Saturday 23 April 2016

Enigmatic and Mysterious 11th house

Each and every person attached to astrological pursuits holds very high opinion whenever the 11th house of the horoscope comes into picture. Under these circumstances calling this house as enigmatic and mysterious sounds ridiculous. But when carefully analyzed under the various norms one will find that this house is worst among the 12 houses of horoscope. The lord of 11th house or any planet posited therein or the planet / planets associated with the lord of 11th house during its dasa or bhukti is capable of improving native’s acquisitions to a better extent but at the same time during this dasa or bhukti the same planet / planets give difficulties, litigations and serious diseases etc. The tendency of giving such effects applies to the main dasa of any of three planets and the bhukti of the others.
(a) The 11th house is 2nd from the 10th house hence it is a central point for one’s gains through the Karmas of present birth.
(b) The 11th house being 6th from the 6th house is an epicenter of diseases, litigations, punishments and debts etc. hence malefic effects predominate over the beneficence.
The lords of angles (Kendras) and trines (Konas) which are six in all and the lords of these six houses are generally considered auspicious apart from those who suffer from Kendradhipati dosha which are capable of doing some good apart from the harm they are destined to do. After these six houses we are left with the remaining six houses and their lords and these are 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, and 12th. Even by implication these are adverse houses and so are their lords. Regarding this Sage Parashara is very much clear about this. In the chapter 34 and Sloka 4th of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra the sage states as under:
It is very important that the above said views should not be confused with the word “Upachayas”. In this regard the benefic results pertaining to the “Upachaya” houses would apply to the planets occupying these houses and not to the lords of these houses and in most of the cases when benefics occupy these “Upachayas” give rise to so called “Vasumati yoga”. As regard the “Upachaya” lords the Sage has exempted the 10th house since it is the best angle (Kendra) in any horoscope. More so the concept of occupants of three out of four “Upachayas” viz. 3rd, 6th and 11th being auspicious stands demolished if one applies the rule as suggested by the sage.
Thus out of six houses viz. 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th, Parashara, removes three house from the list labeled as good ones and calls three houses as the evil houses. The remaining three houses are 2nd, 8th and 12th, according to Parashara and are not as bad as the 3rd, 6th and 11th. Parashara further comments that the houses 2nd, 8th and 12th tend to modify their attributes according to relationship the lords of these houses establish with another planet who is lord of a good or bad house. Vide Sloka 5th of Chapter 34 the sage quotes as under:
Thus one has to infer that the lords of 12th, 2nd and 8th (one should strictly adhere to the order of these lords) will prove auspicious if they are associated with the angular or the trinal lords. But they become deadly inauspicious by their association with the lords of 3rd, 6th, and 11th. While grading these two groups the sage states the intensity of malfeasance will increase in the ascending order ie. 6th lord is more harmful as compared to 3rd lord while 11th lord is most harmful / inauspicious of the three. Thus suitable inference may be made pertaining to the lords of 12th, 2nd, and 8th houses in this very order and their relationships with favourable or unfavourable lords give good or bad results as detailed below:
2nd lord when associated with an favourable planet is more auspicious as compared to the 12th lord associated with the same favourable planet.
2nd lord when associated with an unfavourable planet will be more harmful as compared to the 12th lord when associated with the same unfavourable planet.
8th lord in association with a favourable planet will be more favourable as compared to the 2nd lord if associated with the same favourable planet.
8th lord will be more harmful when associated with an unfavourable planet as compared to the lord of 2nd house in case it is associated with same unfavourable planet.
Sage Parashara gives some relief to the lord of 8th house but with certain conditions. That the said planet should have simultaneous lordship over a trine i.e. Saturn in case of signs Gemini rising in the lagna, Jupiter in case of Leo lagna and Mercury in case of Capricorn lagna.

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