot be overlooked but Rahu’s dominating presence in the 11th House plus it being the lagna nakshatra lord and also its transit through the 6th House must bring relief to the native. Unfortunately it is not so. For the seeker of the deep truth of astrology, the horoscope contains the affliction of the sarpa-sheersha factor which has swindled the chart of all its beauty.If a Yoga Karaka happens to be lord of Kendra first and trine later and that planet happens to fall in 12th house gives excellent Raj Yoga results. In this case, Saturn is the planet whose lordship is falling in Kendra 1st and 2nd sign (Aq) falling in a trine and Saturn himself is posited in 12th house. This Saturn becomes an excellent rajayogakaraka apart from its yogakaraka qualities and is supposed to give Raj Yoga results in its M.D. and A.D. periods. These are the views of Keraliya Jyotisha. Above formations should give following results : 1. Foreign education 2. Very well placed in profession 3. AII luxuries at his command 4. Earnings and lot of gains with his own efforts. Native is presently going through M.D. of Ketu and A.D. of Rahu . Both are in their excellent signs and are vargottam. They should give excellent results.

Astrological aspects and prediction about rainfall

Rains are very much essential for human life. It is much more important for a country like India whose economy depends on agriculture and agriculture depends on rain. Billions and billions are spent to know the quantity of rain fall in advance to plan the future. It may be very useful for a farmer to decide when and which crop to sow to get the best yields. Animals, birds and insects are believed to have much better instinct to know the nature. They come to know about the weather much in advance which even the sophisticated instruments tail to perceive. They build up their home and make arrangements for their food accordingly. In Astrology also there are various algorithms suggested to know the rain fall. A detailed method is listed inside. There are various limitations of the traditional method of rain forecasting: 1. Many techniques are provided. We do not know which is more appropriate in application. A single technique fails completely if applied over the years. 2. These techniques can not describe the quantum of result eg. rain in cms. in an area. 3. Techniques fail if we apply it on a day to day basis, though it may give tend over a long period. Even the trend provided does not guarantee accuracy. 4. Most of the planetary effects are common to any place in the world, some are common to one zone. Thus it is not possible to forecast the weather for specific areas by ancient methods. To overcome the above problems, modern mathematical techniques are applied to understand the effect of Planets on rains/weather. It is the gravitational effect of planets which is causing the movement of earth around its axis and around the sun. The entire solar system or every member of the galaxy follows the gravitational law sincerely. To know the impact of planets on rains mathematically, the procedure can be followed as follows : 1. Take daily data of rain for the last few years and preferably 60 years, if possible. More data will give wider accuracy. 2.Relate it to the planetary movement. 3. Also relate the rainfall to angles between the planets to consider aspects. 4. Shodash varga considerations can also be considered. In fact, these give good result. After knowing the above effects these can be applied to planet degrees in future to give the final results. The main problem remains how to relate data to planet degrees & find the relation. The procedure is as follows : 1.In statistics correlation coefficients are defined to know if there is any correlation between the two data. Correlation between planet degree and rain confirms that particular planet has an impact on rain. 2. There is the method of Regression analyses to find any polynomial relationship. 3. Fourier method is best suited to correlate harmonic motions. Planets move in harmonic motions and can be best expressed by trigonometric functions Sine or Cos. Their correlations with rain or any other planetary phenomenon can be best determined using Fourier transforms or any other method using harmonic motion as base. Knowing the factor of multiplication to the sine or cosine of the planet degree, values can be computed for any date in future. There are various advantages of the Astro-mathematics applied to planetary movement to forecast any event like rain or share market. Major advantages are : 1. Astro-mathematics can be applied and propagated to any thing which depends upon planetary effects. The values can be computed in numbers relevant to that problem. 2. The results can be transformed into statements like : - Sun/Moon have maximum impact on rain. - Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu do not have direct impact on rains much. - Retrogression of planets does not have any impact on rains. 3. For different stations, different formulas can be generated to give accurate predictions. This thing had been totally missing in traditional astrology. 4. Data is required for every station separately. However graphs can be drawn to understand which planet is affecting which area to what extent. 5. With good mathematical models predictions can be made quite accurately for a very long future. However, mathematical models do not tally with the astrological formulas given in texts. To sum up the planets have a lot of information hidden in themselves. This can definitely be unearthed for long term planning. This information can be used for the benefit of mankind. The science of planetary movement and their impact on this earth called Astrology- should be given a more serious attention than merely knowing a good muhurtha for marriage or match making. It can be utilized to predict the events with greater accuracy in a long future with No Data Capturing. Because earthquakes are due to gravitation's push & pulls, astrology can also definitely be used to predict earthquakes which is yet a mystery for modern science. Astrology should be given a due seat in the process of learning at universities & should be made useful to mankind by modern researches so that India i once again a proud leader of its ancient science-Astrology.

Astronomical facts about saturn

Astronomical facts : Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and is also the second largest planet, with a radius of 37,366 miles. It is said to have a small core of rock and iron, then a layer of ice and lastly topped by a deep layer of liquid hydrogen.
Saturn is different from other known planets for the rings it has. No planet in this solar system has rings like Saturn has. The rings consist of small pieces of ice and rock, are 62,000 kilometers wide, but just 100 meters thick. The rings are actually made of thousands of closely spaced ringlets, looking like a gramophone record disk.
Saturn has 22 known natural satellites, more than any other planet has.
Vedic Astrological view : From the Vedic point of view, the physical Saturn is only a representation of Shani Dev / Shanaischaram (Saturn God). By the movement of the physical Saturn, we understand the intention of Saturn God (Shani) about us. Saturn God is the natural ruler of Karma and to understand our Karma, we must first understand Shani.
Shani is one of the three children of Sun and Chhaya Devi. From the Vedic texts, we can learn a lot about Shani. Many times the power of his gaze has been mentioned in the classics. We learn that right after Shani was born, his gaze caused Sun’s charioteer to fall down and break his thigh. Sun’s horses to get blind and Sun himself caught slowed down because of Shani’s powerful gaze on him. They were healed only when Shani moved his gaze away and looked somewhere else.
This clarifies the power which Shani has in his gaze.
In Jyotish, Shani is considered a very malefic planet. The nine planets are the incarnation of Lord to bestow on us the result of our Karma, which are the lessons we need to learn. And most of the times, the toughest lessons are taught by Shani. In our school, we always have different teachers for different subjects like Maths, Physics, Language etc. Just like that, different planets teach us different kinds of lessons and most of the times Shani the teacher teaches us very painful lessons. This is not something to be doubted when we learn from Parashar's Hora Shastra that Shani is the natural giver of grief.
In general, Shani is considered the most malefic planet, and the most painful, stressful Yogas involve Shani most of the times. When Shani maleficaly affect something, it slows the matter down and causes obstructions and delays in it’s fruitfulness. Shani also rules separation. It hurts us by taking things away from us. When we face a painful separation from our parents, spouse, friends, or anyone we care for, Shani is always a possibile cause for that. Ketu also causes separation as it rules non-attachment, but separations and delays are among the main significations of Shani. It’s association with Venus / 7th lord causes separation from spouse most of the time. Though the final comment should be made seeing Shani’s strength, placement and lordship, as for Taurus and Libra natives, Shani is a functional benefic being a Yoga Karaka. But even then Shani will not forget to remind his nature sometimes. That is my personal view on this.
Shani is a planet of Tamasik quality. It is a planet of extreme nature. When it favours someone, it gives very favourable effects. On the other hand, when anyone receives it’s curse, he or she faces indescribable pain and miseries in life. Shani purifies a person by giving immense sorrow and pain, like fire purifies the gold.
Favourable effects of Shani on one’s nature include in-depth knowledge, sensibility, wisdom, justice, broadness of mind, honesty, patience, ability to work hard etc. In life, he may give wealth, fortune, long life etc. when auspicious and well placed.
On the other hand, when badly afflicting a person’s nature, Shani can make one sadistic, greedy, lazy, dishonest, fearful, irresponsible and even addicted to drugs. Shani causes obstruction, delay, grief, poverty, short life etc. It makes a person totally lonely, helpless and can make one suffer from enmity, theft, lawsuits etc. Shani can also give imprisonment, since it rules obstruction, loneliness and grief.
When causing diseases, Shani generally gives chronic diseases, which the person suffers for a long time. By this it shows again it's nature of slowness and delays.
When badly affecting one’s profession, Shani makes one work very hard, but does not give proper reward he deserves. That is why social servants and people, who earn their living by physical labour, are ruled by Shani. For the same reason Shani rules the Shudras (4th caste) and abodes in filthy places.
For the power of his gaze, Shani has tremendous afflicting ability by it's mere aspects, which it casts on 3rd, 7th and 10th houses from his own position.
Among other planets used in Vedic astrology, Saturn is the last one counted from Sun’s position. That is why Shani Dev rules ‘The last’ or ‘the end’ of anything. It is the ‘Last answer’ in anything. In our material world, death is the end of everything and that is why, Shani rules death and longevity issues. It is the natural significator of 8th house in Astrology. We know that 8th house deals with sorrows, shock, pain, depressions and also occult. That is why Shani also deals with magic, Tantra Jyotish etc.
Shani was lamed by another son of the Sun, named Yama (God of death) when he hit Shani's leg. So Shani is always very slow in it's movement. One name of Shani, as already mentioned, is ‘Shanaischaram’, which means the slow mover. It takes around 2.5 years to pass through a sign. Thus it takes around 30 years to complete it's travel over the whole zodiac. So it rules slowness and delays and it teaches us how to tolerate slowness and delays, by patience. It is generally pleased with people having patience.
The great phase (Mahadasha) of Shani lasts for 19 years. Even during Mahadasha, Shani gets the strong hold of a person by his transit over the 12th, 1st and 2nd signs from it's or her natal Moon. This is called ‘Sade Sati’, since it lasts for about 7.5 years.
Shani lords over the signs Capricorn (Makara) and Aquarius (Kumbha) with Aquarius being his Mool Trikona sign. It is exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. It's natural friends are Mercury, Venus and Rahu, while enemies are Sun, Moon, Mars and Ketu. It has neutral relationship with Deva Guru Jupiter. It is ruler of the three Nakshatras named Pushya (8) Anuradha (17) and Uttara Bhadrapada (26). It rules 8 in the numbers, saturday in the weekdays and aqua blue and black in colours. It's favourite gemstone is blue sapphire, strengthens Shani’s effect on a person.
To pecify Shani Dev donate black clothes, mustard oil, black gram, sesame etc. to the poor and help and serve the old and needy people, since Shani signifies all these. Maharishi Parashara suggests donating a black cow, or feeding Brahmins with rice cooked with powder of sesame seeds to appease Shani Dev. Shani Dev is a great devotee of Lord Krishna. That is why it has been said that Shani Dev does not create problems for people who worships Lord Krishna (especially on Saturdays) It should be also mentioned that Krishna is another name of Shani Dev.

Hindu Sanskars

Sanskaars 1. Grabhaadhan: Conception 2. Punsavana: Fetus protection 3. Simanta: Satisfying wishes of the pregnant Mother 4. Jaat-Karmaa: Child Birth 5. Naamkarma: Naming Child 6. Nishkramana: Taking the child outdoors 7. Annaprashana: Giving the child solid food. 8. Mundan : Hair cutting. 9. Karnavedh: Ear piercing 10. Yagyopaveet: Sacred thread 11. Vedarambh: Study of Vedas and Scriptures 12. Samaavartana: Completing education 13. Vivaah: Marriage 14. Sarvasanskaar: Preparing for Renouncing 15. Sanyas (Awasthadhyan): Renouncing 16. Antyeshti: Last rite, or funeral rites 1. Garbhaadhan : (Conception) To produce a good child, mother and father should have pure thoughts and observe the rules of Shastras. 2. Punsavana : Brahaspati says that the rite should be performed before the baby begins to grow and move in the womb. The word Punsvana occurs in Atharvaveda, where it is used in the literal sense of “giving birth to a male child:. The word “male means soul. The Punsavana is used for welcoming the great soul. This is also called “Garbharakshan”. Garbharakshana is performed to assure that the infant is not miscarried. 3. Simanta : This ceremony should be performed in the fourth month of pregnancy, in the fortnight of waxing moon, when the moon is in conjunction with a Nakshatra that is regarded as “male” or auspicious. A Puja is performed for purification of the atmosphere and as an offering to God for the peace of mother and infant, for giving birth to a peaceful and holy child. This rite is primarily social and festival in nature, intended to keep the pregnant woman in good spirits. The pregnant woman gets gifts of rice and fruits from seven ladies. Kumkum is applied on her cheek to keep her happy so that the child will be affected by her happiness. A future mother should have good thoughts at all times. She should place Picture of ‘Balgopal’ or ‘Laddu Gopal’ in her home. She should read the Gita and other religious books in addition to performing her daily work and should avoid thrilling books and movies. During Solar and lunar eclipses, a woman should not use any kind of weapons. During normal times, she should avoid violent thoughts. Her husband should help keep her peaceful and cheerful. 4. Jaat-Karm : Jaat-karma performed on six or after 11 days from the birth of a child, is for the purification of the house. This is done in order to keep a child in a clean atmosphere where he may not incur any physical or mental problems. It is also called Shashthi. Goddess Shashthi is the protector of children. Jaat-karma is followed with Grah Puja, Homa. 5. Naamkarn : (Naming) Sometime Jaatkarma and Naamkarna are performed together. This ceremony is performed to give a sacred name to the child, assigned according to the 27 Nakshatra and the position of the moon at the time of child’s birth. An appropriate name is given to the child according to the star of birth, and the first letter of the name is taken from the Hora Shatra. 6. Nishkraman : (Taking the child out of the house) This ceremony is performed on or after 40 days, but some shastras allow it at the time of naming ceremony. The child must be blessed with the holy water and Surya Darshan, with the prayer, “salutation to you, Oh divine Sun, who has hundreds of rays and who dispels darkness, may you bring the brightness in the life of the child”. 7. Annaprashana : (Making a child eat cooked food for the first time) Most of the samitis prescribe it the sixth month from birth, when the child first develops teeth. Anna or food is considered as one of the main reasons to make a person commence the good or bad things. The body is made of chemicals, therefore, the kinds of chemical, we put in our bodies will bring out their effect. Sweet porridge or rice pudding can be given to the child if parents are desirous of nourishment, holy luster, swiftness, or splendor. One of them with curd, honey and ghee is given it to the child while reciting Prasad Mantras. 8. Mundan : The ceremony is to be performed on an auspicious day after the age of one year. This ceremony is performed for the development of power better understanding, and for long life. The hair must be disposed of at holy places where no one can find them. 9. Karnavedh : (Piercing the child’s ear holes). With the commencement of Surya Puja; the father should first address the right ear of the child with the mantra “Oh God may we hear bliss with our ears”, performed so that child may listen to good things and to have a good education. 10. Yagyopaveet (Sacred Thread) : The sacred thread ceremony is very significant in the life of a Hindu man. This ceremony initiates the child into an intellectual and spiritual journey. The mother gives birth to the child; this is natural birth. However, when the Guru initiates him by giving Gayatri mantra, this prayer for Buddhi is considered a second birth of the child. this ceremony is known also as Upnayan, ‘the sacred vision’ or ‘new vision’, the vision to see things in a proper way and to know ‘wrong’ and ‘right’. Therefore, Upnayan is essential to handle household life. ‘Yagyopaveet’ (sacred thread) indicates that the child is qualified to perform all the traditional Vedic rites including Pitra Kriya and Tarpan for his forefathers. Yagyopaveet symbolizes three forms of one supreme being, Satoguna Brahma (the creator), Rajoguna Vishnu (the sustainor) and tamsoguna Shiva (the destroyer). The knot is called Brahma-Knot, the Lord who controls these three faces of nature. It also symbolizes the three duties for three debts. (i) Pitra: Debt of parents and ancestors, (ii) Manushya: Debt of society and humanity, (iii) Dev: Debt of Nature and God. The twist in the thread symbolizes strength and honesty. Gayatri Mantra is given to the child who promises to lead a good human life as per the rules of Dharamshastras. Gayatri Mantra is simple prayer to the Sun God to brighten the intellect. The sun represents the creator of the Earth, God. Just as we bathe our body to keep clean every day, so must we bathe our mind with the Gayatri prayer, to keep our mind ever pure, ever inspired. Gayatri Mantra is so powerful that it can destory all negative forces. The ceremony has six parts: - Puja: worshipping the Gods, Havan: sacrifice, Shiksha: teaching the morality and duties in life, Bhiksha: begging as a renounced Brahmchari of Gurukula. Teacher’s teaching has made him renounced minded that he has accepted a life of Vairagya. Diksha: giving the most sacred Gayatri Mantra to the child, and Blessings: child is blessed by all Gods, Goddesses, ancestors, and elders. 11. Vidyaarambha : (Commencement of learning of the alphabet) On the third or fifth year, when Choula is performed, this important ceremony can take place. the Brahman or teacher should start teaching the first lesson after worshipping Saraswati, the Goddess of learning. 12. Samavartan : (Taking the ceremonial bath after finishing Vedic study and returning from the teacher’s house) After learning the rules of life he returns home from his Teacher’s Ashram. When he completes his education about and religion the law of life, his first Ashram Brahmacharya is complete. He is now eligible to enter into the householder stage, and considered a qualified man to get married. 13. Vivah (the marriage) : Vedic Hindu marriage is viewed as sacramental, which is a lifelong commitment of one wife and one husband. It is the strongest bond between a man and a woman, which takes place in the presence of their parents, relatives, and friends. This a commitment for whole lifetime. For a Hindu, marriage is the only way to continue the family, and thereby repay, his debt to his ancestors. The most important thing is that all the Hindu God and Goddesses are also united in this. Marriage is for spiritual growth and a way of learning many things in life through experien’ce. In other words, it is a perfect way of following the holy law of the Creator. There are eight ways of getting married. They are: 1. Brahma: Kanyadan performed by holy parents 2. Daiva: Kanyadan by God-fearing parents 3. Aarsha: Kanyadan by parents with five other gifts 4. Prajaapatya: Kanyadan by honor and respect 5. Asur: Love Marriage 6. Gandharv: Marrying for money 7. Raakshas: Forceful abduction of a maiden. 8. Paishaach: Intercourse in asleep, intoxicated situation Steps to follow for the ceremony: - Vaag-daan, Tilak & Sagun (Engagement): It is a commitment by the bride’s parents to complete the marriage of a future date acceptance by the parents of bridegroom. Ganesh, Navagrah Puja and ‘Chura’ Saant or Shantipath: Lord Ganesh is worshipped for success of the ceremony. Chura is given by the brides’ maternal uncle (Mama) as a blessing and well wishing for her married life. Offering Chunni to the bride to signify that from this time onwards she is the member of the groom’s family. Sehra and vadhu Grahaagaman: Groom’s dressing with Sehra and Garland and proceeding to the bride’s house. Milni: A warm welcome and greeting of the groom’s parents by bride’s parents and other close family members with garlands and gifts mostly cash Aarti is offered to the groom. Jaimala: Formal acceptance of each other by bride and bridegroom with garlands. Madhupark: Reception of bridegroom by bride’s father with yogurt and honey. Sarva Dev Poojan: Lord Ganesh, nine planets, Varuna, Main Kalash, Sun and Kula Devatas are invited and worshipped. In their presence Kanyadan is performed. Kanyadan: (giving away of daughter) Paanigrahan: (Taking the hand of the bride) seven sentences are pronounced by both. Gathbandhan: (Sacred Union of two souls) Aashirvaad: (Blessings) Homa and Laja Hom: (Baked rice grains into the fire) Establishing the fire and offering of Samagri into the fire. In the first four rounds grains are offered in the fire by the bride and bridegroom which are given to her by her brother. That signifies that she is leaving her family to join husband’s family. Parikrama: They take seven rounds around the fire. If all of these are performed separately they take the only four rounds. First four rounds are dedicated for four aims of life i.e. Dharma (follow the rules of religion, duty, morality and spirituality) Artha (wealth for livelihood, to work hard and to earn money with right means) Kaam (love, physical and mental support and satisfaction, dedication between husband and wife throughout life Moksha (liberation from this world of suffering by abiding the law of household life). Saat vachan (Main part of the wedding ceremony): 1. In your grief, I shall fill your heart with courage and strength. In your happiness, I shall rejoice, and I promise you that I will please you always with sweet words and take care of the family and children. 2. We promise that we shall discharge all responsibilities of the household life. 3. You shall be the only person to whom I shall love and respect as my life partner. I will love you with single-minded devotion. 4. I will decorate your life. 5. I will share both in your joys and sorrows. Your love will make me trust and honor you. I will carry out your wishes. 6. In all social acts in every form of enjoyment, we promise that we shall participate. 7. As per God and Holy flame I have become yours. Whatever promises we gave, we have spoken in pure mind. We will be truthful to each other in all things. We will love, respect and honor each other and our marriage will be forever and ever. Hridaya Sparsha: Groom touches the shoulder of bride. Sindhur, Mangalsutra, Suhag, symbolizing her as a married woman and joining of the groom’s family. Blessings: Bride and bridegroom are blessed and congratulated by all the participants. SHANTI PATH : May there be peace in the heavenly region. May there be peace in the atmosphere. May peace reign on the Earth. May the water be soothing and plants be the source of peace to all. May all the enlightened persons bring peace to us. May the vedas spread peace throughout the Universe. May all other objects give us peace and may peace even bring peace to all. May that peace come to us. Om Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! 14. Sarvasanskar & 15. Sanyas (Mahavakyaparisampti): This ceremony is performed at the age of 50, in some cases at the age of 60. With the commencement of this ceremony, a man completes his Grehastha Dharma and enters inot Vanprastha Ashram (forest hermit). Ganesh Puja, havan and Gayatri Yajna is performed. The Priest gives the new uniform and the rules are explained. Yajaman should agree to follow the rules of vanprastha life. There are 17 rules for a Vanaprasthi. 1. No attachments with wife and children. 2. Take bath three times a day and remain peaceful all times. 3. Be satisfied with simplest food. 4. Eat fresh food, which keep mind and body pure. 5. Use cheapest clothing just to cover the body. 6. Accept the heat in summer and cold in winter. 7. Do not do any hair dressing or unreal show. 8. Live in forest or in most simple way. 9. Sleep on a simplest bed or on the floor. 10. Think before consuming the things from where they are, and by which mean they have come. 11. Stay away from violence and the food earned by violent means. 12. Follow the system of sacrifice, Full Moon day fasting, and other monthly observance. 13. Become weak by acceptance of hard penance. 14. Weak body should start shaking with hard penance. 15. Always keep the Lord in the mind. 16. To become a Sanyasi one should perform Prajapatya Yajna and the eight kinds of Shradh before death. 16. ANTYESTI (the Last Rites) 1. By and large, Hindus adopt “Cremation”, i.e. burning at some specified place. Christians bury the body under belief that on the “Day of Judgement”, the dead body will be brought to life and given judgement whether the person will go to eternal Heaven or to eternal Hell. 2. Hindus believe that the dead body is like a piece of cloth or dress which has been given up; that dead body is not going to be revived. There is no particular Day of Judgement: there is no eternal Heaven and no eternal Hell: Left to itself, the dead body will decompose and pollute the environment. It has to be disposed of in a manner which has following ingredients: (a) Respect. (b) Hygienic principles of life. (c) Socially acceptable and beneficial system. 3. Keeping these principles in view, Hindus give ceremonial bath (cleaning) to the dead body, wrap the body in clean cloth or dress, put garlands and sprinkle scents and respectfully take the body to the cremation ground in the company of relatives and friends. Very close and sensitive relatives who cannot stand the sight of confining the body to flames do not accompany the body to the cremation ground. On the way, the accompanying persons chant the slogan: “God is the companion of the departed one. He will take care of the person”. 4. At the cremation ground, some ceremonies are performed with the help of professional family priests and the body is respectfully placed on the fire place. Fire is ignited among holy chantings and prayers, bowing down before fire. Fire is worshipped as a manifestation of God to whom the body is given as the last offering of the human birth. 5. Those who have been to the cremation ground are advised to take bath and change their clothes before getting back to normal work. This is a part of hygiene. In the process of touching the dead body or being close to it, the person might be tainted by harmful bacteria, etc. Also, in the cremation ground, we have dead bodies who are afflicted by various types of diseases or the bodies which have undergone decomposition due to delay in cremation. Fire and Water are the cleaning and purifying Agents of Nature. 6. Ashes (bones) are respectfully collected from the cremation place after 3 days and immersed in holy places at suitable times, with appropriate respect. 7. There are ceremonies for 12 to 13 days, Garud Puran Path, Sapindi, Pind Dan, Kriya Shiv Puja, Narayan Bali for the peaceful journey of the departed soul and with chanting of God’s Names and singing of holy songs to create an atmosphere of soft and soothing adjustment of family members and friends to the new situation with loss of their close relative/friend. 8. There are monthly and annual ceremonies with memories of respect, affection and prayers for the welfare of the departed person. 9. Hindus believe that broadly an individual is composed of: (a) (Soul never gets destroyed: It is immortal. It witnesses birth and death in various bodies. (b) Subtle Body accompanies the Soul, birth after birth, till subtle body gets completely purified and soul merges into the total Universal Consciousness. This subtle body goes out of the gross body, in company of the soul at the time of “death”. This (soul + subtle body) takes rebirth of a type depending on the actions of the individual. A person with good record of actions in the past takes birth in a beautiful, healthy human body, in the family of pious and prosperous persons. A person with record of evil and cruel actions in the past takes birth in one of 84,00,000 types of bodies, including animals, insects, etc. In each body, the person learns to do good in its own capacity and progresses upward to take birth again in human body, learns lessons of Nature and lives a life of nobleness, to be one with God, the Universal Consciousness. 10. Hindus avoid converting the whole or major part of our land surface on the earth into a wide graveyard and to dump one dead body over the other at one place. Cremation is the best method of disposal of a dead body, with due respect, honour and affection Main Methods of Disposal of Dead Body: 1. Bhoo Samadhi (burial underground) 2. Jala Samadhi (water burial) 3. Agni Dah (cremation) Apart from the above three exposures of body for being consumed by vultures and other birds or beasts, being preserved in caves, and mummifying are the three methods which have been used since the ancient times. To bury a holy body (according to Shastras) one should go to the east or north of the village, dig a pit about eight feet deep, then water thereon thrice, spread the dry grass on the bottom of the pit, Deck the dead body with garlands, sandalwood paste and salt, deposit the body in it with prayer, and put a water pot next to the body while reciting the mantras. ANTYESTI CREMATION: The main steps to be followed are as- 1. Bhumi Shuddhi: Purifying place with sesame seeds, Shaligram, Tulasi, Gangajal and Kusha. 2. Kishor Karma: Eldest son with shaved hair. Place on theYagyopaveet(Janeu). 3. Earthee (casket): Under the open sky. 4. Deep Daan: Lighting a lamp near the head of the deceased. 5. Bhuumi Shuddhi: Keeping the floor clean. 6. Shav Sthapan: Deceased’s head should be facing to the North. 7. Snan: Sprinkling the holy water. 8. Alankar: Offering kumkum, sandle wood paste, basil leaves, gold, Ganga water, flowers. 9. Pind Daan: Offering rice balls with sesame seed and Gangajal. FIRST PIND: The first Pind is given in the hand of the deceased at the place of death by the name of Pret, to please the Devas of that place. SECOND PIND: At the door of the place of death, the second pind should be offered by the name Paanth to avoid the disturbance caused by the Bhoots and Prets. The wife then takes four rounds with a coconut in her hand, followed by the four hush carriers. The son first to follow her. THIRD PIND: Half way to crematorium the third Pind should be offered to avoid the disturbances coming from Pishach, Yakshas, Khechars and Devils. At the crematorium the dead body should have his head facing north. After doing a small havan in crematorium, O fire God, you are in the five elements and preserver of the world, may you take this soul to heaven. FOURTH PIND AND FIFTH: After keeping the dead body on the cremation pyre two Pinds should be offered by the name of the deceased, one in the pyre by the name of Bhoot, Rudra daivato and another by the name of Sadhak in the hand. PANCHAK: If a body is being cremated in the Panchak (last five Nakshatras in the almanac) another four pieces of grass must be kept beside the dead body. Holding a fire lamp in his hand, the son should walk around the fire and light the pyre. FOOD : Food is not cooked at home between death and cremation, that can be brought from outside. However, that depends upon individuals situation. After cremation all the family members should take bath and home cooked food must be offered to a cow. This system is repeated for ten days. SUTAK NIVRITTI: Condolence should be observed for nine nights, hence tenth day is Sutak Nirvitti day. On that day Shiva Puja, Pipal Puja, is considered. SAPINDI: (on the twelfth day) Pagadi is another important ceremony. By that the rights are transeferred to the son and he then onwards performs the ceremony till the 12th day, with 52 Pinds. CHAUTHA: (collection of ashes): also known as Marka, Parchawani, and Rasma Pagari. Usually performed on or after the third day of the death. Eldest son or the next of the kin is declared for being responsible in all the financial and other business matters of the deceased. Eldest son is declared the successor. There is a Kriya for thirteen days with daily mourning, Pind-dan, ten days Sutak observance, eleventh day Narayan Bali, twelfth day Dwadashah, and the final part on thirteenth day known as Uthala and Brahman Bhojan. However, in modern days, due to lack of time, people are completing everything in one day. KRIYA: Three Sodashies 52 Pinds) 17 MALIN PINDS: 1st, At the place of death, 2nd, At the door, 3rd, Half the way to the crematorium, 4th & 5th, At the pyre before lighting the pyre, 6th, On the third day at the time of the ashes collection and 7th to 16th, Pinds of ten days given from the first day of funeral rites for each day. MADHYAM PINDS: (On the eleventh day 11 Pindas and 5 for Sapindi) 1. Vishnu, 2. Shiva, 3. Yama, 4. Chandrama, 5. Agni, 6. Kaavya, 7. Kaal, 8. Rudra, 9. Purush Parameshwar, 10. Preta, 11. Vishnu, 12. Brahma, 13. Vishnu, 14. Shiva, 15. Yama, 16. Deceased. UTTAM SHODASHI: Twelve Pinds for twelve months, and fifteenth day (Pakshik), one and half month (tripaakshik), five and a half months (nyun shanmaashik), and eleven and half month’s (nyunabadhik). These sexteen Pinds are offered to the deceased. Also 4 Pinds for Sapindi, 3 for Pret and one for 1 Adhik mas if that come within one year after death. CHILD DEATH: Under the age of 27 months a child must be buried under the ground. Milk is donated in the name of the child. However, if a child is dead in the womb, no rituals are performed. The more Vasana one has while living, mind about the material things, more they need for proper way of Antyesti. SANYASI: A Sanyasi (one who has renounced) needs no Pinds Dan Kriyas. This rite is already performed for him at the time of renouncement ceremony.

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Wednesday, 4 May 2016

वश्य कूट गुण मिलान अंक : 2

वश्य का शाब्दिक अर्थ होता है नियंत्रण में रहना। कुंडली मिलान में संभावित दंपत्ति अर्थात् वर एवं कन्या की राशियों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन किया जाता है तथा देखा जाता है कि किसकी राशि किसके नियंत्रण अथवा वश में है है ताकि यह निर्धारित किया जा सके कि वर एवं कन्या में से विवाहोपरान्त कौन अधिक वर्चस्वशाली रहेगा। सभी राशियों को निम्नलिखित पांच समूहों में वर्गीकृत किया गया है:
1. चतुष्पाद (पशु) : पालतू पशु जो सिर्फ स्वयं के में सोचता है |
2. द्विपाद : समाज एवं दूसरों के बारे में भी सोचता है |
3 जलचर : हमेशा बेचैन एवं व्यग्र रहता है |
4 वनचर : एकान्त पसंद करता है परन्तु आवश्यक होने पर हिंसक भी हो जाता है
5 कीट: अपनी भावनाओं को छिपाकर रखता है तथा आवश्यक होने पर डंक भी मरता है |
संस्कृत भाषा में, वश्यम् का तात्पर्य है किसी का नियंत्रण अथवा वर्चस्व। विवाह के लिए कुंडली मिलान के समय इसकी जांच की जाती है। विवाह हेतु वश्य की जांच करने का उद्देश्य भविष्य में पति-पत्नी के बीच संभावित अंतर्विरोध एवं टकराव को रोकना है। यदि कन्या की जन्मराशि वर के जन्म राशि के नियंत्रण में हो तो दोनों के बीच उत्तम सामंजस्य होगा। यदि स्थिति इसके विपरीत होगी तो दोनों के बीच आपसी समझ एवं सौहार्द का अभाव होगा तथा इसकी परिणति दोनों के बीच प्रायः लड़ाई-झगड़े के रूप में होगी।
राशियों के वर्ग
चतुष्पाद : मेष,वृष,धनु का उत्त्रभार्ध भाग एवं मकर का पुरावर्ध चतुष्पाद राशियां कही जाती हैं। यद्यपि कि सिंह भी चतुष्पाद है किंतु इसे वनचर श्रेणी के अंतर्गत वर्गीकृत किया जाता है।
द्विपद (मनुष्य)- मिथुन, कन्या, तुला, धनु का पूर्वार्द्ध एवं कुंभ द्विपाद राशियां कही जाती हैं।
जलचर :कर्क, मीन एवं मकर का उत्तरार्द्ध जलचर राशियां कही जाती हैं।
वनचर (जंगली) : सिंह राशि
कीट : वृश्चिक राशि
वृश्चिक राशि
सिंह राशि
उपर्युक्त पांचों वश्यों को 4 श्रेणियों में वर्गीकृत किया गया है:
वृश्चिक को छोड़कर शेष सभी राशियां सिंह राशि का वश्य है क्योंकि ये राशियां इसके नियंत्रण में रहती हैं।
वृश्चिक सिंह के नियंत्रण में नहीं रहता क्योंकि यह छिद्र के अंदर अथवा मान्द में रहता है। किंतु मनुष्य सिंह के ऊपर भी नियंत्रण स्थापित कर लेता है अथवा उसे पालतू बना लेता है। वश्य कूट मिलान में सिंह को छोड़कर सभी चतुष्पाद राशियों को मनुष्य के नियंत्रण में माना जाता है। प्रत्येक वश्य की अपनी तथा मित्र श्रेणी की राशियों के साथ मित्रता होती है तथा शत्रु व भक्ष्य श्रेणी के साथ शत्रुता होती है। वश्य कूट मिलान में यदि वत्रर की राशि का नियंत्रण कन्या की राशि पर होता है तो इसे अच्छा मिलान माना जाता है। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि सभ्यता के प्रारंभ से ही हमारा समाज पुरुष प्रधान रहा है। अतः अष्टकूट मिलान में भी वर का वर्चस्व दांपत्य जीवन के लिए उत्तम माना जाता है।
सबसे पहले कन्या एवं वर का वश्य निर्धारित किया जाता है, फिर सारणी में यह देखा जाता है कि दोनों किस श्रेणी के अंतर्गत आते हैं। मिलान की भिन्न श्रेणियों - वश्य, मित्र, शत्रु अथवा भक्ष्य के लिए इनके स्वभाव के अनुरुप गुण (अंक) निर्धारित किये गये हंै। यदि दोनों के बीच मित्रता है तो 2 अंक (गुण) प्रदान किये जाते हैं तथा यदि दोनों के बीच शत्रुता है तो 1 अंक (गुण) प्रदान किया जाता है। यदि एक वश्य तथा दूसरा भक्ष्य है तो 1 अंक (गुण) तथा यदि एक शत्रु तथा दूसरा भक्ष्य है तो 0 (शून्य) अंक (गुण) प्रदान किये जाते हैं।

वर्ण कट गुण मिलान अंक :1

वैदिक काल में वर्ण व्यवस्था का अभ्युदय हुआ जिसके अनुसार समाज को चार वर्णों में विभाजित किया गया। समाज में संतुलन एवं व्यवस्था सुनिष्चित करने के उद्देष्य से प्रत्येक वर्ण को एक खास प्रकार का उत्तरदायित्व सौंपा गया। शास्त्रों में ऐसा वर्णित है कि सृष्टि के रचयिता ब्रह्मा के शरीर के विभिन्न अंगों से चारों वर्णों की उत्पत्ति हुई है। इसी के कारण इन चारों वर्णों को भिन्न एवं असमान सामाजिक दर्जा प्रदान किया गया है। अवरोही क्रम में सामाजिक हैसियत एवं दर्जे के अनुसार ये वर्ण हैं- ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य एवं शूद्र। ऐसी मान्यता प्रचलित है कि ब्रह्मा के मुख से ब्राह्मणों की उनके कन्धे से क्षत्रियों की, जाँघों से वैश्यों की तथा चरणों से शूद्रों की, उत्पत्ति हुई है। चूँकि ब्राह्मणों की, उत्पत्ति शरीर के सबसे ऊपरी भाग मुख से हुई है अतः ब्राह्मणों को समाज में सर्वोच्च दर्जा प्रदान किया गया तथा इन्हें समाज को शिक्षा प्रदान करने तथा धार्मिक संस्कारों तथा कत्र्तव्यों के निष्पादन का उत्तरदायित्व सौंपा गया। सामाजिक सोपान की दूसरी श्रेणी में क्षत्रियों को रखा गया तथा उन्हें योद्धा तथा राजा के रूप में समाज की सुरक्षा का दायित्व मिला। सामाजिक सोपान की तीसरी श्रेणी में वैश्य थे जिन्हें समाज में आवश्यक वस्तुओं की आपूर्ति का दायित्व तथा शूद्रों की सहायता से कृषि कार्य सम्पन्न करवाने का जिम्मा सौंपा गया। सामाजिक सोपान में शूद्रों को सबसे निम्न स्थिति प्रदान की गयी तथा उन्हें अपने से ऊपर के तीनों वर्णों की सेवा दास तथा सेवक के रूप में करने का उत्तरदायित्व मिला। उन्हें मजदूर के रूप में खेतों में तथा दूसरे अन्य निम्न स्तर के कार्य करने पड़ते थे।
वर्ण व्यवस्था के ही अनुरूप ज्योतिष में भी सभी 12 राशियों को चार वर्णों- ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य एवं शूद्र में विभाजित किया गया है। इस प्रकार भचक्र की तीन-तीन राशियां ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य एवं शूद्र हैं। इन्हें आगे दी गई सारणी में वर्गीकृत किया गया है:
ज्योतिष में किसी भी व्यक्ति के वर्ण का निर्धारण उसके चन्द्र राशि/जन्म राशि के आधार पर होता है। जिनकी जन्म राशि कर्क, वृश्चिक अथवा मीन है, उनका वर्ण ब्राह्मण है। इसी प्रकार से दूसरे वर्णों का आकलन किया जाता है। वर्ण किसी व्यक्ति का व्यवहार एवं दृष्टिकोण प्रदर्शित करता है। कुण्डली में जातक का ब्राह्मण वर्ण उसके सम्मानजनक व्यक्तित्व तथा दूसरों के साथ उसके साहचर्य को प्रदर्शित करता है। क्षत्रिय शक्ति एवं सत्ता, वैश्य स्वार्थपरता तथा शूद्र वर्ण व्यक्ति की निम्न एवं तुच्छ सोच को दर्शाता है। इस प्रकार से वर एवं कन्या के वर्ण का निर्धारण करने के पश्चात उनका गुण मिलान किया जाता है। वर्णकूट मिलान मे वर का वर्ण सदैव कन्या के वर्ण से उत्तम होना चाहिए। यदि वर का वर्ण कन्या के वर्ण से उत्तम होता है तो गुण मिलान में 1 अंक (गुण) प्रदान किया जाता है तथा इसे अति उत्तम मिलान की संज्ञा दी जाती है। वर एवं कन्या दोनों के वर्ण एक ही होने पर भी पूरा 1 अंक दिया जाता है तथा इसे भी वर्णकूट मिलान में अतिउत्तम मिलान माना जाता है।
जब कन्या का वर्ण वर से उत्तम होता है तो मिलान में 0 अंक दिया जाता है। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि वर्ण भावी दम्पत्तियों के स्वभाव एवं व्यवहार को दर्शाता है। वर का स्वभाव एवं व्यवहार कन्या की तुलना में ज्यादा अच्छा तथा अधिक उत्तरदायी होना चाहिए। यदि वर का स्वभाव एवं व्यवहार अच्छा एवं उत्तरदायित्वपूर्ण होगा तो उसे कन्या पर नियंत्रण स्थापित करने में आसानी होगी जिससे कि कन्या के मन में बड़ों के प्रति आदर एवं सम्मान तथा छोटों के प्रति प्रेम की भावना विकसित हो सके।

कुंडली मिलान के घटक

संभाव्य वर एवं वधू के स्वभाव, मानसिक स्तर, पसन्द एवं नापसंद की परख जन्मकुण्डली में ग्रहों की स्थिति के विष्लेषण एवं दोनों की कुण्डलियों में मौजूद ग्रहों के आधार पर किया जाता है। यदि दोनों साथियों के गुणों में अधिकतम समानता है तो उनके बीच प्रेम, सौहार्द तथा एक-दूसरे के प्रति एवं परिवार के प्रति आकर्षण निश्चित है। यदि स्थिति इसके विपरीत है तो दोनों का दाम्पत्य संबंध तनावपूर्ण, दुःखी एवं समस्याग्रस्त होगा तथा ऐसी स्थिति में कालान्तर में सम्बन्धों में दरार पड़ना भी अवश्यंभावी हो जाता है। अतः हमेशा यह सलाह दी जाती है कि पति-पत्नी के बीच चिर स्थायी सम्बन्धों की स्थापना, प्रेम तथा सामंजस्य को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अनिवार्य रूप से कुण्डली मिलान को प्राथमिकता दी जाय। यदि कुण्डली मिलान में दोनों के अधिकतम गुण मिलते हैं तो यह संभावित है कि दोनों के बीच गहरा प्रेम एवं एक-दूसरे तथा परिवार के लिए त्याग की भावना होगी। कुण्डली मिलान में खासतौर पर इन तथ्यों को दृष्टिगत रखना आवश्यक है:
1. अष्टकूट मिलान
2. मंगल दोष एवं इसका परिहार
विवाहोपरान्त पारस्परिक समझ, विश्वास, शान्ति, सौहार्द, खुशी तथा समृद्धि को सुनिश्चित करने में सहायक होते हैं। हम इसका श्री गणेश अष्टकूट मिलान के साथ कर रहे हैं तथा अलग-अलग अध्याय में हम एक-एक कर इन आठों घटकों के हर पहलू की विस्तृत विवेचना करेंगे।
कुण्डली मिलान के कुल आठ घटक होते हैं जिन्हें अष्टकूट के नाम से जाना जाता है। इन आठ कूटों को कुल 36 गुण आवंटित किए गए हैं किन्तु हर कूट के गुणों की संख्या अलग-अलग 1 से लेकर 8 तक है। छात्रों के हित को ध्यान में रखते हुए नीचे गुणों की सारणी प्रस्तुत की जा रही है। हर कूट को निश्चित संख्या में गुण आवंटित किए गए हैं जो निम्नलिखित हैं:
वर्ण को क्यों सिर्फ 1 ही गुण आवंटित किया गया है जबकि नाड़ी को 8 गुण ? इस प्रश्न का कोई भी स्पष्ट एवं संतोषजनक उत्तर नहीं है क्योंकि किसी भी ज्योतिषीय ग्रन्थ अथवा पुस्तक मंे इस बात की चर्चा या व्याख्या नहीं है। लेकिन इतना तो निश्चित है तथा धर्मग्रन्थों में वर्णित है कि अष्टकूट के हर घटक को गुण आवंटित किया गया है तथा गुणों की कुल संख्या 36 है। ज्योतिर्विदों का ऐसा मानना है कि यदि कुण्डली मिलान में न्यूनतम 18 गुण मिल रहे हों तो विवाह किया जाने योग्य है। कुण्डली मिलान में गुणों की संख्या जितनी अधिक होगी आपसी सामंजस्य तथा मेल उतना ही उत्तम होगा। यदि दोनों के बीच मिलान में गण, भकूट एवं नाड़ी दोष मौजूद हों तो 36 में से कम से कम 21 गुण का मिलना आवश्यक है। नाड़ी स्वास्थ्य एवं संतान को इंगित करता है। स्वास्थ्य वैवाहिक जीवन एवं दाम्पत्य सुख के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण एवं अनिवार्य घटक है। सत्य ही कहा गया है- ‘यदि स्वास्थ्य नहीं तो कुछ भी नहीं।’ यही कारण है कि नाड़ी को सर्वाधिक 8 गुण आवंटित किए गए हैं जो अष्टकूट मिलान में किसी भी घटक का सर्वाधिक गुण है। भकूट संभावित पति-पत्नी का स्वभाव, उनके पसन्द-नापसंद, एक-दूसरे के प्रति आकर्षण आदि को निर्देशित करता है। दो अलग परिवारों के दो अलग-अलग एवं विपरीत लिंग के व्यक्तित्व के लोगों के बीच जिन्हें जीवन भर साथ निभाना है, उनके बीच सामंजस्यपूर्ण सम्बन्ध रहेगा कि नहीं यह जाँचना आवश्यक है। इन्हीं कारणों से भकूट को दूसरा महत्वपूर्ण घटक माना गया है तथा अष्टकूट में इसे 7 गुण आवंटित किए गए हैं। योनि तीन प्रकार के प्राकृतिक गुणों- सतोगुण, रजोगुण तथा तमोगुण को निर्दिष्ट करता है। योनि वर तथा कन्या के स्वभाव को प्रकट करता है। यह स्पष्ट करता है कि दोनों किस समूह से संबंध रखते हैं तथा यह भी निर्दिष्ट करता है कि क्या दोनों एक-दूसरे के इतने योग्य हैं कि आजीवन सुखपूर्वक साथ जीवन व्यतीत कर सकें या दोनों हमेशा कुत्ते-बिल्लियों की तरह लड़ते रहेंगे और एक-दूसरे का तथा परिवार का जीवन दयनीय तथा नारकीय बना देंगे ?
अष्टकूट के सभी घटकों का मिलान आवश्यक है। आगे के अध्यायों में इन सभी घटकों का विश्लेषण एवं विवेचन किया जाएगा।
विवाह हेतु कुण्डली मिलान की कुछ अन्य पद्धतियाँ भी विद्यमान हैं किन्तु अष्टकूट मिलान पद्धति सर्वमान्य है तथा दो परिवारों के बीच सामंजस्य एवं समानता की जाँच के लिए, पति-पत्नी के आपसी संबंधों, प्रेम, मानसिक स्तर, दोष साम्य एवं दशा साम्य, दशा सन्धि, आयु तथा सुखी गार्हस्थ्य जीवनके लिए आवश्यक दूसरे तत्वों की जाँच एवं परख के लिए बिल्कुल पर्याप्त है।